Fuck this game

Fuck this game

>Picking the green plunger

There's your problem.

Mario Party Switch when

they should have had a monty hall minigame


why? Its literally a tard filter

why the fuck would they reuse this minigame? Its the worst one

Only if they don't put you all on a single thing again, fuck 9 and 10 blow ass

based proshi

The ones that leave your fate to random chance are the BEST ones, user.


For a long time I wanted a Mario Party game on the PC, but after seeing them take all of the fun out of destroying your friends or doing stupid gimmicks like everyone moving at once, I'll stick to GC/n64 MP netplay.

I don't like praying to RNGesus during the last couple turns when it counts

You don't like having your dreams and hopes crushed by the cruel hand of fate after a dramatic and climatic buildup?

Different strokes I guess.

>there are people who actually take Mario Party seriously!

Funny how Mario Party Top 100 just came out, and no one cares.

Why wont Nintendo take the hint?

Always pick this as the battle minigame if you have the chance. No remorse for anyone.

Friendships die because of Mario Party and I don't speak to my aunt anymore because of it

All of my friends already hate each other but we're all socially bankrupt and horrible people so we stick around. Classic Mario Party is like a fine wine to us.

Agree. Only a scolar and a true gentlemen knows how superior yoshi is.

>tfw a game of Mario Party turns into somebody getting actually punched/kicked/strangled IRL
How does Nintendo sleep at night?

>good ole Mario Party 3
>guy finds a star
>'fucking lucker fuck you'
>I find a star
>'pure skill'