Solid Snake dies on the Tanker

>Solid Snake dies on the Tanker
>Ocelot needs Solid Snake for his war against the Patriots
>HE hypnotizes a random SEAL team member into believing he is Snake, similar to what he did with Medic Boss

It all makes sense when you think about it.


kill yourself, I fucking hate you and everyone who makes threads like these
>b-but muh fun
Do shoot heroin so you can at least OD from fun. The world needs less like you.

so thats why hes so sleepy in mgs2

Somebody get this hothead outta here


If Kojima didn't introduce a plot element that shatters pretty much all internal consistency of the series (no small feat considering MGS4) then no one could even suggest this

MGS doesn’t matter after 3. Every game released after is fanfiction of a hack.

>no small feat considering MGS4)

I recently went back to MGS4 and I was getting incredibly irritated every 5 seconds, how the fuck can a game be damn near autismo with its lore and then intentionally just ignore all the past games

>Raiden seems a little unhinged but I can't tell why
>Big boss was alive despite being killed and MGSV not existing yet
>I'm gonna bring Zero to this graveyard, tell you how influential to the story he is then just kill him in front of your face for fun, oh yeah FOXDIE lol
>Emma's a retard, sunny is the real MVP lol, fuck patriots
>Ocelot was literally only pretending, FOR LIKE 8 GAMES STRAIGHT
>Beauty & Beast unit in general
>Everything about Vamp

I'm getting mad right now, at least Raiden vs Vamp was cool

I liked the Beauty & Beast bossfights but the idea behind them was pretty dumb.

Other than that I agree with you. MGS4 made me angry, especially BB being alive in the end.

>Implying he didnt hypnotize the player himself into thinking all of it ever happened

>everything in our lives after the Psycho Mantis fight has been a result of mind control

>>Ocelot was literally only pretending, FOR LIKE 8 GAMES STRAIGHT
This is only logical thing to be honest.

Bro, you really thought i was possessed by a hand. C'mon snake.

>ocelot hypnotizes
fuck off

2 is as trash as 4 and V but plebs wont admit it because m-muh kino.

1 is the best and 3 is sorta acceptable if you just play it has a parody of a bond film.

Explain Old Snake's clone aging then.

And redditfags still think mgs3 is better

BB coming back was bound to happen in a game filled with so much fanwank. I still don't understand the fucking purpose of making Psycho Mantis the one controlling Screaming Mantis other than shoving him in the plot because of how popular his fight was.

Anyhow, the two retarded romances and "the guy who had Campbell's role in MGS3 was the one responsible for every single thing that happened in the franchise" were the stupidest things about the game.

I shouldn't have surprised me but I was naive and thought that bringing back BB was too much even for MGS4. Shame on me.

This. The series is better in every way if you pretend post-3 games don't exist.

>Every Kojima game is fanfiction of a hack.

Eh, 4 has some good gameplay even if the story is a complete clusterfuck.

I'm so mad about the Psycho Mantis thing, it just invalidates his entire death scene in MGS1. The point was that he realised he could have used his psychic powers for good and that some parts of life are worth it, but then he comes back as a ghost and uses his powers explicitly to sow destruction and cause suffering in 4? Fuck off with that shit Kojima.
Calling back to his meta tricks was cool though, they should have just made the B&B Corps actual characters, that way Screaming Mantis could just be somehow related to Psycho Mantis and still pull the same tricks, delivering the same joke of not being able to read the memory card or rumble the controller.

Plinskin was a inperfect clone of solid snake

since he was a clone of a clone, his genes were fucked thats why he aged so fast in the years from MGS2 to MGS4. but not from the years from MG2 to MGS




Boom, roasted.

nano machines

Don't forget.

>Snake going through the microwave tunnel doesn't matter since the MGMII does everything in uploading the virus

MG MK2 could not reach the door handle

Why did Big Boss still have an eyepatch at the end of 4? The nanomachines healed his whole body except his eye?

>he nanomachines healed his whole body
He got bodyparts transplants from venom and liquid and solidus.

it has nothing to do with nanomachines

There was an entire subplot about how BB was turned into the poster boy for the perfect soldier.

So of course they are going to leave him with an eyepatch since that's part of his image.

how do i even begin to understand the lore of the series as a newfag to metal gears story

Just play the games. It's not a complicated story, but some people come up with complicated theories.

4 is a literal movie created by the Patriots similar to how 2 is a literal video game created by the Patriots. Its propaganda, the events of MGS4 happened but we only see them through the scope of what the Patriots want us to believe happened. Pliskin probably really did kill himself, but it wasn't portrayed that way because the Patriots would like the audience to believe it happened differently.

The commercials at the beginning add to this theory even more.


Is Pliskin being a different person from Solid Snake an actual theory or are you all joking

Patriots should get better writers.

I despise the plot tumor that is The Patriots. Every single thing in the universe being controlled some nonsensical selectively all-powerful shadow government is far less interesting than the (comparatively) more realistic Cold War and post-Cold War politics that drove the plot before.