Thumbs up b

Thumbs up b

omg subscribed!

Why do you people hold these shitties in such high regards when it comes to gaming.

I'm responding to this thread just to inform anyone else that posts afterwards that they are faggots for caring about this nobody and this kind of drama

Thank you.

who cares though?

sum it up, i'm not watching this shit

Fucking this.


Angry Joe sucks EAs cock to get free game copies and lootboxes for BF2

Not gonna bother watching, is it as funny as his VGA fiasco?

Assblasted Alfredo is /ourguy/ now

Wait whats this guys name again?

Deep fried taco

Ravaged Rodiguez

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

>not getting free games by playtesting and then giving the devs an in depth explanation on why the game is shit

>34 minutes
Pedro, fuck off.

Hey fuck off

hose A and his brother, hose B

Are you stupid, user? Angry Joe was the first one who complained about the Loot Boxes on Battlefront 2 -EA-, and afterward other 'youtubers' and other people began to complain too. If it wasn't for him, those jews at EA woulnd't had change anything.

Mad Max

>those jews at EA woulnd't had change anything.
They still haven't, so I'm not sure what your point is...

>Joe: why are lootboxes necessary in a paid title
>EA: it allows us to give players the opportunity to hopefully try things that are normally not able to try.
what does that even mean?

>Joe: why are lootboxes tied to progression?
>EA: Its just a way of spreading some of the stuff you can earn in the game

Fuck off beaner.

That nose

> getting cucked by corporate speak
> "wow he sure showed EA who's boss!"

Assblasted Alejandro

>shows that they respect joe which shows the impact of this channel :)

The jews are the ones who started all this nickel and diming bullshit and ruined another artform

They are shekelling you while trying to sell it's a benefitial feature to the player to be shekled. Classic.

games are toys not art


it's pathetic to win against these suits
they're literally living soulless beings whose only goal is to squeeze you out of your money

Toys are art.


His job is just to tell the devs to put loot boxes in. He is EA's business presence in the studio. I'm not a game dev but I am a software dev and that's how it is where I work.