Boy, that sure died fast

Boy, that sure died fast

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Thats what she said :D

The only games people really circlejerk at involve weeb games, undertale, and Fallout New Vegas.

yeah so did botw
But both were good games and made a fuck ton of money

your fault

what about vampire: the masquerade?

is a 3 hours game, what did you expect?

>cuphead was like 3 weeks ago
Man, the life cycle of a game is insanely short

How much tumblr art does VTM have?

There's not much more to talk about. It's a great game but doesn't have a lot of staying power.

the game came out awhile ago so not much to talk about unless you just keep finding more reaction pics

Actually its an hour long game. That's only if you're good at video games though. Sorry about your lack of skill.

An absolute metric shit ton

It lived a good life and will be remembered well.
I'm glad shitposting the porn didn't catch on enough, some people were trying REAL hard to make this a cringe game.
Porn isn't enough to make a fandom bad, literally everything gets porn.

I'd like more cupposting, please.

Haha, man are you wrong


I don't see any in VTM threads. Granted, I see a lot of porn, but not tumblr cartoons with Steven Universe grins and child-friendly banter.

Of course it did. It's an arcade-style game that can be completed in a relatively short amount of time. I'll still go back to it to enjoy the boss fights but it's not like you can keep discussion going forever. At least I got a plethora of reaction images from it.

which part am I wrong about specifically? Just going by my own experiences.

Me too but i don't know what to talk about

This, it's a short game averaging like 8-10 hours for your first run through, but after you beat it there really isn't a need to go back unless you want to clear expert.

It's objectively a great piece of work with tight controls, great art style, music and awesome gameplay.

The devs made a ton of money already and probably will continue to for awhile.

you don't see that with fallout new vegas either though. Sup Forums definitely circlejerks the both of them.

So, like, how was your day man

I doubt there is anyone on the planet who has beaten Cuphead in less than an hour on their first playthrough.

>shadman art
>9gag tag
>tumblr filename

I wonder if 10 years from now people will be recommending it. When people here talk bout games from the 00s, it's usually about grandoise, 40hr+ titles

Record yourself beating it in an hour, I'll wait.

You could make a reaction image out of every single boss. Some of them have multiple reactions even.


Yes and?

The game is going to be in the running for GOTY, it doesn’t have to be discussed to hell and back, especially when the majority of them are butthurt shitposting like Zelda Breath of the Wild

We talked about it for a solid month and still have threads from time to time.

That's roughly all you can ask out of a game that's pretty much useless to console warriors.

>Fallout New Vegas


>he doesnt know about cupsonas
You innocent thing you


Because it's probably one of the best RPGs out there, even though it's a buggy mess without patches and mods.

If it was an xbox or PS4 exclusive, we'd still be talking about it because those guys don't get new games very often

that's not so much the cuphead fandom as it is the mlp one getting into everything like it tends to.

You can post all the weird art you like, but when people typically talk about shitty fanbases, you need to be pulling out some undertale tier shit for me to agree with you, otherwise it's just the internet doing what the internet always has done.

Don't remind me.

I wish I could art
I love zeppeli-in

Ay Cupman, where's those contracts and stuff?

Got you f am

Yet somehow /vg/ manages to still be talking about cripple dating simulator. How can you fuck up THAT horribly?

man what if they made a boss rush version of hilda where she changed into every sign?

Hilda Berg, you mean.

right, so what you're saying is tumblr liked it
well sheeeiiiiit

That's just a few hardcore autists. What thread number are they on now or did they stop counting?

As it should

Undermeme is just pure cancer at this point though.

Oh, they liked it quite a bit

I was trying to slide a jojo reference in there

it's been over a month. what more discussion do you expect
>this game is fun
>it's also hard
>haha yeah
>smoke bomb is mandatory


They lost count years ago iirc.

Honestly? I was being generous when I said you could beat it in an hour. Because I beat it in 30 minutes on a casual run.

Sorry but I'm pushing my limits by speedrunning games constantly. Plus if you want to see a video of me beating it then you're gonna have to donate to my patreon. I charge 100$ per video btw. Add an extra $500 then I will do a shoutout.

this game will be the new undertale, right?

you stop that right now


>people not cupposting in this thread

There's a lot to talk about and there's the ever-present debate on who was right in the end to rule Vegas

Nah it's already died down quite a bit, only fodder people really have for it is tumblr being tumblr
It'll be up for game of the year awards/lists and then it'll probably fade into the background



Mugman the type of nigga who eats his own snot.

If we don't talk about a game every day, forever, it is bad. There's no such thing as a good, relatively short game that people can enjoy and move on from.

I don't mind the porno shit, hell I like gay cups and thick mermaids
but this shit is absolutely diabolical

Is he sucking himself off or something?

I gotta admit I cracked up when I saw the sad face on Djimmi's sarcophagus.

You mean
>the reasonable people
and then
>le edgy legion "crucifying and slavery is cool!" fags



Granted, the game was unfinished to ever give insight on what the benefits of the Legion brings to civilization because Caesar's logic somewhat makes sense but doesn't matter for absolute shit since none of his followers are ever going to be smart enough to properly succeed him.


Nigger it's a $20 6 hour game that's only gameplay. Did you expect it to have a rotating 24/7 /vg/ general that only produces cancer or some shit

>Did you expect it to have a rotating 24/7 /vg/ general that only produces cancer or some shit

>All Those youtubers having trouble dodging moves like Sally’s tidal wave that requires bullshit parries

>They don’t just use Smoke Bomb

All I see is Pearl whenever she wants to Fuck over everybody for Rose

This game’s gonna be a classic and is going to be interesting to watch being speed run

Why does she only transform into taurus, gemini and sagittarius anyway?

It's sold over a million. It did what it needed to.

>single player arcade game that takes 10-15 hours to do absolutely everything up to S/P rank

Yeah no fucking shit it died fast. Being FOTM is about all Cuphead was ever going to be.

no. speed running is autistic.


So what was the first boss that really got you fucking pissed and impatient

For me it was Baroness, that Fucking cunt and her stupid assistants were very noticable pieces of shits, I had to quit and come back

Your only saying that because it’s not on your console Sony Jabrony

I have to admit it was Grimm Matchstick phase 3 that had me frustrated for a while.

Is Nothing sacred?

>posting worst version

Your no fun user

>not posting the one with even more statements

king dice

for me it was more like 80-100

Ending implies possible DLC
Here’s hoping

that's p good tho


Subtlety of the first one is better

I think you meant Nigger its a 26 hour game AND THAT'S ONLY GAMEPLAY!

I was so autistic I felt adamant about not using smoke bomb because it didn't seem logical that cuphead would just become incorporeal by dashing. So it seemed like the ultimate crutch and I dealt with all the bullshit normally

and then I met that Roulette bitch

im shit i cant kill the bee boss

>rng platforming + projectiles

fuck me

Beppi, I play too reckless and that fucking pink duck was too tempting.