

Is not lesbian in my canon

This desu

And it doesn't matter if she's lesbian. That doesn't stop me from unzipping my benis


Lesbians don't do this

Doesnt matter cuz shes not real

>implying she's a lesbian or straight
>not realizing she's bi
>slays bitches and bounces on dick left and right
>never ages
>living the dream

Tracer's not a lesbian.



nice crocs lmao

bong girls are the most beautiful

I don't care about this shitty comic. Emily can go burn in hell. Tracer will always be straight to me.

Your waifu's a carpet muncher and there's nothing you can do about it

She's a fictional character, and can be any sexuality I want. I don't have to accept Blizzard's canon.


>I wish a had a Tracer gf because she looks and acts like an annoying boy and real women intimidate me, it'll be just like hanging out with another guy haha

Get a real waifu, kiddo.

Widowmaker's posture looks so painful.

>she looks and acts like an annoying boy
>it'll just be like hanging out with another guy
None of that is true.

Deserves to be raped by Big RoadHog Cock.

I did!

Have you been outside lately? That's how girls stand these days.

Emily is much better-looking than Tracer.

Is overeatch the buffalo chicken of video games??

>he doesn't like tomboys
you are missing out, my friend

the Tracer reveal means all the lesbian fan art is NTR of her boring canon girlfriend

No she isn't. No one is more beautiful than Tracer.

do americans really eat chicken like this?

go back to eschergirls or some gay shit







>he doesn't like hanging out with other guys

pfft it's like you dont have friends, man


Post the webm were she is shaking her hips side to side so I can get an erection and masturbate furiously hoping no one comes into my office.



>Widow's face

This one?

That's the one, I don't know why but that shit gets my dick erect. I'll think of you when I cum, as a show of gratitude.

Shit and overpowered.

best girl.



I love her nonetheless



>a shrine to diabetes


Am i the only one who thinks Mei is best girl?


cute af

pain to play against tho


Only makes my dick harder.
She wont be anymore after a good dicking.

No, she and D.Va are my favorites.
And I even prefer chubby Mei too.

if D.Va was thicc she'd be perfect

>giving a shit about Blizzard's terrible comics
come on man

Why is my dick so hard?

She has voicelines talking about Emily too you cucks.

I wanna fuck tracer

Why do you want to fuck a smurf?

Muscle or fat


I follow the Russian canon.


>no blonde overwatch tracer skin


Good. She's better as a brunette.


Defend this Blizzfags

>tfw no Zarya gf

>Has a PC
>playing on PS4

shes probably playing bloodborne

>wearing soldierĀ“s jacket
immersion lost



I'd say this makes her bisexual unless they straight up tell me she's a fag

Also since she isn't real, I can decide what she does with her sexuality if it isn't forced into her narrative, which it isn't.

Looks like titanfall 2

>Being this gay

Underrated joke right here, user

Thats not how it works, virgin

Nothing compared to real best girl

Thats exactly how it works though.
Only reason girls are lesbians are because they never found a dick good enough to pleasure them.
Why do you think so many lesbians use shit like dildo and strap-on.

what did you guys do when you got a female champ that looks meh

agreed, Sombra is best.

>>this whole thread is neckbeards arguing canon sexuality
>>caring about shit that isnt real.
You guys are so petty nnd pathetic, Go outside.Or keep posting your feelsies I love laughing at your misery.

>a voiceline added over a year after the game was first released.
yeah sure, it was truly Blizzards intention all along.
give me a break.

Not enough porn.


She will trace the veins in my cock with her tongue, if you catch my drift.

anyone have the full size version of her in the bathroom?

She's embarrassed from all the attention from you Anons

I will never understand the controversy when Tracer was flirting with Widowmaker from day one.
And she looks like a stereotypical dyke.
They should have made Mercy the canon lesbian, at least that would have been more progressive and surprising.

The thing is no one cares about a vidya characters sexuality. Only the gay retards who think they need to be "represented".
You are still gonna see Tracer getting the dick in SFM, or with a dick fucking a male or female, etc.
And thats whats important.

Literally the biggest faggot I've ever witnessed.
You genuinely made me laugh out loud at you, you pathetic human being.


What is your go to hero when you just want to win?