Poorfag here. I'm a generation behind and just picked up a playstation 3. What are some essential games for it?

Poorfag here. I'm a generation behind and just picked up a playstation 3. What are some essential games for it?

I've already got demons and dark souls 1 + 2 and the two Infamous games, what else?

way of the samurai 3 and 4, valkyria chronicles, mgs 4 probably

MGS Collection and Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection are good choices.

Nier, fucking Nier

>mgs collection

Oh fug I forgot this existed. Does it include mgs1?

Get Catherine faggot

Wait for December for free games if you're a pirate since a Ps3 CFW is coming out

Nah, only 2, 3 and PW

should have gotten a 360 or wii

Persona 5

Resistance 1/3
Killzone 2
God of War 3

user should get MGS Legacy Collection. That one has 4 included plus some others.

Download code for PSN


The PSN store has past SMT games like SMT Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, Persona 3 FES and 4 iirc. So if you're into jrpgs go for those.

Shadows of the Damned.
God of War full collection thing with all the games HD. Pretty sick. Ghost of Sparda was one of my personal favorites.

You bet. Make sure you get the Legacy Collection, not "HD Collection"

Legacy collection has most games in the series, several more than HD collection

Katamari Forever

Uncharted collection, the last of us, mgs legacy collection, god of war, DMC 4, kingdom hearts collection, tekken Tag tournament, portal 2, ratchet and clank, red dead redemption and so many more

>downloading PS3 games on American internet
What games should I play while I wait?

Legacy collection for 2 or 3 times as much, and only adds MGS4 (which can be found dirt cheap on its own) and a download code for MGS1 (which of course will be used since you'll have to buy used)
what's the point?

Play something cute.

Play with yourself

Ah you forget the magnum opus that makes it all worth it, user: The VR Missions

Sly Hd Collection
Ratchet and Clank HD collection

>PSN store has past SMT games
wish I knew this back when I used to still play ps3

think they're not available in the PAL region though

No, you can definetly get most if not all of them. Got Nocturne a couple of years ago.

Ni no Kuni
One Piece Pirate Warriors
Zone of the Enders HD
Yakuza 3 & 4