ITT: Sad moments in vidya

Has a game ever made you cry?

Other urls found in this thread:

No because I'm not a pussy


thank you for the spoiler, fag!


im one if those fags that boohoo'd at life is strange


Season 1 ending and surprisingly Season 3 ending at one point

>waah a 10 year old game was spoiled for me

Kill yourselves



The Last Guardian's ending.

Best route

you first, cuck


Gone, but not forgotten

This hurts more than anything in Alternative.


You post the updated cutout RIGHT FUCKING NOW


I didn't realize this was him dying when I first played this so it kind of fucked the ending up for me when someone explained it.

You must be so tired.


Battle Before Dawn was a mistake

This is a really shitty game and cliche in many ways with 00's memes. But goddammit it still made me feel feels.



Definitely got cheapened later though