Look at this nep
Look at this nep
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can i touch myself as well?
Is this from the VR game?
Fuck off Chris
It's not the VR part, but yeah.
>Neptunia fags are now proven to be one of the most autistic fanbases known to man
>One autist posts about the series on facebook
>That somehow means the Neptunia fanbase as a whole is just as bad
fuck off
Stay mad you literal chris chan-tier autismo hyper virgin
Nice. The character models are pretty well made this time around.
I had piles and piles of nep pics
now after the Chris-Chan attack I don't know how I feel about this
Isn’t the VR game just VII with added VR ?
The VR game is an update VII with VR. There are graphical improvements, gameplay changes, and some brief in-engine 3D cutscenes that didn't exist before. Plus the VR stuff.
not enough buzzwords
They changed the engine, so there are some graphical improvements all around, be it on character models polygon complexity or on the lightning visual department. And I think they also changed some textures. Also, they changed lot of things on the gameplay and added new musics. And of course, VR mode.
Still need to finish rebirth.3. Started in early this year, the frames are weird but kind of consistent because of OPENGL. Maybe i'll just blaze through the story, go straight to victory 2.
If you're going to play Victory 2, you might want to consider waiting for Spring 2018 when the remake comes out for PS4.
still not worth it, V2R is at most, CH's beta attempt at using new engine, hope the game they teased isnt out until, say late 2018 or even early 2019, extended dev time for V2 did wonders after all
I have the steam version, will this new version make a second purchase worth it, like more jiggle or consistency in fun?
hell no, the combat is actually worse because QA was away hunting panties
Other than few small graphical changes(and VR scenes) there's nothing else, no post-game content, no new DLC characters(the old ones arent even compatible with the rerelease)
why does Sup Forums want me to look at neps so badly
I looked it up, and I see no remake for 2018, is there one? Or is it just the VR port?
Well it has brief cutscenes like this that don't exist in the original.
Also it has the VR scenes for the main 4 goddesses.
it's really up to a matter of taste. I'll be getting it, but then again, I'm a Neptunia fanboy.
V2R AKA Victory 2 Realize
>I'll be getting it, but then again, I'm a Neptunia fanboy.
I'm a fanboy too but I refuse to support a lazy rerelease like this
I actually found VIIR worth it, but if you played VII already it might be worth only on a sale, since there will be no story elements. It's definetly worth if you never played VII though, even if you don't have the VR headset.
Pretty sure I've seen more than that one.
Obligatory nep
So this new v2 remake is just the vr remake that was announced this spring and launched this summer?
I seen no english news about it.
No, that's really the only one, like user said. But I'll be getting VIIR to be honest. Even if the story didn't change, everything else did, and the rank system after you clear the game is pretty good. You can compete with others by making the duneons each time harder, and there is a ranking of the people who took down the strongest bosses.
Just looked up, there is another new cutscene of NEXT Purple slicing the corruption out of Affimojas after the fight too. Is there any more?
Why are people mentioning chrischan, what did he do to nep?
Neps are cute. Don't you like cute things?
Can people just fucking stop talking about this so this trend can die already? He just mentioned he likes Neptunia, and from his latest tweets and facebook posts, seems he's pretty addicted to it too. He even began drawing Nep fanart.
I like how low down her boobs are.
Fuck off Chris/Christian/Christine/Ricardo
>that feel when his cancer came back
So really, since I have the steam version, is v2r worth it, I mean I like haivng console games in case my PC goes kaput, so is a spring purchase worth it?
Imagine being related to chris and having this shit on your timeline.
Depends on how much you like neps. Do you want to see the VR scenes and the new cutscene(s)? Could you see yourself playing the game again (assuming you already played it) with a new coat of paint?
it doesnt
If you already played VII, VIIR is worth while on a sale, since you'll get nothing new out of it related to story.
You have a vivid imagination, user.
This has to be a PR stunt, he must be running low on money and needs more publicity
You know the funny thing is CH is the type of company that is going to go out of their way to shit on Chris in the next game somehow just for the memes.
Do what you want, I'm not gonna make your decisions for you.
The reason I never reaply the nep games is mostly my own constant anxiety of my PC crapping the bed and thus making them unplayable, i've beat rebirth 1 and 2 exactly once, and plant to do so with v3.
Them being OPENGL and the devs making stupid porting mistake like the rebirth 2 guard break frame drop, or the choppiness of Blanc Castle and drop of frames when multiple CPUS are in Form in Rebirth3.
However, with games like Senran Kagura, I tend to replay them much more, so maybe.
the fanbase has been cancer for ages.
The /vg/ threads are just about spanking fetishes
How can one come to play shit like Senran Kagura? I play Neptunia so my standards are really low, but Senran Kagura is too much. It's going way down into the bottom of the barrel of garbage.
>The /vg/ threads are just about spanking fetishes
Not even true at all, my dude
Sonic did that so I wont be suprised
Tell me what you like and I too can bundle you up with limited sample of weapon-grade autism
Titties, first time I ever saw Neptunia was with english VA on the first game on youtube, and it certainly wasn't flat chest that brought me in to it.
Though Nisa was so flat she was really hot.
I think Senran Kagura can have the same comedic style of writing, so I like both.
I want to kill it
b-but snek
>english VA
So you're retarded. Could've just said so. Not to mention how shit Senran writing is, even to Nep standards. VII and SeHa writing were good though.
Not him, but fuck off. The english VA in neps is great, except rom
Virgin. I feel bad for you
I want to fuck this nep
Dont get the hate for snran, seems to be the musou equivalent of neptunia, nothing wrong with that
Maybe on the anime it's good. But on the game they suck. Also, they were never great, good at most. The Japs voices are great.
Dub Rom needs to be sacked already.
If you want to lewd neppy, then you have to love her as well. She is for love or for love&lewd, but never just for lewd alone
I heard them first, so they are what I go by. Besides, they're fine, and besides If's english vocie actor sung the main theme for Mario Odyessy, it's not like the English Va haven't done any roles.
Neptune was also Gaz from Invader Zim.
Since I have the extra cash, I may get v2r, as long as I don't actually need the Vr come spring.
>seems to be the musou equivalent of neptunia
Except that Neptunia isn't focused on fanservice, has an actual good story, amazing music, well developed characters, decent gameplay, among other things. Senran is just bottom of the barrel garbage.
why is nep such a lazy bum
ONly by Rebirth, in the original game, it was turn based, and healing was a combo you had to do.
While I liked the original story, and the fact that everyone lived on their own version of Angel Island, good gameplay it did not have.
WRONG! This Nep is deceased.
>Except that Neptunia isn't focused on fanservice
Look at this man, look at him and laugh
>has an actual good story, amazing music, well developed characters, decent gameplay,
Those are just your opinions
I can't believe Nep-Nep is fucking dead.
neps are for rough non consensual bareback breeding
I never said any Nep game had good gameplay. I said decent. And I was refering to the ReBirths and Neptunia VII, which I actually found the gameplay to be rather good to be honest. Never mentioned the originals, those ones are better forgotten. Like Senran Kagura.
I want to smell Nep's cute JC pantsu!
It isn't focused on fanservice. If you actually played the games you'd know. And those reasons aren't just my opinion, they are almost everyone's opinion.
But you'll be throwing away tits and ass, we already lost Laura Croft, and DOAX3 never got a NA release, we need to save as many fanservice series as we can.
It doesn't, the problem is when people criticize them the general's defense force comes out of the woodwork with the whole
>"Well I like and there's nothing you can do to stop me from liking it!"
Which isn't the issue, because I don't care if you like these shitty games. The issue is that the quality of these games is subpar and is only worth a fraction of the retail price. Buying this kind of lukewarm shit breeds complacency amongst the consumer and teaches compile heart that they can put out complete shit and make a killing.
I know nep doesnt have even half the dick jokes and fanservice senran has, but dont tell me fanservice makes for a badngame, whats next, gonna get disgusted by lolis? Other things are for the most part opinions the music in nep is okay, great in v2 and 4go, the writing is decent, gameplay is literally meh and characters are lovely
No, we don't. Games that try to cover mediocre aspects with fanservice needs to die. If Neptunia was like it was on it's earlier days, I'd hope for it to die too. Megadimension at least redeemed the series.
It is anime ish, without being too widget. Gamers are universal, Senpais are not. It has a dub, game references I understand, is colorful and the art design is actually pretty nice, and decent music in later games.
Also, xseed bitches, localization of every main game, idolamster can't say it gets that.
Because each main title is better than the previous. Also don't use the rebirth remakes to judge the series because they're literally copypasta of V's engine three times over.
>Buying this kind of lukewarm shit breeds complacency amongst the consumer and teaches compile heart that they can put out complete shit and make a killing.
Except sales themselves prove otherwise, the lowest quality games and the shitty rerelease sold pisspoor
>It isn't focused on fanservice
Nigga what is the first CG image you get in the first game? Oh right it's nep nearly topless with Compa next to her. Are you retarded?
Fanservice doesn't make for a bad game. I said it already, and I'd be hoping for Neptunia to die too, but Nep VII and 4GO have actually decent to good gameplay, and lots of other redeemable stuff. Senran is garbage and only gets worse, trying to cover each day more it's mediocreness with fanservice.
Trash should stay in the trash and never get out.
5 seconds out of a 20 hour game = focused
Thanks for your input, filthyfrank subscriber.
Not him, but tell me how many cgs like that show up afterwards, nep has fanservice, but not as much
Guess what? That's one of the few fanservice CGs in the entire game.
Oh right, a single CG in a thirty to fourty hours long game. A CG that lasts for three minutes. How many of those CGs are on the Neptunia games? Ten? So thirty minutes fansrvice in thirty hour long games? Gods, 1.66% of the game is fanservice. What a fucking fanservicy game.
Why does this have 700k views? What the fuck
Well siht, that just means I need to get to finishing v3 and get to playing v2.
I hope my system stays stable, and for that dungeon runner not to fucking bit it again, AGAIN!
I've heard this so many times yet i never once seen the whole thing
I think this is the first time I see this picture unaltered.
>The issue is that the quality of these games is subpar and is only worth a fraction of the retail price
Nep Nep