With Classic WoW coming back will Thottbot come back?

With Classic WoW coming back will Thottbot come back?

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>that fucking rhyme and screenshot on Bloodvine Lens' page
I don't even know why I remember this.

pretty sure it'd have to change its name otherwise it'd get a ton of traffic from people thinking it's THOT BOT, i.e. cleverbot that acts like a bitch


It was a long shot but I found it

its lyrics bro

>WoWhead deleted all of the pre-2007 comments on thottbot when they bought it
fucking gay

Huh. Some mysteries are solved after more than a decade.

wikis are what ruined MMOs

Databases and wikis ruined mmos

>muh sense of exploration and aimlessness

this thread would make for a good hunter weapon

kill yourself

Not an argument, sweetie.

This was?

I didn't reply to an argument either

>Collect 5 bear asses and 5 (You)s

>muh I just want to be told what to do because I can't think for myself


>let me just look up this quest real quick
>let me just get this quest addon
>let me just use this guide addon and put everything on auto

>classic WoW coming back

hehe, thot

>May or may not require 762 bears killed to collect an ass
Quest Progress (You): 1/5


>People on thottbot are all like "locs are cheating" and I'm like "SHUT UP YOU'RE ON THOTTBOT YOU'RE CHEATING ANYWAY"

This is what happens when youre too stupid to understand that MMOs are mindless grinders so instead of quitting that bullshit you try and make it easier.

>salt flat venom
>Miner's fortune

Shieeet, what was the name of that video? I wanna watch it again.

jimmy the world of warcraft story

>Be low 30's, head to Shimmering Flats for easy level worth of quests at least
>Remember the fucking scorpion quest
>Accept quest anyway
>Get venom off every fucking scorpion

Back to MMO-Champion with you.

Thott and Wowhead ruined the game and all games after it by data mining mystery out of everything. I wish devs would spend time obfuscating things to mitigate that, there's no reason to interact with other players if you can open a tab and find the solution immediately.

>will a website that relied on community information and not datamining come back

Only if people are stupid... So likely for a little bit.

On the one hand I agree, but on the other hand you quite often run into nothing but assholes that give you the equivalent of lurk moar.there was a time would I would ask people first and use the wiki as a last resort, but these days everybody just tells you to fuck off or at best they tell you what page you need to look for on the wiki

That would make sense If they didnt want people to datamine the stuff. They do it so people get a "sneak" preview of whats to come and get hyped so they throw their money at them.

Wowhead bought it I believe, but I'm willing to bet they will make a 'thottbot theme' for their wowhead database when classic releases.

Fuck dude I remember asking people in proximity chat what to do for some quests or even how to get to a specific place. Some bloke ran me to the next questing area once, just because he was a nice guy. I went back to WoW last year for a little bit after a long break. Holy fucking balls I got kicked out of some dungeonfinder groups just for trying to have a bit of a conversation. Why do these people even play an MMO? It was like playing singleplayer desu.

The devs encrypt anything they don't want datamined, like a good chunk of BfA is already in the gamefiles and just encrypted, with the occasional hint dropping shit being left for the datamining crowd intentionally.