This is Aloy, her new DLC just came out. Say something nice about her.
This is Aloy, her new DLC just came out. Say something nice about her
she looks like Chad Thundercock
I want to fuck that teenage boy
it's nice that i didn't buy this game
good game, bad sjw undertone.
I would nuzzle the tip of my nose against the orifice from which she poops
She doesn't have a very feminine figure but then again shes wearing slacks and a tshirt so yeah of course she looks like a guy.
Get that poor girl a nice dress and have someone do her hair for her.
More like A boy, that creature is one ugly woman.
>mfw people call this ubisoft-like open world tpp garbage "good game"
her face is way too big for her body
At least she's popular. Best Buy is liquidating their stock of HZD for the new version being released, but people keep buying all the copies everytime there is a new shipment.
Do anime posters ever actually contribute anything?
She looks like she has a very high IQ. Does she watch Rick and Morty? I think she'd be able to understand it.
not having shit taste is a good start
Out of curiosity, does the new DLC require the original game or is it standalone? I sold it a few months back and don't really feel like repurchasing it.
>Watching anime
>Not the absolute shittest of shit tastes
It's alright. You should be able to get it for 20-30€
She gets a lot of play because she is attractive to all genders.
See what I'm saying. Instantly she looks 200% more ladylike
Proportions of an 8 year old or a midget with downs
I dont remember seeing this Weasely in the movies.
I thought Man face died a long time ago
so you retards really hate this game why
I feel uncomfortable
OP, get laid for fucking sake.
>open world
>shit animation
>ass creed gameplay
Snorefest with 12 robots, the world ends because of racism. Main character has a baron womb. The story, the fighting, the acting. The very definition of a good plate with nothing on it.
Aloy is an uggo and the games is clearly pandering to SJW because the tribe in the beginning of the game has women in charge and the person who saves the world is a icky female, tend to be the usual arguments. Sometimes people also bring up that you climb towers which is just like Far Cry and Assassins Creed, so that's also bad
I heard the dlc has a barefoot costume.
This meme brought to you by: Sony's, The Emoji Movie, and Papa John's Pizza.
Filmed on Sony Handicam.
Edited on Sony Vaio.
Composed on Sony Acid.
>the world ends because of racism
NOPE, the world ends because a retard builds an unhackable swarm of self replicating robots that sees everything biological as fuel/resources.
considering that they were here first
I'd say yes
Godawful dialogue and clumsy cutscenes abound, each worse than the last, each longer than the last. Horizon plays out extended puppet show conversations as if it were Mass Effect. It locks you into rooms to watch purple hologram ghosts having conversations. It constantly stops to explain itself, even when it should be winding up. If there’s one thing worse than being front-loaded with exposition, it’s being back-loaded with exposition. Horizon, fraught with turgid exposition dungeons, is both.
You have very nice toes in your new outfit!
>why do you guys hate ________
>I dislike it because of _________
would you happen to be retarded or really pathetic?
These fucking neogaf people thinking they can talk to people like it's twitter
A self replicating set of 12, one is unfightable.
I would like to take her out for a nice candlelit dinner at a classy restaurant and maybe give her a quick kiss good night after I walk her to her front door.