Why do people play this game?
Why do people play this game?
some people like cock
People don't play this game, chinese bots do.
their favorite streamers and their friends play it therefore it's fun user, just buy the game and $1000 worth of loot boxes.
>Why do chinks play this game?
Ftfy and idk why
This has loot boxes?
cause it's fun
why do you care what people are playing loser?
get laid already
I almost bought into the meme getting excited for it on Xbonex but then I realized it’s a literally pointless shooting game just like Overwatch
what kind of asinine question is that, people play it because they want to.
getting laid isn't everything
dude it's 2017. if a game doesn't have lootboxes then it's a shit game, period.
Anyone know launch options that actually work?
Infinite replayability, almost every match plays different. It's basically a pure gameplay driven game, the very essence of a videogame. Sup Forums hates it because its popular despite the fact they're the ones shilling for games being more videogamey and less like movies.
Can I play it? If so what launch options do I need to adjust and setting
what's the difference between this and that HIZI shit? is it the same game?
What's fun about it? You spend so much of the game doing nothing at all.
Be prepared to restart the game every 3 or 4 matches, due to the rampant memory leaks.
Why would you buy lootboxes for PUBG, you don't even see your character
It's """"kinda """" fun
Not always because the shooting sucks, and the hitboxes and the scale of things is fucked, and shooting from windows is impossible because of perspective fuckery, and the hitreg is bananas, and the performance is ass, and you need 16gb ram because it sucks for whatever reason, and looks kinda bad, but when the stars align it's a fun experience.
Well, if you're a pussy and land in the middle of nowhere
someone add me on steam so we can play pls
u first
I don't want to alarm you guys or anything, but I've heard rumors that some people play games for "fun".
post id
a well-designed and applied average match length so it feeds into a "one more game" mentality where you might just get lucky and win
>and shooting from windows is impossible because of perspective fuckery,
how bad are you?
no u faggot
>80% of the playerbase is chinese
>duhhhh they play for fun!
>camping and doing nothing
Because it takes the good and exciting parts of DayZ and give them to you in bite size bits.
because their favorite streamer told them to
>Aim through a window
>It hits the borders
>Shoot a shotgun
>All the "pellets" hit a single tiny metal bar in every angle
>Change to first person
>The FOV is tighter than the devil's anus, you realize you're actually a midget
>Ironsights suck dick unless equipped with a red dot or something because normal ADS obscure the vision even more than they help
>hitreg so inconsistent some matches it might as well be RNG
>Rubberbanding everywhere: Shoot someone through a door frame, he falls 1m and 1 second later behind hard cover
>Chinese cheaters
>Getting stuck in tiny fences because no vaulting
Because they haven't evolved to understand the majesty of your taste, your grace.
Sup Forums is genuinely pathetic.
I'll explain why people play it, because it's the most fun/enjoyable game in years.
Yes it's glitchy, hard to run etc but why does this actually matter of its simply more fun?
Even more pathetic are the people who act as if it's only children/retards who enjoy it, the person I play with the most is an international mathematics Olympiad medalist and apparently a lot of his equally smart friends play it.
Why don't you try it (you can always refund) or play it at a friend's house instead of just shit posting about it every fucking day?
>fun fun fun fun fun
stop using subjective arguments PUBGnigger, only drooling retards and Chinese bots play this boring shitfest of a game
Because it's a triple-A game and the releases are slow right now.
Everyone enjoys it in real life, it's the most popular have in every country there are simply more Chinese and it's very likely my imo medalist friend is smarter than anyone you'll ever talk to in your life and he plays it all the time.
What reason do people play games for apart for fun?
>ad populi
>muh friends
>muh fun
guess your friend isn't that smart since he's playing a shitty chinese bot farming simulator. PUBG isn't fun in any regard, it's streamerbait garbage that got polular because normalfags only play garbage hyped by their favorite streamers
this, It's even more enjoyable when you have another friend to duo with and you can have fun together.
PUBG isn't fun. It's nu-fun. You're tricking yourself into liking it.
Because it's fun
All your arguments are pure memes
>muh Chinese
Most played game in every country
>Muh bots
Can't bot it anymore, not financially viable
>Muh steamers
It's steamer count lines up with what you'd expect from it's player count
>Muh form
Highest player retention of any game on steam ever according to steamspy
Just accept it and move on instead of being purposefully contrarian.
Everyone enjoys it. Westerners, chinks, kids, adults, retards, literal 1 in a million geniuses like my friend.
The only people who don't are Sup Forums contrarians who have forgotten what video games are about, having fun and not shitposting/complaining
do you think there's an objective reason why people play a game?
Me and good friends play almost every day for a few hours. It's really fun when you regularly win and almost always get into the top 10.
I'm getting really fucking sick of chinese hackers though. It's out of control.
stop responding to bait retard
this thread is full of jealous sony faggots
>pubg to be released on xbox one dec. 12
No idea. I don't see the appeal. Seems like just another generic shooter.
Because famous streamers play it. Don’t you want to be like your favorite famous streamers?
> Mfw I didn't realize that I should have bought the gamescon crates when they were 1 pound and just sit on them until now when they are almost 7 so I only have 3 cases to sell.
Btw Sup Forums , should I keep staying on them to hope that the price will keep going up or should I sell them before the next invitational crate appears?
actually. it is. thats your only purpose on earth. to spread your seed and continue the human race. if your not "getting laid" your a fuck up to humanity and worth literally nothing. aka no one needs you. ever.
Land into school or military base if you want action you fucking pussy.
i want to shoot people and call them niggers like my favorite youtube celebrity pewdiepie
thought it was supposed to come to PS4 also
Somehow not subjective.
It's fun with friends. You can do solo, but having duo or squads makes it even better.
Sort of getting bored, though. Hope they put in that new level soon
You can contribute to the human race in a million better ways than just creating another human.
You sound pretty insecure. I hope you feel at peace one day.