Why is it that such a unique genre that allows you to interact with other people while doing game content is struggling right now? How can we save it?
And is there anything worth looking forward to?
Current state of mmorpgs
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I legitimately want an MMO like the ones you see in anime.
You mean the ones where you're trapped, unable to get out of?
Unironically yes.
I was referring to the ones people characters are casually playing, but sure, that works too.
A game with the mechanics and penalties of Tibia.
If you had a second chance to craft a social persona you'd just fuck it up again, even if you could personally sculpt your character to look as good as you think you should.
Your problems can't be solved by being good looking when you have no charisma.
So account sharing brazillians oppressing the general populace?
But what if i already have some charisma and just don't want to work 9-5 at a steel mill anymore?
This is my wife please don't post her ever again thanks.
Everything gets old and tired after awhile. People have been playing mmos since the late 90's.
They were very unique at the time when you compared them to anything else out there, but other games took pieces from them and created sub-genres that people were more interested in playing by themselves.
It's gonna take a big shakeup to create another mainstream mmo, and I don't know what that would be at this point. Looking backwards isn't going to do it.
What is this?
The real world doesn't work like Sword Art Online. They'd pull the plug on you after the first year if you live in America.
Its not struggling. Its thriving actually. MMO's have taken a new form with games like Destiny and Anthem
Destiny and Anthem are not MMOs. There's nothing massive about the numbers of players you can interact with at one time.
all the grandpas want every mmo to be ultima and everquest, you people will never get satisfied
It happened because developers took away the wrong message from World of Warcraft, and attempted to ride their coattails for the following decade. This entailed only copying the superficial trappings and structure without a more fundamental understanding of why the game became a phenomenon and gave the genre a shot in the arm in the first place. This occurred in conjunction with the same developers taking the easy way out and streamlining things by way of adding more story and linearity at the cost of less freedom and incentive for long-term play. A genre defined by its openness and capacity to be played for years on end was slowly morphed into the exact opposite.
It's been several years now since developers quite literally forgot the entire point of the genre in the first place. Reviving it would entail a massive investment from an extremely competent developer who also was able to see the root of the issues that no one else has been able to in a post-WoW environment yet. In short, don't hold your breath.
At least you're not working at an ice cube factory.
Kyoppi isn't your wife, nigger
He is, fuck you.
How come there are so many people who know who that is?
Because someone found this thread and mentioned it in the general's discord.
ERP probably
He runs a guild from a /vg/ thread
All someone needs to do is remake Mabinogi with better graphics
Just make it fun to actually play and not an wow clone.
Also fighting something with 50 other players isn't actually very engaging.
Just drop that so you can make some actually fun fights.
The "massive" part should be in the overworld that you see many players, and can interact with them, but making 'massive' fights work is pretty much impossible.
The last MMO i enjoyed for a few months was BnS when it launched last year. i'm looking forward to the wow classic because i never actually tried that game
MMO worlds are basically just big lobbies while you wait for the "real" content aka raids or instanced pvp. Would league of legends be better if there was a big dumb world you could run in circles around while you waited for your queue? Because that's all people do in modern MMOs.
If you already tried bns then you'll be disappointed with WoW, as it is your run of the mill mmorpg by today's standards.
>Destiny is an MMO
>6 players is enough to be classified as Massively Multiplayer
Moonlight blade, some day in the next 20 years.
WoW Classic will unironically save MMOs at least for the NEET crowd.
People said the same thing about Revelation Online.
I'm more interested in Bless.
Thank Korea for completely oversaturating the market with grindy shortlived p2w garbage burning people on genre.
Why is there always a fucking MMO thread started with this faggots image. Either one of his cuck friends or the faggot himself is so desperate for attention.
t. former /bnsg/ player
Real question: is there any good MMO out there right now that isn't a WoW-clone or OSRS? I'm getting the itch but don't wanna fuck around with a bunch of shitty games.
Play the game and you'll know you turbonerd.
I'd like to play one with an anime aesthetic.
He is an unlikable attentionwhore autist like Marielx or any other /vg/ personality.
I played the game from beta till a few months ago fuckwit. I know all about Kyo "my favorite Lyn"ppi and his faggot ways, kys yourself bitch.
Social aspect replaced largely by facebook/social media because normie don't find the actual game part of the game very engaging. Developers capitulating to normie expectations oversimplify game mechanics to the point where they are no longer engaging to neets.
Star Citizen is the only MMO worth caring about right now
How the fuck are either of those MMOs? You might as well be calling Monster Hunter an MMO.
She's public domain now.
Why won't you 1v1 me faglord? Waiting for you at the House of Pleasures. I give you 20 minutes tops. I'll be wearing Dark Wanderer outfit so you'll know who will make you your bitch tonight.
Hey, that's my line.
>not liking Lyns
KYS, SJW cuck.
You mean an MMO where you can be on character and do in character things without having to pin a "roleplay" sign above your head, ignoring people spouting memes and faces in chat on shout. One where you can just lay back and enjoy?
MMOs used to be popular in the late 90s early 2000 because they use to offer a level of interaction, community and gameplay that single player games weren't able to at the time, on todays world this is not the case anymore, if people want to socialize on the internet is easier to use social media and the gameplay offered in MMOs is usually hindered for the sake of balance or jewery, games with multiplayer offer more deep gameplay and customization than a lot of MMOs plus a single player campaign most of the time. Another reason is that there are just too many options for people to choose, this inevitably spread thin the community interested in MMOs across multiple games and platforms.
That line is public domain too now.
It's insanely anti community and you know it.
hey I'm not a faggot spic
also these
Less or outright no emphasis on levels and gear, content is driven by fights over resources and territory on a massive scale. Ideally PvE and PvP would be intertwined, recruit raid-tier bosses to attack enemy territory, hire standing armies to defend your lands.
It's not struggling worldwide, only in the West :^)
Pretty sure he's in the EU guild.
enjoy your dead genre tranny rager
No one wants to put effort into making a good MMO anymore (outside of KR/JP).
Imagine how much time and effort it takes to make one and to keep updating it with fresh content when it takes 1week to create a FOTM shitshow early-access garbage with one map that you didn't even create yourself but it guaranteed to sell 2millions copies.
Also communities, it's extremely hard to keep any MMORPG alive because some are already too big, even if the game is good, people are going to stick to WoW/FFXIV/GW2, they don't want to switch in another "massive" universe that they might like better but with only 1/10th the playercount of those big MMOs.
That said, I'm waiting for Bless next year and the new assassin class in Revelation this month. But you already hardly encounter other players in Revelation while questing and stuff, Bless is probably going to be the same, and that's not fun after a while.
because the thing that made mmo's good was never gameplay, even though thats what all of the companies thought it was, and thats what everyone who never played during the heyday thinks it is. They keep on trying to fix gameplay, when gameplay has never mattered.
bring back what made them good in the first place -- connecting with others while enjoying the game
this is sadly impossible in 2017
The "massive" part killed it. You can be a complete asshole to everyone you meet and you'll never see them again. The only good time I had in MMOs is in tightly-knit private servers.
No it fucking didn't. The only things that killed MMOs is trying to appeal to people that don't like MMOs and trying to copy existing, popular MMOs.
If there's a tranny here, that's you. Mr SJW. Don't you have to suck up the Unicef's dick?
Why do people insist gameplay and combat don't matter in MMOs?
I agree community and friendships are my best memories of MMOs but the gameplay has to at least be engaging and fun if you're going to be grinding levels.
That's called matchmaking, not being "massive".
unless you’re a woman.
Kind waiting for Legends of Aria, yeah blabla it will be shit but at this moment I'll take anything that isn't an triple A cash cow.
Games like PUBG are the fun part of MMOs without all the bullshit grinding in between.
Because FFXI 2005~2009 was the golden age peak of MMOs and like everything else in the gaming industry devs let it go to shit.
FFXI-2 when?
What made you quit? I mean what less shitty mmorpg is there out there right now?
if that was true, eve online would not have a stable community, and WoW's would still be climbing. Of course there has to be gameplay of a certain quality, but that is a base requirement for video games in general. Where game companies went wrong is thinking that what made their games successful was largely gameplay, when the gameplay was secondary to the world and community as a whole.
Eve online.
>no pve
>nothing to grind for but cosmetics
>no way to improve your gear
>start from zero every 30mins or so
are you unironically saying fucking PUBG is the same as WoW without the grind? I have no words.
Actually, let me respond to myself to expound further. Take the dungeon finder; many original fans of world of warcraft hate this feature, and modern players dont understand why. The dungeon finder was implemented because of the unique role dungeons occupied in WoW. Dungeons were a gateway to equipment, without which one would remain underpowered. It took real effort to arrange a group to run a dungeon, or join a guild that did dungeon runs. So, blizzard saw that people had difficulty entering dungeons to gain higher level gear, and implemented the dungeon finder as a solution to this 'problem'. The only issue is that the previous system, whilst it made iteming harder, forced players to interact with each other. Forcing players to interact in turn made the world feel larger, because now people could not just ignore the world around them to quest endlessly, they had to interact. With the dungeon finder, this was no longer a thing, and whilst the playerbase itself did not shrink, the community did. Blizzard made a change to a perceived gameplay issue, and ended up hurting the community instead. I will be posting more, because I care about this, and want people to understand what made mmo's so great.
You are the reason mmorpgs are shit now.
It's not Blizzard's fault though.
We live in a world where
>I want everything IMMEDIATELY and I'm willing to pay to have it even faster
It'd be outrageous to have no matchmaking in an MMORPG in 2018, we are responsible for the death of this genre.
>Why is it that such a unique genre that allows you to interact with other people while doing game content is struggling right now?
development guided by money not a good director with a vision
>How can we save it? And is there anything worth looking forward to?
the following look like the could be good(keyword could):
pantheon: rise of the fallen
ashes of creation
chronicles of elyria
ascent: infinite realm
likely only one of those at most will actually turn out good or even release at all
>Why is it that such a unique genre that allows you to interact with other people while doing game content is struggling right now?
People found other ways to socialize on the internet. Truly MMOs were before their time. I still think extremely early dives into the genre were the precursors to facebook.
>likely only one of those at most will actually turn out good or even release at all
good enough to have around 100 players connected per channels and feeling like playing a single-player game like BnS, BDO, Tera, ArcheAge...... Can't wait!
So we have one example of blizzard destroying the community for the sake of gameplay, let's give another. Flying mounts; whilst not as universally reviled, flying mounts made a definite negative impact on the game world. Pre tbc, to get from point a to b in an area quickly could only be done by ground travel. This meant that you were forced to use the same roads routes and paths everyone took to get places. Furthermore, given how the quest areas where set up, it meant if anyone was doing the same quest as you, you were bound to meet them. I would say that this restriction forced a large portion of the world pvp that vanilla is known for, and flying mounts destroyed that. Given that the 3d plane is much more massive than the 2d plane, flying made getting from point a to b much faster in a larger area, so you would never see anyone and the combat restrictions on mounts in the air meant anyone you did see you couldn't fight. Before, while you might have been forced to interact with people running the same quest as you, now there was no reason to, its far faster to just fly to quest objectives and complete them that way. So again, blizzard made a change to improve gameplay, which had the added effect of damaging the player community.
>No good surviving modern MMO that promotes or requires cooperation and communication
>No game that focuses on the world as much as it does its instances
>No game that incentivizes socialization through important hubs, quests and mysteries
>Everything is ruined by wikis, dataminers and modding
>Last games to even come close to reaching the peak of mmo interaction and exploration were FFXI and RO
Sandbox can't get it right. Theme park clearly can't get it right. What has to be done to pull people back in?
Kyo' If he has a cock, he's parking it in my dock'ppi
Kyo'If he's a tranny, he's getting the whammy' ppi
Kyo' Take your girl pill or you're getting the drill' ppi
Everyone claims MMOs were succesful because you had to interact with people and it died when you were not forced to anymore.
I guess Skyrim, Fallout and all these kind of games were never succesful then? No one plays MMO because they like to create a character and having it level up, upgrade and evolve in an open world.
>Sandbox MMO just results in ezmodo gameplay forever because you can't have an MMO where players can potentially die right outside of town, all the shitters will die and then quit
So, finally, all of these changes might seem small, but the two I listed are only two *out of many*. for instance, I didn't talk about the new raid finder 'feature', which was added in mop or wod, I cant remember. And all of these small changes have had measurable effects on the gameworld. With no one running around, world pvp is a thing of the past. All world interaction is a thing of the past, because you never meet people in the same areas as you. This affects gameplay. because now the world itself feels dead. Of course a quest to collect 20 crab claws is boring, because you know all that will happen during that quest is you will grab the claws and turn in. Until you reach lvl 15, at which point you probably will not leave org, and will simply dungeon queue for the rest of your leveling. Wow made these changes because they thought the gameplay was what attracted people to the game, but it was the community that they damaged by making these changes that made the gameplay what it was, and that is what people do not understand.
Finally someone posts the real reason why MMORPGs died : Degenerates and dramas.
nobody cares
If I wanted to read all that I'd buy a book.
Beepy was the victim here.
>tranny drama
>2hour autistic novel
i aint reading that
Let's be honest here it's not like you have anything else to do so read it cunt
dumb frog poster
Honestly, I will give any MMO a chance if it has very good character creation tools and very good dressup potential, like a wide variety of different clothing types that you can combine to create wardrobes and dye them different colors and so on. And no insane cash grab mechanics that get in the way of all that.
Its all the same formula, grind, reach max lvl, get flashy gears, do dungeon. After a while it feels less like a game and more like work.. And people play games to get away from work.
If it was me id create an mmo and get rid of the traditional leveling sytem. Instead, your character develop using items you find and equip. So players are encouraged to explore and do stuff to develop their characters as opposed to just grind and kill the same generic enemies time after time after time