What Overwatch skins/heroes do you want to see in the future, Sup Forums?
What changes do you want to see?
What Overwatch skins/heroes do you want to see in the future, Sup Forums?
What changes do you want to see?
Mama Hong
Why is that cunt not nerfed
I hope OW steals a character like Slim from Evolve. Supports should be fun to play and close range supports are fun as hell.
thank god they didn't go with a nigger male. instead we got gods gift to earth. thank you blizzard
>there are as many characters in the bottom tier as there are characters in tier 3, 2, 1 and S combined
How is this acceptable?
Gonna also need Recluse in the game.
hellboy skin for doomfist
missed opportunity this past halloween
>Mouth Beam
What could have been.
Is there any chance of having some of these characters in the game at some point?
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Mama Hong? Let alone defeat her.
Dodged a bullet right there. They probably changed it because no one would believe an insanely smart nurturing nigger caretaker thay wants to help everyone on a quest for peace. Only the willing to do violence is part is believable.
What went wrong?!?
Do we have any chance of Seeing Wendyl or was his concept folded into Lucio?
These characters look so good on concepts, but in-game everything is ruined by pixar-like models. Fuck this gay earth.
I NEED the full Psyblade art
RASHI when?
Yeah, I hate it when things are detailed, expressive, and well animated.
>Twin Brits
>Yeah, I hate it when things are detailed, expressive, and well animated.
Then boy do I have the movie for you.
>mama hong
holy shit please, faggots want to tout their new tranny battleborn character as good because "a durr just mad she not waifu :^)" when what we really need is mama
also luc
>spawn minions
What's this?
It will never not happen. If one character has the slightest edge over another, min-maxers will hop on it like a bitch on a dick.
I'm waiting Jeffu-sama.
first one's just proto-sombra before being pixar'd
don't get your hopes up
I personally thought Recluse kinda looks like the Queen of Junkertown and her design has shown up in old art a couple of times
>mouth beam
Now tell me how does it work ? I don't play OW but i folloe the waifus and husbandos, is this "mouth beam" girl out yet and does it do lewd stuff ?
these are all concept heroes from early development, very few of them are actually in the game, so all we have to go by are these concept panels and attack names
>Reaps haven't changed a bit since earliest concepts
Why is Ol' Reaperino so perfect?
>ability: onlyone
stampede is probably something like rein's charge but what's this one do I wonder
endyl looks so fucking cool
no im not underage fuck you
First thing that comes to mind would be a passive buff when alone/againts multiple enemies.
la hermana grande
I need Psyblade and Recluse
>she was male
>and black
I'm surprised how they even have white males in the game in the first place
oh shit
>team of retards dies
>go full FREEDOM and begin lopping heads off with your claymore while bagpipes blare in the distance
Nope she's a weirdo giant spider lady
give us some fire based hero already
also mercy or "angelica" looks seriously edgy here when she came out so gentle and motherly looking
>proto torb ult: bowling ball
what even
>we could've gotten a cool nig instead of shitty waifubait #5 billion and 1
oh christ I am erect, probably would have to shrink the legs but that is some top notch shit
>roaming around like a spindly creepy dva mech with godzilla beams
>a cool nig
Gonna need that Mama Hong right now Jeffy Boi.
Also a fire based hero would be awesome.
But you got Doomfist.
On second thought, I'd trade Mercy for Psyblade.
>Doomfist was originally a titty monster wearing a visor
Why did Blizzard have to show this?
It was obvious that the reddit meme crowd would go wild over the obvious joke character Mama Hong.
>haha le funny overweight chainsmoking old asian woman with curlers in her hair!
>I bet she uses a rolling pin as a weapon!
art of her has existed for a while. I think she was one of the more fleshed out concepts.
How could she possibly work on the maps, though? She couldn't fit through most of the chokes.
absolutely not. Recluse was literally a big spider cyborg lady.
>that rad looking walking tank thing on the far right has been relegated to a map prop and will never be playable
Still mad.
IRIS looks cool.
if I remember the big red and yellow robot guy was morphed into Reinhardt and the hazmat guy with a flamethrower became Mei.
Mama Hong would be pretty badass but I doubt we'll ever get her.
There are a whole bunch of dead bastions on maps, yet he's in the game. It's not entirely impossible.
Though it most likely turned into fucking Orisa
We need a Nurse skin for Mercy. Blizzard, don't miss your chance to make Nurcy a thing.
>Angelica became Mercy and Mercy became Pharah
Even the smallest one of those spider tanks is still too big, at least from the ones shown wrecked in Eichenwalde.
I want to Gaze into the Iris' eyes!
It's "gays" into the iris, actually.
Great, she's a Lesbian then? There goes my chance.
>What changes do you want to see?
The game discontinued.
eternal anguish
gg ez
Stop playing Overwatch.
Isn't there a copyright to use his likeness?
I doubt it. Most of these are pretty edgey, and/or in the game in some form. Orissa probably used to be Bruiser, Mei was clearly Frost. Blizz's current Pixar SJW-edition artstyle would ruin these.
mama hong will def be in canon. But I doubt anyone else will come in
Because it's an objectively bad game.
It's a subjectively good one, though.
1920s Mobster 76, with a rifle that resembles a tommy gun.
Banchou Hanzo with a comically oversized pompadour.
Mad Max McCree
Lewd fanservice outfits for everyone, including Bastion. Especially Bastion.
we wuz healerz n sheeit
Lewd Fanservice outfit that applies to D.Va's Meka
>probably the dumbest decision
Kind of scary how people this dumb can get that far in life. NEVERTHELESS,
Waiting for Mama Hong
Big mommas who take no shit need to be in more games.
All I can think of is Winstons mom in sleeping dogs
Give me this.
Pretty sure Orissa is mashed concepts from Bruiser and Rumble.
>Robot guard theme
>Stationary shield
>Wrist chain gun
And yet they managed to make Orissa look lamer than either of them.
Man they fucked shit up hard
Why why why did they pixar it all to hell!
Who was this god among men?
had to appease the grill gamers
Disney sells
Battleborn does not
Don't hurt yourself
how do I climb out of gold
if I play support, my team has shit dps
if I play dps, I never get healed
if I play tank, see above
Please help, I want to go back to diamond
Big fucking woo, he took a bunch of biology lessons in college, most of these schmucks never make it past that
>From the producers who saw Shrek
Coordinating with your team is basically the only skill that Overwatch requires, so the short answer for getting a higher rank is to just stop doing solo queue.
Carrying teams is too fun be allowed in the suicidal depression simulator that is Overwatch, so your only option is to find a decent group to play with.