Why can't America make good games anymore

Literally every single good game released in the past 2 decades were made by Japan

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Every single good game ever made is Japanese. It's the way things are, friendo, sorry.


This but unironically.
Just taking a look at this year, what good American made game was released? Literally nothing.

Because you're harsh on American games while forgiving any bullshit Jap devs do because you're a bunch of weeaboos.

And what makes people weeaboos in the first place? Hm? It's because Japanese games are superior, doofus.

fuck off OP

Yes, based Japan can do nothing wrong. Gacha is a conspiracy by the west


Because Japanese culture is different and losers think that they'd be more accepted in Japan when they'd be even more derided.

Games are meant to escape reality. Because reality is a bore. Western games try to make things realistic. Going against the point of gaming. Also western games are rushed bug fests.

Half the shit there are movie games or "muh dialogue" boring shit
And cuphead is just a metal slug ripoff

Kill yourself weeb


only one of those could be considered a """"""""""""""""""movie"""""""""""""""""""" and it still has better gameplay than Persona 5.

This. So much fucking this.
Rare exception, but genersl tendency in western games is "realistic = better".

>picking sides
lmao and I bet every single one of you faggots would suddenly hate Japan if you ever went there.

Only cuphead is good on the left. Everything else is borderline movie.

America hasn't made good games since the 90s. Europe and Japan dominate the industry. In fact I want to disassociate European games from "western" games.

>Ori has 4 minutes of cutscenes

Oris soundtrack is also 200% better than generic japanese soundtracks

Why can't European games be known as "central games" since Europe is in the center anyway? Why are Europeans "wesrern"

I only hate big cities in Japan. Large concentration of people is shit regardless of the country.

Titanfall 2

Every game on the right has extremely diverse gameplay, graphics, art style, etc. 5/8 games on the left are the same movie-with-QTEs schlock we've had for the last decade, 1 is basically an art game, and 1 is from Poland, not America

Jip jap japoo is nice, not as bad as people make out besides their work culture, just don't be a US marine or english teacher

>t. never been there

>I only hate the big cities
so why even go to Japan

You clearly didn't look at the picture if you think that.

TLG, Nioh, Scalebound, Dark Souls 3, Xenoblade X and FFXV (sort of) all go for a realistic artstyle.

So much more than there are on the left.

literally the face of Sup Forums and neogaf/v/

are you guys implying western games are better?

Sure thing, weeaboo.

USA most of the time are the first to create a technology but the last to perfect it. Just like the Internet, they created it but they don't have the fastest, most reliable internet in the planet.


>dude japan sucks and you'd hate it
>why even go if you're not going to a city?
well why even go to a city if they just get your pantsu in a bunch? care to share why the japanese got you so asshurt?
>inb4 english teacher

The progressives turned gaming into a platform for social engineering and also see gameplay as a side project.

How is The Witcher 3 western?

It's Polish... so Euro.

It doesn't say anything about western there you mong. the only region/country that's mentioned is japan.

Or maybe they judge games by things other than their region. Which is easy when you realize CoD wasn't the first Western game to ever exist

They go for "realistic artstyle", while not actually going for realism itself, but west just tries to go for "realism".

>being a weaboo

OP specified American games vs Japanese games. Witcher 3 does not apply as an American game.

sony was supposed to win bros,
what happened?

>Literally every single good game released in the past 2 decades were made by Japan


>le western/eastern meme


You're not as smart as you think. You made a non-sequitur when in fact the argument is easy vs. west.

>Uncharted 4
>Tomb Raider

>Sunset Overdrive
literally who

>Witcher 3

This is a fucking terrible rebuttal of OP's claim.

Cuphead is good, Witcher is from Poland though. The rest are bad to mediocre.

Other good games that have come out in the last Five Years:
Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Horizon Zero Dawn
A lot of people liked Shovel Knight
Hollow Knight was pretty good

If you go two decades back, there are many more fantastic games as well.

>How is it Western? It's Polish

user.... I don't know how to tell you this, but the EU is part of the Western world

Pretty good video. Most Europeans use terms like Northern, North West, Southern, Central, East etc. Poland is seen by most as Central European.

>why AMERIKA can't make good games anymore
>"X" is technically western, so it counts
Is half of this thread unable to read, or do they think that Europe is part of Murrica too?

discussing Western games a whole is more relevant though, given the big similarities between European and North American games. I'm sure there are a lot of US citizens working in the EU and vice versa

Japan has not made a good game since Dark Souls 1.

But Bethesda literally JUST released TEW2

Nice try OP

Is that the actual game cover? It looks so lazily done

>Being a westaboo

On average, yeah.

Americans have no passion.

This. Resent western games are made purely by committee management, not by passion or desire to make a good game.

bad bait