>legendaries removed
>artifacts removed
>order halls/garrisons/followers removed
>PvP becomes opt-in
>minimal changes to Legion class builds
>no updated leveling zones
>existing race retextures
>no new class
So where are this expansion's features?
>legendaries removed
>artifacts removed
>order halls/garrisons/followers removed
>PvP becomes opt-in
>minimal changes to Legion class builds
>no updated leveling zones
>existing race retextures
>no new class
So where are this expansion's features?
you get to do a long ass quest to unlock a different skin on your favorite race
if that's not enough content, enjoy doing it a bunch of times to unlock every race on each faction, see you next exp
New PvE warfronts mode, new 3v3 PvP or PvE objective maps, new races that aren't just reskins they have their own animations, voices, lines, etc, the usual new zones/dungeons/raids, alternative to artifacts. Why does each expansion need a new 'gimmick'?
Most esxcited for the potential return off World PvP. I hope they figure some stuff out to make people go out into the world and fight each other.
Enough of this "we gotta band together to fight the big bad guy" faggotry. I wanna fuck up some Horde.
>return of World PvP
Did you miss the part where they turned every server into pve?
I quit Legion like a month in because it got to be too tedious making sure multiple characters weren't falling behind with artifact power. Are they moving away from that?
Did you miss the part where World PvP is opt in so when you opt in you get put on a PvP shard? Only thing they need to do is give some meaningful objectives and rewards and people will PvP again.
They will balance it in a way to make sure pve shitters don't feel left out. Any rewards for world pvp will be minimal.
>wow builds hype for the next expansion by teasing the removal of features added by the last expansion
>doesn't want faggotry
>is alliance
>get ganked once
>turn pvp off
>can't corpse camp
>can't really fuck up anyone
>it's just guild kill squads with mythic raid gear raping some random and making them turn pvp off
You can only turn pvp on and off in major cities you idiot
Why the hell cant we just have player housing.. or fucking Player ships to explore the High Seas?
Your first 3 points are all good things but here's the actual features
>new zones
>new dungeons
>new raids
>island expeditions
Allied races sound neat too, even if they are reskins it's what a ton of players have been asking for for a long time.
They're bringing in a new artifact in the neck slot that is improved in a similar way to artifact power. But they said they don't want it to be nearly as much of a grind.
We'll see just how grindy it is eventually.
Of those only islands and warfronts are new game syste:ms, and only partly because islands are just scenarios 2.0 and Warfronts are wintergrasp/isle of conquest/Ashran without PvP against NPC's..
How much of a grind is this artifact business if I were to start from 0 now?
Legion added too many systems and RNG so if they are keeping what worked and cutting the rest that's all in all a great way to sell the expansion to people who are currently playing Legion.
>level scaling in all dungeons
>daily leveling roulette
>battleground where you have to kill crystals to win
i cant wait to play not-ff14
It's actually zero grind because they made Artifact Knowledge global.
>hit 110
>finish any quest
>get like a 1 billion AP reward token
>immediately hit concordance
>don't even need to do class quests for 3rd relic slot anymore
they said they might add rolling PvP hot spots and Assasination quests
anyone who hates this PvP change is only bitching because they can't rush to level 120 and camp the Expasnion starting zone so level 110 can't level
The scaling is completely different and it's capture points not destroy points :^)
Does every expansion need new game systems?
>So where are this expansion's features?
keeping the sinking ship going until Classic comes out
>legendaries removed
Good. You're not supposed to expect legendary drops.
>artifacts removed
No more AP grind.
>order halls/garrisons/followers removed
No more farmville but I did like my buddy fighting beside me.
>PvP becomes opt-in
PvP is trash
>minimal changes to Legion class builds
You don't know that
>no updated leveling zones
Level scaling
>existing race retextures
>no new class
There's too many as it is
They've stated they aren't doing any major class rehauls and reviewing whether or not the spec needs the artifact skills/traits moving forward. So there might be changes but so far no sweeping changes like prior expansions. At most I think Demo Lock/Outlaw Rogue/Survival Hunter really need the most attention.
And then sinking along with classic?
It keeps things interesting. Just another leveling zone, dungeon or raid isn't very enticing on its own, especially considering an expansion has an extra price tag as opposed to patches for a subscription based game.
If they actually pull off advanced enemy A.I. like they're testing with islands that could be a major thing though. Could really change up the experience, making standard mobs challenging rather than pushover exp pinatas.
>they release "faction champions" as a raid boss in BfA
>uses AI tech
>loosely follows aggro tables and is more about CC/Kiting
>breaks every guild in the game and everyone gets eternally upset that something won't just go hit the tank
it'd be great
>Still need to grind several dozev trillion artifact points for traits
not really, you drown in AP so effortlessly and there's no real incentive to no-life grind them except unlocking netherlight crucible but we are about to hit the final raid tier for Legion which will be around for who knows how long so what's the rush?
It's going to be funny when you just put down the fancy legendary weapon for a random quest reward in a level or two.
>artifact armor
>wpvp improved
>re-playable exploratory island 3v3 pvp island missions
>20v20 RTS "battleground"
>6 sub races with more to come
>6 new zones spread across two islands
>improved features introduced in Legion (WQ, level sync ect.)
>new arenas/battleground
I also highly doubt that Blizzard isn't going to at the very least touch up classes. I don't expect major changes but if Warlocks have been unplayable all expansion i can't see them ust leaving them to rot another expansion.
Yes WPVP is improved. I'm stuck on a PVE server and this is an objectivly good change for me since now i don't have to server change to do WPVP. And no, WPVP doesn't work on a PVE server since you'll never find anyone out in the "wild" also toggled.
Most likely you destroy your artifact as part of the chain to get the Heart of Azeroth necklace.
Don't forget all the slots affected by Heart of Azeroth can't titanforge which cuts a HUGE amount of RNG out of that shit.
>No more AP grind.
Thank god, it won't interfere with our need to now grind for Azurite Points (or AP for short)
Thinking of resubbing. How are havoc demon hunters?
They're getting epilogue quests that explains where they go. Probably either destroyed/drained during the imprisoning of Sargeras, or handed over to second in commands/successors of the Order Halls, or the original wielders.
For gameplay reasons you keep them and their skins as transmogs though.
CD dependent but flashy
You only need optimal legendaries for Mythic raiding anyway.
pretty fun
also not terrible dps, but not amazing either
High mobility and looks cool but boring rotations.
But are they strong/effective?
>Unironically being in the horde.
I bet you're a cuckold in real life.
>minimal changes to Legion class builds
We don't know much about this yet beyond some abilities returning. Knowing Blizzard and expansions many specs will end up being revamped whether they needed it or not with some being cool and others being poor.
I know Legion was the same way: it was announced August and details about class changes only came out in November.
>legendaries removed
Good. Leggo drops were phenominally retarded and nobody has anything good to say about them.
>artifacts removed
Barely. The system has been repurposed.
>order halls/garrisons/followers removed
Thank god.
>PvP becomes opt-in
Good. Now everyone with pvp on actually means to pvp. Meaning theres actual challenge involved and you're not flying around ganking people.
>minimal changes to Legion class builds
They're fine. And this never lasts.
>no updated leveling zones
?? Everything phases so levelling will be even more of a joke now. Which is good, because levelling always stinks no matter how easy it is. Brevity is key.
>existing race retextures
For some. Zandalari and Nightborne are new models. No they aren't just copy pasting the NPCs. They don't work like that.
>no new class
Don't need more balancing mess.
middle of the pack in terms of dps specs but definitely viable
developer stated that doing major class changes made people quit game so in my book its good that they wont do huge updates for them a while.
Give me back my ranged DoT Survival spec Blizzard!
No fuck you they should make melee survival not suck
nobody wants to toggle pvp on when questing or doing any outdoor important stuff
Neat. I hope they let the skins be used across specs though without restricting it to only being used for one spec.
That would also be cool I guess
I hope some of the concept art they were showing mean that they update how cloaks look.
>Rexxar is a dual axe wielding melee beast master
>but because of fucking LACERATE they turn Survival into a melee spear wielding trapper nonsense
it just concept art they are not touching on cloaks for a long time.
That's a big bolt.
I see, how are they compared to dk? That was my previous main.
Looks like capes will be standard as always, but I sure hope those longcoats won't be npc-only.
The clipping excuse is gone now that we can hide helms and shoulders with transmog.
frost is terrible but unholy is good, just a bit better than havoc right now
I wonder if revamped WC3 will be able to use WoW models to make maps, if so that would be great.
Old-world level scaling sounds good.
Island exploring sounds fun to me.
I like the idea of semi-random dungeons.
Thank fuck artefacts are being scaled back.
Hopefully order halls/garrisons dont' return.
If they actually use the saved dev time from no new class/race then this could be good.
The story has a lot of potential this time since it's upside down Pandaria plot. Starts off as Horde v Ally and turns into Old Gods underneath Kul Tiras. Maybe a big step towards void lords.
I'm cautiously optimistic and at least if it sucks I can go play on classic servers.
>island exploring sounds fun
boring as shit undertuned as fuck just like scenarios were.
Meanwhile the devs are trying to teach an AI how to spam sap on a player in combat
I'm gonna go with dh then because I hate pets. Thanks!
Will Anduin respec to shadow in this expansion?
>20v20 RTS "battleground"
It's not. They've already confirmed warfronts are PvE only
>boring as shit undertuned as fuck just like scenarios were.
Well it depends on how they implement it.
If it is easy as fuck then that's a complete waste but I could see them having keystone-like levels of difficulty quite easily which would go a long way.
desu I didn't mind Order Halls. The campaign was cool (Rogues, Death Knights) and I felt it was what Garrisons should have been. That said, it could use improvements, and I hope that they don't just scrap it entirely in the future expansions.
Removing features is a feature you idiots.
For it to work with any 3 roles (ie 3 healers or 3 tanks all at once) then it has to be fucking stupid easy
that was the problem with scenarios and its going to happen again
It's already got Normal/Heroic/Mythic/PvP so I don't see how it's "undertuned"
If Legion did something right it was keeping content (outside of raids for obvious reasons) current for the length of the expansion.
When they were talking about the burning of Teldrasssil they never once explicitly said it was the Horde that did it. I'm thinking it was all set up by Old God minions.
First raid tier is a Titan containment facility for research into the Old Gods. Ashzara is confirmed for a later tier,n she's probably the Gul'dan of the expansion. Final raid will have us face off against N'zoth in Ny'alotha.
Fix the garbage “class fantasy” bullshit please and restore brewmaster monk to its mop design.
>me eating your food is me giving you new food you idiot
like my food analogy?
He cross-classes into paladin
Current brew is fantastic though, if it had better self healing baseline that'd be nice but it's the strongest tank currently in raiding.
They do this all the time. The players will think well least its not as bad as the previous expansion. Even though they said that the last time Wow players are the biggest dumbshits ever.
mythic dungeons are undertuned
first half of mythic raids are usually undertuned
its also meant to be doable in a 15 minute sitting.
Old stuff in Legion is only relevant because the rewards keep being updated. Stuff is still dramatically outgeared and throughout all of legion they havent gotten to a point where the mythic+ system was similar to super early where you actually had to approach adding a new affix carefully
>desu I didn't mind Order Halls.
Similar problem to garrisons in that it forces people into some shitty little corner instead of the world.
Also going through the campaign on alts and every spec was just tedious.
FFXIV has a similar mode which is role agnostic. The deeper you go into the dungeon the harder it gets. Simple as that.
It's not the most fun activity in the game, but it's something to do - also a decent way to grind experience on alt classes.
Speaking of burning the tree - is it really okay for Blizzard to spoil that in the WoW launcher? Seems like a dickish thing to do to people who don't follow this stuff.
>optimal legendaries
which i dont even fucking have and i have no clue when im going to get
literally doing every fight with emerald dreamcatcher and the solar wrath/lunar strike boots.
Legion's issue is that you can overgear content easily due to titanforging, at the start you didn't have that luxury but with Mythic+ on top of titanforging people are going into content *above* the ilevel of the content.
scenarios were probably the worst idea they ever had in mop
by definition, they cannot be hard, since they have to be possible to complete by 3 rando mouthbreathers from 3 random classes.
all they will be is extremely boring content you have to do to get some stupid, important rewards that takes development time away from content like 5 mans that at least have the potential not to be shit
I want there to more class fantasy. The current implementation was just an excuse for more skill pruning.
Give us real class gear like FFXIV does. Something that isn't just a spandex torso and leg piece with a low rez texture slapped on. Give us more than 3 glove/boot models.
It happens before the expansion kicks off and will be explained in a novel, so otheriwse people wouldn't have a clue.
Palace of the Dead in FFXIV exists as stated, there are ways to do roleless content that is fair difficulty wise by having it revolve around role agnostic mechanics instead of dedicated tanking and healing.
>will be explained in a novel
I am still pissed off at how Theramore was handled in game.
Super important event becomes a short and shitty scenario.
When I got to nu-Dalaran and saw the statue of Rhonin I thought "When the fuck did this guy die?"
Of screen, during Theramore, not mention in game and only mentioned in the book.
Fuck that.
They could devote an entire patch to only fixing cape clipping issues and I'd be happy.
Pandaria didn't have the current scaling tech.
Like I said - use the same system as Mythic+ currently does.
Go to an island and beat it easy peasy.
Go to an island+15 and you better think your tactics a little better.
Did you actually like the whole "give everyone a legendary" thing? They're supposed to be LEGENDARY. They're glorified epics in legion
Order halls were kind of neat, garrisons were retarded and the follower missions are facebook game tier stupid
The PvP being opt in is super retarded, world PvP will literally not exist, ironically it'll happen in the expansion focused on the factions being at war
I'm extremely disappointed about them doing everything in their power to remove world PvP, it's basically a single player game as it is.
Would still be a better patch than 6.1
yeah, there's zero chance blizz will add anything that's actually difficult
closest you'll get is a time-trial that you can't queue into
>Did you actually like the whole "give everyone a legendary" thing? They're supposed to be LEGENDARY
You can only opt in/out of PvP in a capital city and they can now make actual PvP content without worrying about non-PvP players drifting into it since you will have separate shards.
This is a net fucking gain for world pvp you autist. You will actually be in a specific shard FOR PVPING.
>at least 8 more months
This wait will kill me.
>go to an island and beat it
>go to an island+15 and bring a tank a dps and a healer
>why are we doing this instead of 5 mans again?
>there's zero chance blizz will add anything that's actually difficult
What are mythic raids?
>get put into pvp shard
>see another person every five minutes
>the only people with pvp enabled are max level fully geared gankers