Is it really the best video game ever made?
Is it really the best video game ever made?
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>open world
I wouldn't say the best, but still pretty good.
Nope. (wow that was easy)
by a mile yes
no that's skyrim
It's the worst game every made.
I really wish they'd stop using premade Geralt and let us make our own Witcher. I'm tired of playing as a sarcastic, gruff whore-loving old man.
Yes, Half Life 2 have 2nd place
That's not Dark Souls
Not by any measurement that matters, no.
Breath of the Wild made this game its bitch.
I have to agree. Witcher 3 wasn't bad, but BotW was definitely more enjoyable for me. I gotta say it, but BotW is just more fun.
>Another false flagging thinly veiled Witcher hate thread
Hmm seems we get 5-8 a day,wonder what number this one is and who could be behind this?
AC Origins is literally a better Witcher 3.
>Button mash combat
No. A game with bad gameplay can't be a good game. Sorry.
>Gameplay is only combat
If anything sonybros would like the witcher 3 because uncharted and last of us are movie games just like the witcher
The witcher 3 is a movie game with an open world. The gameplay is bare-bones with no class system or combat variety. Because of the weak gameplay and the enormous hand-holding it's a really braindead game and is basically like watching a movie you're inside of which is why it's liked so much.
Oh yeah sorry I forgot about the "Press X to use detective senses" function and riding your horse from point A to point B my bad those are quality and hold up the awful combat.
I get that open world is an overdone meme at this point, but why would it rule out Witcher 3 from best game?
>Witcher 3
>Movie game like Last of Us and Uncharted
BotW is a meme game.
Uncharted actually has better gameplay than Witcher so it's a technically better game.
>Not the Last of Us, the greatest narrative in Video Games. The game that literally changed gaming forever
any more sonybros here?
Honestly never got why people liked this series so much.
Please stop using my post as an excuse to shitpost. I'm not a "Sonybro" I just think The Witcher has shit boring ass gameplay. Don;t get me wrong either, I don't actually like Uncharted either, but it has better gameplay than The Witcher for sure.
>horrible alchemy system
>open world that doesn't feel alive
>combat sucks
>almost every set of armor is fuck ugly
Good game, but not as good as people say.
I got bored of the witcher 3 after i gound ciri. It got a bit repetitive. The story wasnt interesting anymore. Some games need be shorter
>Some games need be shorter
Yeah, games nowadays either feel too short or padded to hell. I played Evil Within 2 recently and my playthrough came in at almost exactly 20 hours. I missed some stuff though but I feel like it didn't really feel padded out.
It's impossible to pick a best game, I don't think there is a best game, but Witcher 3 is a very high quality game for sure.
Name a more shitposted game than W3.
Pro tip: You can't
Bloodborne was pretty bad when it was first revealed to be exclusive.
Tak, kurwa. Ty masz a fucking problem with that?
>follow yellow arrow to quest marker
>watch cutscene
overrated desu
open world games have no exploration these days
only gripe is literally one weapon style with so few models all the same move set. also cant use shields. also ugly armor also with very selections. otherwise great VA and story telling. the side quests are actually enjoyable and not just filler
The first 1/2-3/4 of the game is GREAT. It feels like the book version of GoT with extra fantasy, with a shitload of gruesome lore and character arcs that feel really immersive.
The last bits of the game seem pretty shit, though. There's very little on the backstory of some important plot points like it's expecting you to read the books or buy the previous games to understand what's going on. This would be understandable if the previous games weren't so shit, but yeah.
My biggest complaints are that Geralt isn't the literal mutant freak that's been depicted in the previous games/books, and Trish is treated as some godlike romantic option even though she literally fell in love over Geralt over a bout of diarrhea in the books (not joking)
>On a quest to find a missing woman
>Gathering clues
>Find out a werewolf is involved
>Your character straight up says it out loud
>Game doesn't update the encyclopedia
>I can't research werewolves and learn their weaknesses
>Mfw game hints constantly say preparing for a fight is super important
Not with that shitty combat.
I like the waifus tho
it's really not fun, you are just trudging to point x to watch cutscenes, not to actually play
Just read up to Baptism of Fire, and I thought that Triss and Geralt had had sex before that when he was estranged from Yen. Or is it more about her actually being "in love"?
bros............ how do we make people think Witcher 3 isn't the best game of all time??????
The whole "love bit" isn't mentioned till then.
Has there ever been a game that has absolute dominated GOTY awards as hard as Witcher 3 did? No wonder Sup Forums doesn't like it.
That Joosten should be replaced by a crosseyed Jade Raymond giving it to Venom Snake while Iwinski does that confused hand gesture he did that night.
C'mon bros. This isn't funny anymore.................. My mom and dad could only scrounge up enough money to buy me TLOU and Uncharted 4 and BOTY. I couldn't afford TW3 so I must shitpost it because I am a mentally ill child. Bloodborne was better!!!
I only have three words for you: BING BING WAHOO!
Feel like I'm missing something obvious, but what is this?
out of those games you can literally play witcher for free
Śmiechłem nawet
Best open world RPG, probably.
No, but its one of the best looking ones(with mods that add more vibrancy, saturation, contrast and colors)
open world games in the modern context are too big for their own good. they end up being empty, aimless affairs.
I don't think so Tim.
Most gamers disagree though. The general consensus for BOTW is it's a solid game, but nowhere as mindblowing, epic, and magnificent as touted by mainstream journalists. Nintendo fans and casuals aside, many gamers believe that BOTW is an overshilled and overated Ubishit clone with Zelda flavour.
Meanwhile, BOTH gamers and critics agree that TW3 has raised a new bar in open world standard and is an instant classic.
what site is that from?
Not an argument.
That's correct, it's a question
even the video game IMDB equivalent IGDB has Witcher 3 in it's #1 spot
what the heck bros
disregard my reviews too btw
Nice strawman.
No, but it's one of my favourite games of this generation.
>Persona 5
>Yakuza 0
>Nier Automata
>Witcher 3
Oops forgot to mention Bloodborne, FUCK
I'm not the other guy though, i just saw the "not an argument" post while on front page and decided to respond for shits and giggles. I don't wish confusion
TW3 isn't a PS4 exclusive, user. You can stop pretending to like it now.
I specified "this generation" fucking cuck
never played it (only witcher 2), but anything with some decent quests must be better than those mindless and horribly repetitive bethesda games
The best video games ever made were released between the years of 1996 - 2007
My vision of CDPR is tainted after hearing accounts of what a clusterfuck management is
lol no.. .maybe most boring. I felt i'd experienced the entire game after 4 hours of playing and then lost all interest
Nigga you don't even know what shitposting is. It's not even the most shitposted game of 2015.
I used to love it like crazy. After playing Assassin's Creed Origins I can't even look at it now. It looks and feels like shit in comparison.
>western game
>western RPG of all things
lmao, it's trash
Came here to post these.
Kill yourself nostalgiafag.
I uninstalled it after I had played through the first 40 minutes and was still stuck in an endless string of introductory cutscenes. I don't know how many hours you have to play to get to the actual gameplay, but it wasn't worth it.
Its the overwatch of rpgs. Only plebs and losers like it.
It's in the solid top 15, maybe 10.
Story wise, writing and execution of it though is solid top 3 for sure
lmao the witcher is a piece of shit series. false RPG flags. false illusion of choices. repetitive and boring with a shit combat system and barely above mediocre story telling.
>top 3 for writing and story
the fuck would you know you stupid pleb you swallow cutscene filled drivel
I may pick it up for the new xbox since it's running at 60fps. Looks like a good 50 hour time waster.
That would make no sense though.
Firstly women can't be witchers so that instantly disqualifies women character, next you would be limited to old men because kids and young adult aren't witchers yet. Lastly you would have someone emotionless because that's what witchers are.
No, it’s aight tho
Botw is meh tier game, and I’m usually a Zelda dickrider
>buying a switch
>buying a kids game
>buying Nintendo anything
Who the fuck even plays this game? Only place I've ever heard about this shitty game is on Sup Forums.
Name 3 games better
Not the best game ever made, but certainly one of the most enjoyable and immersive rpg's ever.
I look forward to cyberpunk 2077
>empty world of any generic open world game
>combat from batman games
>"go to point a kill monster return to point b" type of missions
>rpg clusterfuck of inventory
>Ludonarrative dissonance: the game
>level restricted missions
>no sense progress
Planescape: Torment
Ghost Trick
Knights of the Old Republic II
Is this bait?
Jesus Christ you could have actually provided some good examples mate. You fuck it up
deus ex
planescape torment
baldurs gate series
fallout 1,2 new vegas
vampire the masquerade bloodlines
bioshock 1 and 2
system shock
star wars kotor 1 and 2
red dead redemption
gta 2,3 and 4
dragon age origins
portal series
metal gear solid 1,2 3
shadow of the colossus
la noire
the walking dead series and a lot of tell tale games
max payne
i could literally just keep going.
almost any game known for its great story, TW3 was incredibly simplistic, cliche, linear, had barely any choices for an rpg. had extremely bad pacing, frontloaded storylines, a rushed ending, and a cop out explanation for the wild hunt
Now I know you're baiting
Nah, but it's a good 8 out of 10.