Wow, user. Did you seriously bring your 3DS to school? You’re 18 years old, but you still play all those kiddie games...

Wow, user. Did you seriously bring your 3DS to school? You’re 18 years old, but you still play all those kiddie games? Do you know how pathetic you look? Because I do. You look like the biggest, saddest, most worthless manchild on Earth. Seriously, that’s so gross. Please, just do us all a favor, and die already.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Anyone ever being this drawn out with their insults in real life
You've literally never even seen this happen have you user?
Almost as if, it doesn't happen.

Who even talks like this?

This bulge in my pants isn't a 3DS. :)

>all male school
>bring PSP with me
>everyone wants to try it
Were women a mistake?

i love you


Pretty much, yea

What’s wrong with her eyes?


She's in love

When senpai confesses, her reaction will be legendary.

Trying to come up with this cringy monologue that you think a real girl would ever say is worse than any sperglord bringing their nintendo toy to school


I'm in my late twenties. I first came here in 2006 and a decade ago this would have hurt me. Now I exist in a perpetual state of being comfortably numb. Never happy, never sad. Just numb

This is your future. There is no escape.

Imagine being the person who thought this was a good idea to type and share with others.


playing 3ds gets me the girls tho

I want to BULLY Nagatoro with my dick!

Nigga fuck you I'm 25 and take my Switch to work to play on my lunch break, even got some people to play MK8 with me

did the manga come out already?

>You're 18 years old
I wish. I wanna redo my college years.

>tfw I made a bitch drive me from college to the closest videogame shop to buy Pokemon Moon at release


>Are there nobody else here

>not on sadpanda

Is this one of the ones that got copyrighted off?

I'll be your gf, I'm a lonely hapa neet
just kidding go outside and get a life

>No car
>forced to rely on the charity of others
>pokemon moon
You sound like the bitch in the story

pls gib nagatoro gf

the only girls who will date me are so anxious and submissive but i just want a femdom gf so bad

Is an actual manga, that is from the second chapter.

spoonfeed time, senpai

I'm 24 and I play during the 2 and a half hours between classes.

it's not lewd, why would it be on sadpanda

I already have a life, I just don't like that being a big dude who works out means people think I'm chad

...I am seriously out of the loop, then. Holy shit.

the actual manga?

I'm not 18. I'm 23

There's plenty of non-lewd things on there like Tails Gets Trolled.

>draw crappy isekai self insert
>Get bullied for it

He was asking for it

>girl gives you this much attention and still not trying to hit it


>18 years old
>Still in school
I think they have bigger problems than the 3DS.

No thanks I have a driver's license but I don't like eating all the traffic. I rather have someone else do it or get an Uber/Cab as I shitpost on my way.


God, why is the translation so shit?

Senpai is a pathetic weakling with no spine.

I don't know what torogao is supposed to be.

>tfw got bullied like this by a popular girl in high school
>it just made me depressed

Maybe if she'd been cute or at least not retarded
One time she stole my graphing calculator and said to get it back I'd have to hug her

College is school amerishart

But you have a point. Anyone still in undergrad after 20 is braindead

>posting on Sup Forums
>omg u Sup Forums? gasp!
very wise of you, user.

Wow you're pathetic

Wait, you said she was popular...but not cute? How can someone be popular wihtout being cute?!

>not calling it uni
you're american too, faggot.

This girl is insane, she does love the guy but she also loves his suffering

That's a sadist.

Bullying is fun.

It's ahegao. For guro.

I'm 24 and have been out of school for literal years
When I had it I only kept my 3DS in my backpack for them sweet street passes

She probably had big, fat ugly cow udders. They can make even the most grotesque girls popular.

OP clearly watches a lot of SoL anime.

Being an Alpha doesnt require you to be a chad. You just need to show the betas their place.

Ahegao but it doesn't look retarded.

I literally just pulled out my DS and played some MHXX at full volume, in line for my dining hall

Some people turned around, but they were to beta to say anything or even snicker in my presence, even to a manlet like me

Normies are pathetic

By being a dumb, vapid cunt with blonde hair. Think back to the girls who were popular when you were in high school user, most were not attractive to anyone but the plebbest of plebs I assure you.

Sweet, Sweet street passes.
My precious!!!

You know, you're being a real faggot and what you're saying right. I wish you and those who share the same views as you get gunned down in a tragic accident.

>heh... dumb normies... being mildly curious at the autist behind them but too busy socializing to give a shit... I truly am alpha...

I KNEW I recognized this bitch.

Haha. Asspained gamer VIRGIN.

God I wish that were me so I could be pushed to my limit and just violently and nonconsensually push my tongue down her throat

Get a grip, user.

Then you get expelled for raping an underclassman and your entire future is ruined.

Jokes on you, I don't visit a lot of country concerts or go to Vegas so I don't imagine I'll be getting gunned down anytime soon.

I want her to shove her sweaty feets in my face and call me a pervert!

>God I wish that were me so I could be pushed to my limit
Oh Fuck yeah, me too
>and just violently and nonconsensually push
Oh god damn it, fuck off
>my tongue down her throat
Nah I take it back, you my nigga

Is easybti defeat girls likebthis, you only havento do pic related.

Actual 18 year old high schooler here. Typically those with 3ds' and switches (have seen two of them) are seen as autists but when a pokemon game releases they become pretty common. Despite my autism I don't need to a target so I just do what any normal person does and use my phone, lookimg like a normalfag on social media.

Who is this jizz witch

You know that's what she's waiting for, user. Don't pretend it isn't.

Is that black blob on her head supposed to be a hat?

I'm 31, though.

fuck off underage

Then they break down

Fuck off

And finally, you can see their true feeling on their faces, even when their words don't fucking match their expressions.

Why is she brown if she is Japanese?

Nanashi makes great smug lolis.

who the fuck are you and why do you think your opinion matters? go make some slut photos for facebook, set a new goal in candy crush and stop trying to impress rest of the classroom by trying to be smartass

I've been seeing a lot of these gibberish fucking posts. Is this some kind of meme?

I'm 27 and I bring my Switch to work. Sometimes I'll use my hour lunch and just play something in the car if I'm not hungry

Can I get a sauce? Qt brown anime girls are my thing.

I want her to sit on my face and force me to sniff her spats!

>being this new

I notknow waht you talkof.

Nope, is the result of fucking sucking at phoneposting.

Shame his doujinshi put way too much focus on the guy and also have comical art when it comes to dicks being constricted.

She's probably from the north or one of the small islands. There are tanned/light brown japs.

All I want in life is a femdom gf

Why won't god let me have this

Too bad he's gone legit so we might not see any H for quite some time.

Hey now, both of his bigger oba loli series are great!

Legally allowed here though. 2017-1999=18, birthday was in September.
