Let's be honest, there is no way that a couple of tiny knights with sharp sticks could kill a fire breathing...

Let's be honest, there is no way that a couple of tiny knights with sharp sticks could kill a fire breathing, stone skinned, huge and almighty dragon.

Other urls found in this thread:


Knights throwing sunlight spears could

That would probably only slightly tickle him.


You would think the dragons would win, but no. Man has warriors with swords sharper than most claws, wizards with more magic than most dragons, and they have men favored by the gods themselves. Something dragons don't have or understand.

>fighting a giant flying lizard with a sword
Do you hunt for bears with them too?

I mean I think it would destroy their scales revealing their weak flesh allowing for nito to spead a myasma of death and plague upon them but thats just me


We are of the size of a cockroach compared to a dragon. Only nukes might work, maybe.

I don't know about magic.

I need to stop crossboarding on /tg/ and Sup Forums, this is getting confusing.

No dummy, you hunt for bears with a set of teeth.

Is that why there are no more dragons? Because they couldn't be killed?
You should feel ashamed of your stupidity, subhuman. Europeans saved the world from winged satans and you question the probability of their heroism when the results are evident. Bet you're some kind of darkie or colonial.

>tfw no game really captures the death and destruction a dragon would inflict on the world

A multiplayer game where 32 players fight against a single fucking dragon would be cool.

Bringing them out of the sky eliminates their largest advantage. That's easily done with a big enough arrow/spear/ballistae.
After that you need to take out the eyes. No mean feat, to be sure, but entirely doable by a knight with a good spear or halberd.
Once you've blinded an animal that is used to seeing, it's at your mercy.

Odin also killed all the frost giants

they can talk, they are not an "it"

Did Dragon's Dogma do that with that online Ur-Dragon? I only played offline, so I don't know.

>mute people are its
ableist scumlord

what are some games with big fucking dragons like that?

No, people don't, but you definitely qualify as an "it".

but user can talk, so by your logic you are wrong

I think OP is an undercover Wyvern

What is the largest dragon in vidya?

Spell-less, animalistic dragons are the best dragons. They are already huge creatures with scaly armor and tons of health, claws and teeth, fire breath and the power to fly. You want dragons to be strong, but still beatable. God powered Dungeons and Dragons style dragons are bad for a setting's immersion; they have too many abilities, too much baggage, and they are too big. Dragons should be able to be seriously threatened by a group of knights sent by the local lords, which is why it steals away princesses instead of just crushing the castle with a huge claw.

In most games they make them much, much smaller. It would be impossible to fight if they were this huge. I don't know which game has the biggest dragons.

The dildo on your gaymur chair.

probably one of the dragons from GW2

Did Shadow of the Colossus ever have a dragon themed one?
Would make sense, really.

That's what the dragonator is for, dummy.

Not really dragon like but there where this one flying snake iirc.

Dont worry, OP. They'd be huge, yes, but being that huge imposes tremendous physics limitations on mobility due to the square cube law.

Basically, they'd be very slow and if you could even make a single proper wound around their abdomen, it's entirely likely the whole thing would rip open.

>tries to walk
>collapses under its own weight

Elder dragons from Monster Hunter Series

>size makes you slow

You can catch and squash an insect in less than a second.

Because you're not dozens of stories tall, stupid.

They wouldn't really be slow.
Sure, they'd look slow, but that's only relative to their size.
Basically, if I swing my arm at you at 90 miles an hour, and a giant dragon does the same, it's going to look like he's moving slower, simply because he's on a larger scale.


>citing square law
>ohh ohh doesn't scale proportionally, because reasons!!!


>hur dur, games told me that big=slow
>hur dur

fuck off

There "cube" part is there for a reason, dummy.

>kill giant dragon
>its dead body hitting the earth levels mountains and destroys the land

Square cube law has nothing to do with scale.
What does the relationship between volume and surface area have to do with scale making movement appear slower?

To be honest I never analyzed the biophysics of huge creatures, so I won't comment anymore.

But in principle, I don't see why a huge creature would have to be slow, it would only require massive amounts of power to move quickly.

It's also impossible for a creature of that size to survive, but it's not real

what if the dragon identifies as a helicopter?

My dragon if you know what I mean


It won't "appear" slower. It WILL be slower, because the forces acting on a gigantic body will not be "proportionately" bigger, they'll be EXPONENTIALLY bigger. If it can even exist at that size at all, it wouldn't be able to move remotely similar to something of our scale.


I never understood why people ever bother trying to apply physics and other shit to dragons. The whole point is that the mere act of existing for them is a huge fuck you to that stuff.


Huh, didn't realize there was only one proper way to make fantasy creatures. Thanks for setting the record straight user.

Thats why i always play archer. At least i can try to shoot its asshole or somethin

This could also be applied to any fantasy creature ever made. But it's not real and neither is your sex life


How do we know that for sure?

Well how would you explain that dragon sustaining it's food intake for even a fucking day. I mean look at the thing
>doesn't eat hurr magic
that's dumb

Let's be honest, if dragons were sapient, we would try and fuck them.

Dinosaurs were kind of huge too.

it swallows someone the size of ur mom once a day

It could move it's body parts as fast as you, but because it's larger it would seem slower.
If you had your hand at your side, and moved it to touch your nose at say, 3 feet per second, it would be pretty instant.
But if a giant that was like, 100 feet tall did the same, at the same 3 feet per second, it would seem slower because his hand would take longer to cover the bigger distance.

All you need to beat magic dragons is magic people. Give the humans fantasy abilities and you get balance again.

Imagine is that dragon just started laying it's eggs right in front of your house haha.

size does make you slow. Just because you're bigger than an insect and you have quick movements, doesn't mean something 100x taller than you wouldn't move slower. there's more mass to move and considering the gravity and oxygen levels, it'd be reaaaal hard to move at our speed.

You're not real, faggot.

brehs this thread isn't going the way a dragon thread is supposed to be going

That's not even related to my argument.
I'm not talking about the amount of force required, since it's safe to assume a magical, giant dragon that solved the issue of square cube law causing overheating, would also have solved the issue of producing enough force.

>Dragons only exist in European mythology
but that's actually fucking wrong you retard.
Smh can't even make a joke post right

Holy shit, this guy owns a dragon!

>threatening in this day and age

They just exist to show how impressively powerful the ones that kill them are.

t. Dragon that got cucked by a knight

>implying God fearing Englishmen didn't descend on the unwashed savages of distant lands in their holy crusade against lizards who ate food that was too spicy, only to return from whence they came without a word when the job was done

Then I assume humans in this universe can move at lightspeed and fart nuclear explosions.

Dragon's Dogma, he's not quite that big but he's still huge and he's cool as fuck.

final fantasy xv

What about manlet dragons?

I loved in Shin-Godzilla how the prime minister reassured the public by saying "it cannot come onto land, it will immediately collapse under it's own weight and die" and then it came onto land and fucked the city

You laugh, but shit like that isn't unreasonable for high level humans in a setting like this.
You're getting confused about realism in a fantasy setting.

Nukes are complete overkill.
Vehicle mounted, crew served guns in larger calibres, missiles and shells should do the job in sufficient numbers.
If that fails, you bring in specialized stuff like bunker busters or thermobaric weaponry. If even that doesn't work, nukes wouldn't either.

Not really, we were simply discussing different levels of fantasy. Yes, magic can ignore the square cube law, but not all dragons are magical and not all magic is equal.

They get raped by horny humans and create the Dragonborn race.

Laviente from Monster Hunter Frontier and Deathwing from WoW come to mind.

>my little sister is taller than Charizard
Made me lose all respect for it, honestly

Well if physics don't matter, a knight could go full anime on the dragon and slice it a million times in one second with his sword

That's what Godzilla movies are all about, but it never works.

Square cube law is relevant for scale if we are talking real world physics. The force muscles can generate is dependant of the cross section of the muscle. Increasing the scale will increase the size of a creature in 3 dimensions while only increasing the cross section of the muscle in 2 dimensions.
This is the reason why we see small creatures with long slim limbs and big creatures are generally bulky.

That shitty little balista was bullshit tho, the only hope was a dragon flying directly at it which the dipshit queen did anyway, even at that, accuracy is a huge issue.

"Fairy tales are more than true – not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be slain"

That has never worked against Godzilla so I doubt it would work on dragons.

Depends on the size of the drago, thickness of the hide, etc.

alduin from skyrim

dragons are organic, just fucking poison them

This, Kralkatorrik from GW2 must be one of the largest.

>hide a big fucking bomb in the dragons food, explode it from inside

this would work

There is only one way.

Fags trying to kill things with metal sticks would also get completely shit on by magic users too, but video games and fantasy are purposefully not realistic so that the retards can feel useful.

He said largest not most disappointing

why not just drown them in water?

Leave em to me

Bahamut is pretty big.