What games have aged well 20 years later?

What games have aged well 20 years later?



me on the left

I'd love to see a colored version of this.


where are her hips? who the hell drew this


Super Mario 64 is still the best game on the Market

Someone who doesn't think women can have huge tits and be confident.

tifa would not have aged like that in 20 years
looks like her tits spend time equipped with tit growth materia tho, lel.

That's Aeris' job.

She was 20 in FF7, so you're looking at a 40 year old granny.


Most shmups,truly the greatest videogame genre ever conceived.


I would like to procreate with that.

Games don't age, you do.

get in line

Mega Man 8 and X4 have held up remarkably well.

I thought she was a prostitute.

Zelda a Link to the Past.

Most 2D era games that were good back in the day.

Rez still looks/plays/sounds great.

Sauce? Image search gave me nothing.

Yeah and not any other Mega Man games

>she sings opera
>I will never be able to pregnant that
Brb, killing myself.


Ben Shapiro's sister

I'd say X1 and 2 hold up pretty well, and Command mission actually still looks gorgeous, even if it has no facial expressions.

Legends 1 and 2's clunky tank controls have not held up, but in general, the use of animated faces has made it hold up better than contemporaries that tried to 3D model faces. or had no faces at all.


give kahzar milkies now

Games don't age.