Opus Magnum thread

Opus Magnum thread
Let's see just how autistic Sup Forums is





i like this one

Thought this came out pretty rad (although someone had a quicker one i believe and i'm not sure how)

Anyone have gifs of alchemical journal ones? Some of them seem borderline impossible

Post your Universal Compounds! Mine is still pretty horrible but this thing is such a bitch to build that if it works, it's okay for me.

holy shit mine is shit

I play spacechem which looks like basically the same game, does that count?

I've only done this and sailcloth, but I definitely like the journal problems more then the main game problems.

I just can't make it faster, this is as far as my brain goes.

These are beasts but not /that/ hard, except Lambent II/IX, shit is giving me nightmares rn

Holy shit I haven't gotten this far in the game.
That seriously looks tedious as fuck to design.

My first variant was pretty bad, it really depends on what you're prioritising

The Journal challenges are just extras meant to be done once your finished with the game and want more.

Some of them are pretty approachable but the ones where you have to deconstruct or store a bunch of elements for a later process are pretty complex and just zone me out.

This could go faster (with a 3rd arm on the tracks) but timing the tracks does my head in, i can't get it right.

pls no bully

I really need to star working on my cycles game, in the end I just tried to do something that worked, even if it meant a step by step approach

I like the rythm.

>solve for Reactive Cinnabar
>first attempt is 193 cycles long
>look up solutions online
>everybody used unbonding glyph but me

I'm an idiot

I didn't use it but you can probably go quicker if you did.

>how do you want your bonds

If you go on the opus Magnum plebbit page there's someone who beat that puzzle

could you not rotate the product exit down one space and then move that glyph up to complete the cycle without that final rotation and shave off some time without impacting area or cost?

Here's my solution for it.

You can save a wiggle if you put the salt glyphs between the output area and the bonding area althought that might fuck up the timing.

like this?

If you move the transformer to where the salt part of the solution is, and turn the solution up so that it switches spots and do it that way it should save you a cycle or two

oh yeah that makes sense

It's not very pretty but at least it's fast


Full steam ahead.

Boy that's a lot simpler than the mess I had going on
I was having a hell of a time trying to get the timing down with a bunch of arms on tracks


Thanks. That also made me realise that I could spare one arm.

It's so ugly... but the cycles.

I've tried to think how to multi assembly in a couple of puzzles but I'm just too stupid. I always end up with a clusterfuck of arms and the same cycles I had before sometimes even more

post it

I didn't actually finish it because of the timing issues

tracks are the biggest crutch in the game. I would rather go slow then go fast with tracks.

but tracks are fun

Does anyone have the come on and slam one that was posted a couple of weeks ago? I keep trying to find it again but I haven't had any luck.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Are the other games by this dev good? Do they play like Opus Magnum?

I've tried Shenzhen IO as well as TIS-100 and they're both really good. TIS might be too extreme for a lot of people though

like this


I haven't played this and I don't know what's happening in these webms, but I always come to these because they look really cool and are fun to watch.



you're evil


>area: 1787
