Right, i'm guna start Dark Souls and i'm determined to beat it...

Right, i'm guna start Dark Souls and i'm determined to beat it. I have very limited experience with these games and i'm not the best at games in general, What class should i start off with? Is there one that has a really useful item?

Also general Dark souls discussion is welcome.

>Hit opponent
>Roll away
>Bait another attack
>Hit opponent
>Roll away
>Bait another attack

When you get bored start trying to parry pointlessly then try the PVP and enjoy poise.

Then after you're bored of that talk about how it's the best game ever or something and play the other 2/DeS/Bloodborne

The thief's key makes some parts easier but also makes it possible to accidentally skip sections of the game by sequence breaking. Starting as a basic fighter class would be a good setup for your first playthrough.

Also make sure you go into the graveyard at the start. The skeletons are weak and a good source of starting XP.

I already know that the skellies are too hard at start you goof.

it doesn't matter, none of the initial choices are that much better than the others
just play the game

the only suggestion i would make is to not take the master key or the thief class, which starts with the master key. the sequence breaks are great for later playthroughs but for a first time you won't know what to use it for and could end up in places you shouldn't be until you're more powerful and more experienced.

Stop acting like the game is challenging or anything. The only people who have trouble with it are mentally retarded and never touched a game before.

Oops i already picked knight and master key, oh well... playing through first section of game now, everything going well.

Well, it'll tell you when you open a door using it, so you can just turn back whenever you do.

VIT 30
STR 16
DEX 10

Ok, should i kill the guy who gives you estus flask?

Not when you first meet him as part of the tutorial.


Kill all the npcs you find

Ok he died anyways, gunna fight first boss now.


Your stats in terms of importance:

1. END
2. VIT
3. STR or Dex (depending on build)

END and VIT feel like difficulty controls for the game. The higher they are, the easier the game.

Your enjoyment/understanding is correlated to how many hours you put in. For at least the first 50 anyway assuming you don't use a guide for all of it.

>being cynical about video games
Lmao you sad cunt

Got killed the first time and beat him 2nd. I missed the plunge attack first time lel.

Cool thanks, is there a certain number i should be trying to hit with the stats? Like do they max out?


I just went up to the birds nest and i little girl started asking for warmth wtf?

She wants your benis

That's gay as hell, i say gay as hell!

All points into Resistance
Beat Pinwheel first
...after 35 hours

Just like me.

I played a bit of Dark Souls mostly blind some time ago and dropped it due to shit like the dragon stomping after climbing that stairway at the start. It's fucking bullshit. My autism also forces me to go out of my way to fight enemies over and over after they respawn which Is a annoying personal issue.

>Dont use guides or walkthroughs. It ruins the experience
>Be patient. You are going to die, a lot. Its part of the game and its usually because you made a mistake. The key is to learn from your mistakes
>Be observant. Most bosses and enemies have attack patterns, wind-ups or telegraph their attacks
>Be observant. There are hidden items, secret pathways, blood splatters/corpses/suspiciously placed enemies to indicate traps
>Explore. There are hidden weapons/armour/items everywhere. Exploring every area is always worth it
>If you start to rage hard put down the game and come back to it later. When you are angey or frustrated you will make mistakes
>The weapon with the highest damage does not mean its the best weapon for the job. You should use a weapon you like, not because it has the highest DPS. Once in a while you may have to change your weapon for one that is more suited to the task. So test out multiple weapons, learn what they do


>Upgrade yo' shit. Always upgrade your weapons + shields when you can. You can buy upgrade mats (titanite) from most blacksmiths or you can farm certain enemies. Upgrade your armour too but its secondary to your weapons. You will have to repair your gear from time to time but it costs so little you should always do it, lest your weapon break at the worst possible time
>Read item descriptions. Not only will it tell you what it does/what the key unlocks. It will tell you backround info on the world
>Start with the Pyromancer class for your first playthrough. Pyromancy gives you awesome flame-throwing abilities, that DONT require you to sink levels into, only souls (money). Where as sorcery and Miracles require you to level up a stat.
>The only thing classes do is determin your starting gear. You could start as a knight and end up as a sorcerer. Any class can use any weapon or armour set as long as you have the stats to weild it.
>Dont level up resistance its pretty much useless
>Level up health and stamina as a priority
>DO NOT ATTACK NPCS. Almost every NPC will sell you shit or give you useful information like where you need to go. So talk to them and exhaust their dialouge
>Learn to kick effectivly Kicking enemies can be extremely useful, use it to interupt them, kick them off cliffs to their death, guard break enemies who use shields
>When you pick up an item it goes straight to your inventory. Which means you can make a suicide run past hard enemies to grab an item(s)
>Lock on to enemies. Seriously if you forget to do this shit is gonna be WAY harder
>Dont listen to music when you play DaS. It has its own music which ranges from epic to beautiful


Soft cap for most stats is 40. After that it's not really worth putting points into.

>getting killed by the very first dragon encounter
I didn't even know that was possible. Did you just fucking sprint everywhere?

Ok, also is it worth just levelling up in the 1st area? Do the enemies just revspawn forever?

>Dont use guides or walkthroughs. It ruins the experience
but you're providing a guide right now?
a guide on where to go is fine. finding the sewers isnt easy, for example

they respawn forever
if an area is too hard just kindle the bonfire.
To kindle a bonfire rever to human spending one humanity, then spend another humanity to kindle it. This way the bonfire will give you ten estus charges instead of five.

Humanity is a precious resourse in the early game so just do it if you really need to.

>you're providing a guide right now
I provided general low level tips. Guides are telling you where everything is, best weapons, and specific instructions on how to beat bosses and areas.

>finding the sewers isnt easy, for example
Its a linear path through the lower burg how is that hard to find. Also the key you get tells you where to go

Will this game cure my autism?

Don't grind, you don't need to
Also, I seriously hope you haven't killed every NPC you've met so far

Ok thanks user

Haven't killed any

Pyromancer is the best starting class for new player. Get the claymore on the bridge after taurus demon and power up you pyromancy flame. Also join daughter of chaos for broken pyromancy that will steamroll the game until past anor londo

What did you all name your characters?

Mines is called BallsDeep.

Thornelyx is my most recent character, 5th one on Dark Souls 1.
Too bad everyone just sees your Steam username online.

>tfw I used a guide on DeS and DaS because I didn't want to irreversibly fuck up my playthrough. Like Yurt killing NPCs.
>fucked my own enjoyment by doing so
The autosaving nature of the game means that you can fuck up accidentally or in not so obvious ways with no way to revert the mistake. That's the one major issue I have with Souls series.
Still love the games of course, but I hate this part.

It will make it much, much worse.
Which is okay because then you can weaponize it.

Curious, but what games were really challenging in this era besides optional difficulties in crazy games? When I first played Demon's Souls, it was the most punishing game since I had played since literally Nintendo, unless you want to count optional difficulties of DMC/NG/etc.

More like Pornelyx hahahhaha


Next character is going to be a berserker called "MAD AS F**K"

You'll never make it.

New randomizer version when?

Nice, extra fun if you destroy people in pvp

I actually will though

Heres some protips: start as pyromancer or bandit. If you pick pyro, remember that intelligence doesnt scale pyromancy. I would go with bandit though and get to 20 endurance asap. Endurance is way better than vitality in the beginning. Then start pumpning str/dex depending on what weapons you get and their scaling. Figure out how the weapon scaling works. Then just be patient and don't give up.

Is there a mod for Dark Souls that removes the orange fog walls from the start? I think that would increase the replay value immensely.

bumping for this

I just beat the big guy at the end of the tunnel down the steps, he dropped a black knight sword. Is this a good weapon to use.

I'm also at 16 VIT 16 END and 16 STR

And i started the game as a warrior with master key before you commented.

black knight sword is pretty dank
most of the black knight weapons are dank

honestly it's so good that it might hamper some of your enjoyment of the game.

Black Knight Sword is one of the best weapons in the game, it can carry you to the final boss pretty much.

Fucking sweet, really enjoying the game so far anyway.

Yeah, grats on getting that. If you see small shiny lizards with a crystal on their back, rush towards them and kill them, they dissappear quickly, but they drop material you can use to upgrade your sword.

Just remember the stats will always do a lot less than your skill level. Everyobe comes up against brick walls in their first playthrough, just gotta push through that shit.

There are a few things you might wanna look up because the game doesn't explain them:
-stat caps
-how equipment weight works
-how poise works
-secret areas(because 99% chance you're gonna miss em)

Other than that, just play the game normally

I actually killed one and got 2 twinkling titanite

Yeah, i'm finding a lot of success with patience so far

Stat caps were already explained in this thread. Don't level anything over 40~50 due to diminishing returns.

Equipment weight works like that:
>if the weight of your equipment is under 25% of your maximum you light roll
>if it is 25 to 50% you mid roll
>if it is over 50% you fat roll
>if it is over 100% you can't move
That's all you need to know.

The more poise you have the less you get hitstun from attacks, nothing important here to look up.

>secret areas
Do not look this up. It is much more fun to stumble onto one on your own, you can always look that shit up for your second playthrough. Just keep in mind that illusionary walls exist, they break by being hit.

You're fine then, just play, explore at your pace and enjoy my negroid.

I want to add that it's completely possible to over level the first two. I did my first run and then was dealing shit damage