Do you still hate him?

Do you still hate him?

For what?

No I never cared about his shitty game either

Oh yes, forever.

>Male aerith

He was the good guy


It's "Earth" (Earisu).

That actually wouldn't be a bad name.

That's good, because it's her Japanese name.


Just the same, we all played the English version. We all saw how it's spelled in English.

And it was wrong.
Change yourself. Improve yourself.


Sephiroth did nothing wrong. He was a hero.
It was all Jenova fucking with his brain.

>tfw you realize that all of the times you faced "Sephiroth" it was actually just Genova and you didn't actually met him until the very end of the game

did nothing wrong

Wrong, eh? I'm pretty sure I can boot up every version of FF7 I own and they're all gonna list the same default names.

I mean I would demon rape that one chick

That's wrong though.

i had way more fun fighting him in kingdom hearts than in ff7

You met him on the North Crater withouth his lower half.

And Aeris was a translation mistake.
Let it go.

No it isn't. If Sephiroth never went into the Nibelheim mansion basement, read all those books and got the wrong idea thinking that Jenova was his "mother", he never would have flipped the fuck out and tried to copy her in destroying the planet.

He tried to kill my girlfriend, fused with a cosmic space parasite, corrupted the lifestream at the core of the world from a state of undeath, and killed Aerith for trying to stop him. You're damn right I hate him and I always will. Fuck you Sephiroth. You were our hero, and as soon as things go bad you try and take away our home just because you never realized you had a home in our hearts. The most ultimate ability I ever performed was purging you from my mind.

Only for telling me to leave the soldier that fell off the bridge.

Coping with an existential crisis by burning down a town and murdering everything in sight is not 'nothing wrong'. It is the definition of wrong. When getting stabbed in the back is the best thing to do, that's when you know you've gone wrong.

Doesn't matter. It says it in the game. I'm not wrong.

So then Sephiroth did do plenty wrong. His grudge should've been with just Shinra since they are the reason he exists the way he does. Instead his grudge extended to all of humanity because he linked himself with a race he didn't even belong to.

>desperately pushing a Japanese lisp because "ITS THE TRUE TRANSLATION"
You sound ridiculous.

Well all you're saying is that crazy people are doing anything wrong because they're not on the correct mindset, and I don't disagree.
But it wasn't "all Jenova". Sephiroth, mad as he was, was aware of what he wad doing and was the one making choices. He and Jenova were mostly working toward the same goal.

The game also has a bunch of spelling mistakes, but good look trying to prove to anyone that Jenova's actual line is supposed to be "beacause".

Okay, then we'd better start calling Cloud "Claude" and Barret "Bullet" because those were their intended names.

But it is.
But Square didn't retranslate their names like that, that's their official translati

I guess when I think about it, Sephiroth was most like Frankenstein's monster, except that he had spent a lifetime perfectly functional, albiet put to work as Shinra's prime superSOLDIER monster. Shinra are the most human bad guys in the setting and it is really rewarding to watch them get destroyed the way they are in the game. The beef between Cloud and Sephiroth is much more personal and existential, however.

How could Cloud be called Claude when they named characters Squall and Lightning because of it? Next you'll be telling me Terra was Tina.

Well it was, but the official translation is Terra.
Just like the official translation is Aerith.

Well then, I'm glad they cleaned up all the engrish in the ps4 release. Oh wait...Aeris's name is still the same. Isn't that something?

then how come the game calls her Aeris

Her name is Aeris

Really that's Shinra in a nutshell. They're a company of mad scientists and the most evil selfish businessmen in existence. I mean the company makes it money by turning the souls of the dead into electricity

It was a mistake, which has long been fixed in subsequent releases (not ports, because those are straight ports of the game, which also keep "beacause" intact).

Sigh... off course you don't know what you're talking about.

I didn't have a PS1, I was playing Panzer Dragoon Saga at the time. I did play FF7 as an adult. Don't get the love for Aeristh.

>off course

I dunno dude. My Greatest Hits version seems to have the same names all across the board.

The sad music played when she died.

Good thing FF7 has been milked so hard that there's a dozen official materials starring its cast and in all of them since the turn of the millennium she's been Aerith

Oh wow, I didn't even notice it, although given that we're talking about FF7, that could be an obscure reference to the Battle Square.

ITT: Weaboo "AERITH" fags.

Okay...but in the game, her default name is Aeris. That's what it says on the screen. Are my eyeballs wrong?

ITT: People deliberately playing incorrect translations

I wonder what form this bait will take once the remake is out


it fucking is you humorless shit. god damn i can't trust you people to understand the easiest joke in the world. fuck.

Everything post 1997 FF7, for example crisis core and advent children, explicitly refer to her as Aerith.
Unless you also pronounce “with” and “faith” with a lisp you should see a speech therapist.

In the game her default name is エアリス. The game's developers have chosen the closest english equivalent to be "Aerith". You might be referring to an incorrect secondary version of the game, such as the english translation.

For the longest time growing up I always though Sephiroth was smoking a cigarette. My mind is blown right now.

What the fuck


Not him, but you need to learn Japanese and try that post again.


fuck i am so upset that people who argue about final fantasy 7 translations don't even recognize a joke about one of the most grindable text-boxes in the game. if you got omnislash or w-materia as a kid and weren't constantly noticing that typo then you're probably not even sincerely arguing about grammar and spelling.

Incorrect secondary version...oh you mean the official English localization that got Square's stamp of approval? The one they chose to secure their continued success in the western market? That version?

You also might wanna learn about capitalizing before saying anything, if that's the case.

The rushed official translation full of mistakes they admitted to and later corrected, yes, that version.

hey listen here mister i give up capitals when i get mad
youve just lost your punctuation privileges too fucker

ス is the "su" kana, when pronounced in Japanese there's a tendency to drop the "u" sound. In this case it gives E a ri s or Aeris

I don't mind if they retcon her name later, but in every version of the game that I've played, her name has always been Aeris. I just don't want people telling me I'm wrong just because I'm quoting the fucking game that Square put out in the first place. Maybe they should've just called her Aerith from the get go, and then there would be no contention.

It can also mean "th". Like in Sephiroth's name.
And if you're gonna argue about her kana, then it should be "Earth". But that's retarded in english so they translate as "Aerith" to keep the pun. "Aeris" misses that.
That's why Aerith is their official translation.

>there's a tendency to drop the "u" sound
That's sometimes, it's not the rule, user.


Yeah but you ignore all the other in-universe material for the compilation of 7 so why not accept those at 'retcons'

This. Somehow people think it's really important to stay loyal to the foreign language of a company that doesn't bother to translate their games properly instead of being cool with the original most famous version of the game.

Then stop correcting people when they say Aerith.
If you go back on this thread, you'll see the first post was an Aerisfag correcting an Aerithfag. And that's usually the case.

Even fucking Zack calls her Aerith in Crisis Core.

No, I never hated him.

I'm not referring to those. I'm referring to the original game. When speaking in the context of the original game and indeed any game that names her as Aeris, I will refer to her as such.

Zack's a fuckin' nerd tho. You want to be a nerd like Zack?

Stop correcting people when they're incorrect? I will politely decline that option.



>childhood is idolizing cloud
>adulthood is realizing sephiroth made more sense

But Aerith isn't incorrect.
You can either say Aerith is correct, because Square literally says so, or admit Aeris is a mistake and still use because you're fond of it. But to correct the people that are actually correct because you're fond of a mistake is insane.

Did he? Because his final objective was being a planet parasite just like his mother. So that he could be the god of a dead planet.

We all grow up into our patents

But Cloud and Tifa didn't grow up to be dead

I mean, makes sense when you think about it.

It's true: I am fond of Aeris...because it's correct. Go ahead and boot up FF7 right now. Get to the part where you name Aeris and see what the default is. I'm not making this shit up, you know.

I don't know man. You slaughter all life on the planet, feed on their souls, became a one winged angel god thing over an empty rock and then what do you do?

I can do that, and it will say エアリス.


Sephiroth made no sense. He is doing everything he's doing because he thinks he's an ancient, when he's not. He's just a normal human that mutated into some jenova/human hybrid because his father was a piece of shit and did experiments on him before he was born.

He's just a shithead that's throwing a tantrum.

That doesn't NOT say Aeris...


Yes, he's crazy.
Crazy people don't make much sense.

Braindead opinion

>doesn't relate to Sephy
Open your mind man.

It's not an opinion, it's literally what happens in the game.

He's a nut, but I didnt really start to hate him until I got to his second phase and the nigger blew up the sun with a celestial body that took out several planets on its way there as one of his basic attacks. Talk about overkill, like fuck.
