Why are devs allowed to get away with this?


>throw down random terrain
>pour water and see what makes a lake
>plant random grass
>plant random trees
>toss in some random rocks

Credited as a """""Level Designer"""""

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That's how real nature works.

they are allowed to make a poor product.
the fault is on the dumb consumer who buys it
free market 101

he can do that, you can't. He is better than you at least.

nigga teach level design and my top students deliver better settings than 60% of the shit i see released.

thing is you have no idea how retarded and constrained production can get which explain these results

News flash grandpa, developing games is becoming more easier and convenient.

and games are becoming worse

Not OP but, unreal engine development kit is stupidly easy to learn. It's like photoshop, every tools and assets are right in front of you. This is coming from someone who played around it for a few minutes last week.
Even building complicated structures in minecraft took more critical thinking and effort.

What were you expecting? How do you suppose God made the earth?

Blame laziness, back them you had to be smart if you wanted to get past the system's limitations and get what you wanted (imagination was a thing too), nowadays you have better tools and unlimited space to make massive games yet devs are too lazy to make good shit.

He put a put a lot of compressed matter and energy in the center of the universe, made time run forward and waited a few billion years

Technology sure advanced. Being able to create a level so quickly with such simple control over it sounds really neat when being constrained by time or developers.

No it isn't Grandpa. You're just getting old. Gaming is fine other than loot boxes. Plenty of games to play now thanks to easy game making tools.

Face it, you're in-denial about it all and won't accept the fact that gaming is outgrowing you. Go get your rusty MSDOS games and play it if it makes you feel better.

I still don't get why people waste time with video games and movies when doing simply photo retouching or just compositing pictures gives the same or even more amount of money for 10000% less the work. This things seems like such a chore.

>Why are devs allowed to get away with this?

For the same reason people fucking laud shit like OOT in unreal engine and shit.
Nerds are to fucking stupid to know how shit actually works that to their dumbass asses shit is borderline magic.

open world games such as skyrim with "dungeons" like caves and ruins are the best open world games because there is actually some level design and depth to them.

real nature fucking sucks

heh.... god isn't real kid....


please explain how manually placing every rock and tree makes a game better

Not sure if serious

I don't care, so long as it works.

He is kinda right. the money in the vfx industry and in game studios that aren't AAA is fucking shit


Based slavs actually care about their games.



Depends on the genre, but that's a neat video.

Want to do this but I know my computer can't handle it.

Why must everything I love cost so much?