I'VE BEEN GETTING BUTT FUCKED BY THOSE TWO FOR SUCH A LONG TIME NOW AND I'VE FUCKING HAD IT. It was all going well as I approached the archers. I managed to brave the batwing demons and the two sentinels without the standard run away tactic I've used on this area before and finally made it to the dreaded archer bridge. I ran to the first knight on the right and rolled in towards his arrow and dodged it with ease. Two swings, one kick and he was dead. I then turn around and begin to sprint towards the second slice of the shit sandwich that is this fucking ledge. I rolled through his arrows and ran straight up to him. I was ready to charge with my sword and knock the fucker off. At this moment the unspeakable happens. My controller dies. My PLUGGED IN controller just fucking dies right there. The wire wasn't loose or anything, it just stops. I watch with a tear in my eye as I am brutally shoved into the yellow streets of Anor Londo bellow me, completely unable to move or even comprehend what just happened. Since this event I have never been able to do it again. If they ever decide to make a remastered or directors cut version like they did with Scholar of the First Sin for the PS4 (Please guys!) I will throw the game of a ledge if that section is still there.
they're small time
I have never had a problem with them
lets go
>play DaS1 for the first time at console release
>almost ragequit at the anor londo archers
>play it again 2016
>make it on the second try
sprint to silver knight on ledge, dodge arrow, parry knight..
What's the hard part?
Oh fug I need this. Rollan.
*Trivializes Archers, O&S, and all of the DLC bosss*
>enter in the forest hunter covenant and fight some niggers in the forest until Alvina gives you the half-invisibility ring
>pick up the ring that silences your steps
>enjoy running until where they are without getting noticed
That's how I always do now. Only in the first time playing I was one of the idiots who run straight to then while avoiding giant arrows.
>Get to dreaded archer bridge
>They shoot one at me
>Whip out bow and shoot back
>Climb railing with no concern
Do you lack basic problem solving skills and try to brute force everything?
Forgot to mention, the ring that silences your steps is in Sen's Fortress.
>going to all that trouble
just run and them and roll before the arrow hits you
Well. I wanted to replay it and now I know what I'm going to do this weekend.
gonna try this for DS3, minus covenants and stuff that aren't carried over, i'll probably just pick the one closest in function to whatever i get
kika esa porra mano
all those years and people still complain about anor londo archers
dammit, but i already did that one. I went Demon Fists and everything
Sen's fortress is on the way, and the forest hunter is the best covenant and he should have got on it as soon as he reached the forest.
>they add 4 more arches
>I finally accomplished that difficult thing I'd been trying to do for ages
>and then immediately let it go to my head and acted like a big-dick who could kill everybody no problem
You deserve everything that has come to pass.
that is literally the most generic build ever you piece of shit rerolling stone
git gud
rolling in the deep
Doesn't that require people to still be playing the online? Along with PS+ if you're on PS3?
Yeah, was sort of confused by OP.
my post isn't spam god dammit. rolling
Online is still free on PSThree.
you need to kill 3 hosts to get the ring, so you do need online to be active
Oh, that's cool. I guess.
I thought you levelled up covenants by doing PVP, is that not the case? Or is there simply offline phantoms that'll be summoned instead?
I play on PC.
You really have to pay to use online? Not only for the "free games montlhy" and stuff? I tought that was only a meme.
My last console was a ps2.
>I ran to the first knight on the right and rolled in towards his arrow and dodged it with ease. Two swings, one kick and he was dead. I then turn around
Why the fuck would you turn around? You killed the only one that matters.
I wanted to play the game again anyway, lets FUCKING GO
Forest Hunter requires you to invade and kill real players. The only NPCs that invades you are from the Darkwraith covenant.
Apparently not on PS3, but yeah definitely on PS4. Vita's exempted from that PS+ requirement too, but nobody cares about Vita.
Doesn't really matter to me, I just play single player games anyway. Not that I approve of it at all.
That's a bit annoying, but I suppose the rewards aren't exactly needed to beat the game or anything.
lol learn to roll kiddo
Greatshield is awesome in DS2. You literally break the game with one.
In DS I preffer to use the regular shield that gives you stamina regen boost, tough.
letz do dis faggots
The Eagle Shield is the best blocking shield in the game. Low requirements and weight, high stability. A decent melee build can tank two of Artorias' flip attacks easily and casually walk up to the Archers and make them kill themselves by attacking the shield.
>You literally break the game with one.
Then this guy literally breaks your asshole because you never learned to roll.
Why binoculars?
I beated him using a greatshield. His strongest atack is easy to see and to avoid, everything else I just tanked.
Altought I love DEX in DS, Rolling in DS2 is for faggots. Think about one entry in the series that punishes DEX players really hard, while giving the STR ones the easiest game ever.
probably shit build roll
I don't remember the last time I didn't pick up Grass Crest Shield.
On a related note, I don't remember the last time I used it as an actual shield instead of just a stamina boost.
Remember Dark Souls 2 is the worst in the series.
Let's do this, rock and roll, lock and load
Rolling like a bhangi
no, fuck off, I just bought nioh
Been meaning to play again, this is as good a time as any
lmao just roll past the arrows dummy
Kinda wanted to play it again anyway
>everyone was blocking back than
>all these memes and crying shitter in the general
>almost no one was on a roll
>took me literally 1+ hour to get past those fags
>replayed the game a few months ago and made it on my first try
It is a complicated feel
I already have a character in mind but fuck it
>but fuck
>>I already have a character in mind but fuck it
>always try to play with some random build
>end up with my favourite all the time
Fun fact: Archers were patched to be easier a long time ago, which makes OP a super shitter
I didn't have a problem with the archers. It was the stupid fucking giant knights that ruined me.
They patched it. Archers are no longer in the same position they were in at launch.
fuck it, I'm game.
fuck you
really? I can't remember that. where were they standing at launch?
now this is more like it
It's quite tricky but you'll make it if you sprint and don't panic. Blocking is the solution to most things in this game.
What are demons even doing in the Dark Souls land?
I'm guessing they came from demon ruins, but why would they lounge in undead burg guarding random items or passages?
I haven't played DS 3 yet.
Why not make my first run random
Because you won't know where anything is or how it works? Idiot.
I know the items from DS1 and 2. Just have to look up where the rolled items are
>playing souls not blind
might as well watch a longplay and call it a day
Fine you faggot, I'll play blind and will equip those items if I stumble on them.
I never knew this part was supposed to be hard. I just sprinted towards the one on the right and let him draw his sword. If you shield his attack he will just fall off the edge.
Well might as well give it a shot
okay what the fuck, the raining season has come to my city. I'm in for the weekend.
Schaudenfraude is what makes Dink/Daemon's Souls so great
Please something off the wall
I think DS2 is a lot better than DS1. The shit in this webm is your own retardation. Your own fault for being literally too stupid to walk. Imagine this IRL: you traverse a cliff on a trunk and slip and instead of reacting to slipping you just try to keep walking unchanged. And then you are surprised you fell off.
Nigh derm
the rolling boy is here
Rolling for playthrough
After playing DS1 unpatched until Gwyn, because they made him easierlast year I can confirm this after playing ng+