Why would someone shoot a girl before throwing her off a roof?
Detroit: Become Human
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Less cruel maybe?
I mean if you are going to kill somebody just do it quick, no need to be an edgelord and extend someone else suffering.
it's much more merciful
lol lets go easy on women i love women im a cuck please fuck my wife tyrone KEK
le baen xd
so the kid doesn't dodge a person passing by
So that the fire rises
How is waiting for the bullet to hit you any less cruel than waiting for the ground to hit you? At least hitting the ground is more reliably going to kill you instantly.
cool post friend
I legitimately don't think detroit will ever develop more, or warrant having more massive skyscrapers like that put up. it just isn't necessary now that more jobs are online/can be performed remotely.
why make the bad game?
Making sure.
Is why assassins pop 2 bullets in the chest and 1 in the head.
t. numale cuck
shoudn't you be prepping your bull right now whitey?
PC version when?
Game looked alright in that trailer.
Looked like Numale garbage in the latest E3 trailer.
These types of games are made specifically for one system, it's why they're optimised so well, much like Last of Us, Uncharted, Until Dawn.
>tfw only Sony makes games with female protagonists
As a female gamer I can say I love Sony.
I can already imagine all the juice SFM cunny
Fuck off shill. Nobody is going to meme your shitty game for you.
>people give a flying fuck about david cage games
You presumably know what happens in Faranheit and Heavy Rain
You know he's utter garbage as an author, as a director, and as a designer. You know the game is going to be terrible with an idiotic hole-riddled plot.
Why even bother looking at it?
I liked heavy rain.
So nobody catches her.
Numale doesn't mean what you think it means
You’d rather he shoot her after throwing her off?
So Detroit will become a human city if we put more white people in it ?
That's make sense.
Heavy Rain is one of the most insultingly stupid stories I've ever had the misfortune of consuming.
Even if I could forgive all the dropped plot threads, stupid and pointless scenes (why do we need to do an extended QTE don't-get-raped dream sequence as Paige?), and pathetically easy QTE's, I can't forgive someone's internal fucking monologue being a flat-out lie to the audience.
>m-maybe it'll be good this time!
Why would it be good this time?
David Cage is a hack
>Implying murrica will be white
>Implying murrica is white
So they substitute nuggers (You can't say the n-word in this board) with white robots, but they still are doing the crime... That's pretty racist
>PS4 Exclusive
Not gonna happen, mate. It's been a year since Uncharted 4 and still there is no Elena or Chloe sfm.
>(You can't say the n-word in this board)
Yes you can, nigger.
it affects the story..you get to choose if she gets shot or thrown off the room. truely immersive gameplay
at least you can talk, who are you?
t. numale cuck
iron your flannel shirt faggot
I honestly couldn't give you a concrete reason why I love his games. I would never call them anything other than hot garbage from a gameplay and story standpoint, but something about them just causes me to enjoy his shit immensely. Closest thing I could think of is that it might be the "so bad its great" writing, or maybe the fact that I'm a sucker for choose your own adventure books and games, I dunno, but David Cage just clicks for me.
Except Beyond, that was just a fucking travesty.
more like Game Became Movie
Beyond Two Souls is literally so bad that I forgot it existed
David "I couldn't make it in movies so games should become movies" Cage can rightly go fuck himself.
what is it with david cage games? Do you guys actually play them?
Hes a wanna be film maker that thinks hes too deep for you making vidya instead
O hai doggie!
Yeah that's how things work
Beyond Two Souls ruined that cute lesbian's career, lol
It doesn't matter who we are
What matters is our plan
same, though ill admit the story was riddled with issues.
If you can make a point and click game like that with just a bit more open world I think it would be a 10/10. Doesnt have to be GTA map size but a little but of freedom would be nice
i still like it
get fucked honkey
Why did he steal this scene from the movie last action hero?
where's that ''frustrated movie director starter pack'' picture when you need it
>games are finally letting my plat as a pretty girl
about time to be honest
Man I hope it's still trash. The only way to enjoy a Cage game is for it to be laughable awful.
Hi the_donald! Fresh off the boat from reddit eh?
I played both heavy rain and that other thing with ellen page on youtube, they are both garbage "games" and I have no idea why heavy rain got so popular.
>download (3)
do people not like this game because of the person attached to it? personally i loved the E3 trailer from a couple years back, thought it was really cool if they actually have multiple paths for your actions.
Lie to the android, upset him on purpose or tell him the truth and try to calm him down. If every option is available to you then I think the game will be good, would be a relief after playing telltale games for the last half decade and having none of your decisions really matter.
Heavy Rain literally only got popular for the finger scene and plebs getting the bad end with Ethan dying.
More likely r/incel
It just got nuked
Only if you fall with your head.
>girl falls with her legs
>lower body completely destroyed, turned into pieces of bone and meat all over
>she is still conscious, and feeling imense pain. She even were'nt lucky enough to get into shock or passing out with the pain, she experiences all the horror until her conscious fades because of the low pressure that happens with the blood lost
No, she ruined it by being an annoying, bull-dyke, feminist, anti-Trump bitch.
Is that supposed to be j-law?
>iron your flannel shirt faggot
not that guy and i hate numales and cucks like everyone else, but fuck man, don't be hating on flannel shirts, that shit is comfy as fuck
Flannels look bad on fatties, thats why they hate them
I'm glad all the Redddit posters have started identifying themselves by pasting nu- to everything while still posting le epic meme frog. I bet you're a stupid phoneposter too.
You do know that nobody survives a fall from a 15+ storey building, right?
Happens all the time.
I have a flannel "jacket" that's must be 15 years old already and it's the comfiest shit to sit on when i play. Keeps me warm, is fluffy and soft, never had a better thing to wear while playing.
I honestly believe this kind of games has a future where more "mundane" activities take the spotlight, they make the characters so grounded, not only the mundanity but the weight of the characters too. They know how to make you feel physically moving over the worlspace. The only issue of course is the awful stories they take place in. French people haven't wrote anything good in over a century.
If he only got over himself and made another crazy 90's game like Omikron with this gameplay and some shooting he would make the GOAT.
I don't own any flannel shit and I wouldn't even know why flannel suddenly is a bad thing? Must be a Ledddit circlejerk thing.
You know there's a girl who survived falling from an exploding plane at 10k+ ft? People fall from buildings and survive all the time.
To be honest though, that girl looked lioke she was heading straight for the pavement, so the chances of survival are pretty much zero.
What the fuck is this game anyway? Every single trailer spoils entire segments in the game for no good reason
>why flannel suddenly is a bad thing?
it was a "bad" thing previously because it was associated with nerdom
Now it's a "bad" thing because it's associated with hipsters and their derivatives.
Back to your incel safe space bud
You don’t belong here
Atleast you can talk, who are you?
This is why they've only shown three areas with the three main characters. It's another quasi adventure game with VN-like segments just like the three previous games but now you're an oppressed minority.
>to sit on
Why didn’t I think of this
My chair has been flat-cushioned for years
i think this is why the game will be good. Everything you see in previews you can just not do in game and see something completely different. That's my hope for this game anyway, I'd want to go down a path where I figure out why the android thought all this was a good idea to begin with.
Is this your first time looking at a David Cage game?
Jumped way too fucking early, wouldn't have reached them even if they stood still and didn't drop off.
This game looks genuinely good ngl
It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.
Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask
I hope you buy our game.