This triggers the Sup Forums fag.
This triggers the Sup Forums fag
I like how there are no games for either console in the picture
How fitting
thoughts on both? I'm about to buy an S and probably going to upgrade to a Pro in a few months. Just want your throughts since you own both.
how? i dont get it
how big is the external hard drive for the ps4 you hooked up
I don't buy consoles that aren't black.
You're pretty fucking retarded if you do.
Not him but I have a 2tb in mine and it's been working well for me, not even half full and I have ALL my games on it.
Why? Because they are different colors?
That white PS4 probably doesn't match any other boxes or your tv.
compared to PC's zero games
>BBC on top of the little white one
Wheres your switch?
the xbox is a nigger
>900 dollars
Man, the pc you could have built..
>we've evolved to "no platform has any games"
How is can someone be so stupid?
>pc virgins dont play games
Wow, what a surprise.
>bargain bin dark souls
who cares lel
Not an argument.
PC is literally the biggest platform in existence you fucking retard. No one needs to argue for that because no one besides you is so mentally deficient to actually believe otherwise.
>it was shit anyway
OP, didn't post an image of a Nintendo Switch with the accompanying "Why haven't you bought a Switch yet?" which is the only Sup Forums sanctioned approved shilling that is permitted here.
>PC is literally the biggest platform in existence you fucking retard
By what standard?
lol no pc has no geams
By the shear fuckload of games available? The metric shit ton of games you can play on pc dwarfs any console on the planet...
don't be stupid
No shit. They're not on a vertical stand.
>every system has zero games
perfect we can finally all die
>By the shear fuckload of games available?
Common user, 95% of total PC games are shovelware that you yourself wouldn't
List some PC games
I dont want to fucking play league of legends, give me yakuza or bloodborne or halo
Biggest waste of a dev's time, sure.
Gone Home
World of Warcraft
Ps4 I can kinda undertand, but Xbone?
My thing > Your thing
Try to dispute this. You can't
Just got done playing Zelda on pc, lemme know when you get that on xbox
well theres ummm... not to mention..... and who could forget that one game...............FUCK!!
PS4 has more exclusives (mostly weeb)
Xbox has more power
Take your pick
I have Zelda on Gamecube, suck it nerd
But user thats right clearly my thing > your thing
Wow user kun you are so strong the way you are able to just pick up the goal Post and throw it like that please love me desu
Kek I have literally every Zelda including botw on pc and they all run better than the console versions
OP is just shitposting and probably owns nothing aside from a toaster PC he plays league of legends on.
If you want a legitimate opinion from someone who actually owns both, I would say buy an S on black friday if there's some exclusive you really want or you have friends that game on it. Otherwise the Pro is the better buy as it has a better library and more exclusives.
And before bitter PCbros fire up the the "$900 and no gaems" meme, pic related is my PC.
Feels right desu
I think he was specifically talking botw
Left 4 Dead 2, with unlimited amounts of DLC that anyone can make, modded servers with up to 24 players, and a playerbase with 6000 still after 8 years of the previous title.
>and a playerbase with 6000 still after 8 years of the previous title
because there's nothing else to play lmoa
>Wow user kun you are so strong the way you are able to just pick up the goal Post and throw it like that please love me desu
You picked a retarded standard to choose as your "biggest gaming platform" and i'm just letting you know
And in that 5% are STILL more games than the xbone and PS4 have combined.
>windows 10
>tv so can't output more than 60fps
PC gives every exclusive it has to every console. PC is literally the $5 hooker in the alley when it comes to exclusives.
the lastest HDMI standard has 4k 60fps?
>And in that 5% are STILL more games than the xbone and PS4 have combined.
Nobody is saying that 5% is good, it's just not blatant shovelware
not really all i see are a waste of space and a bloodborne machine
pkeks r delusional. build me a pc for 500$ with scorpio tier graphics and resolution lul
You realise there is no pc company that pays devs to keep titles exclusive to pc like what happens with console companies right?
Pc exclusives are exclusive usually because they wouldn't work on console without dumbing the game down
I can't wait to play that Xbox exclusive that I can't already play on my pc in 4K
What was it called again?
hoe cares left for ded fucking sucks
Stay mad poor fag
Why are Steam users on here so upset? I thought Pro owners would be the ones shitposting, but nope. I've never seen this before on this board. It reminds me of that pic of Starship Troppers when the science guy puts his hand on the brain bug and says "It's afraid".
>some old valve game your grandpa used to play
Sup Forums liked the PS2 though.
Get a monitor with display port my nigga
It does 4k at 60hz but can also do 1080 at 144hz allowing you to switch between each mode
If your tv can only display 60hz it literally can't display higher even if you reduce the resolution
Nice b8 pc m8
They dont realize that this product is not made for them. As MS said, they dont care where you play as long as it is xbox or windows 10.
And to be honest, dropping out of pc gaming was one of their worst mistakes with gfwl.
How's that autism treating you user kun?
I'm with you op.
Console master race. Pc fags just use their shit to mine coin and troll boards cause they don't play games
Literally 95% of ever classic console, handheld and arcade game created and the best versions of multiplats since 2007-ish that aren't shackled to hardware that will eventually die out and be irreplaceable
>shit I can emulate on my phone
Pretty badly. I can't see black and white together without thinking of cuckholdry or interracial gangbangs.
>tfw have my ps4 pro in the living room with the Xbox one x to play games with friends and fool around with the vr when they come over
>toaster pc for just doing work and playing civ games with no problems
Damn this must be what it feels like to enjoy gaming
Don't forget the sequel "Stay madder poorer fagger"
I am the only person on Sup Forums who has a PS4 and a Switch
They put it on PC in hopes it will get popular enough to go to console so they can actually make money off their work.
PX exclusives are exclusive mostly because the devs can't afford console licenses. There is no such thing as "not wanting to dumb games down", otherwise former PC developers like Monolith, DMA Design, Croteam, pretty much every western developer wouldn't have made simplified games for consoles if it wasn't so profitable. Japanese indies are even more vicious, make their initial success on PC, buy console licenses, then make games exclusively for consoles from that time forward, become the country's next software powerhouse.
>but muh strategy games
A dying genre.
>emulate on my phone
>with touchscreen or virgin tier add-ons that are of dubious build quality
>multiplats don't matter
If you don't want to play 90% of any given generations games and limit yourself to objectively worse versions with literally hardware DRM, have at it mate.
>no bing bing wahoo machine
Getting it this black Friday actually
>strategy games are the only PC genre
>forgetting MOBAs (the technically biggest playerbases in all gaming), actually competitive online sim racing, flight simulators, 4Xs
Good goy
Wanting to see how we all do with games like that tech demo 1-2 switch or arms
That speccy screenshot just didn't have my monitor since I use my TV for browsin'. I'm not that concerned about getting to 144Hz. I'd actually rather play in 4K than worry about near unnoticeable FPS improvements. As long as it's a stable 60 or better I'm good.
Fuck pc
>playing rer2 on steam
>use ps4 controller
>camera problems with my sticks that require me to change config file
>plug my Xbox one controller
>works no problem
lmao enjoy paying to play online and
>paying for games
Besides a shitty upscaled """4k""" what does the PS4 Pro actually offer? Like, what games actually benefit from it?
>TLoU runs at 1800p, 60fps with improved shadows
>AC Unity runs at 30fps instead of 20
>Yakuza 6 has vsync enabled
I can't think of anything else. Why would anyone buy this? It's $100 more expensive than the Slim and has absolutely nothing to show for it. New games offer no support for it besides the shitty upscaled 4k. Literally what is the point?
>using PS4 controller
VR runs considerably smoother on it. It outputs native 4K video for streaming services. That's about it. I got one for 350 with an extra controller thrown in, don't even have a 4K TV but need another PS4 for the upstairs gameroom I was putting together. I don't regret the purchase but it's probably better for more budget conscious people (poorfags of Sup Forums) to go ahead and stick with the OG PS4 or even a slim.
>It doesn't count as a game
>Oh it's on PC now? Nice, we have a new game
It handles PSVR much better.
>having a freedom to use any controller
Right? How dare he
Mobas are on consoles and phones now
Consoles have flight simulators
And consoles have racing games
PS4 controller sucks ass.
That actually makes sense for someone who absolutely doesn't want to play on PC. Play multi-plats on XboneX, and exclusives on PS4.
That's like, your opinion
Been playing bing bing wahoo galaxy on pc, motion controls are surprisingly easy to map to a regular controller
They may be on all those platforms...but in gimpy versions.
Also, show me a non-combat flight simulator on consoles...gotcha.
>I like how there are no games for either console in the picture
>mfw all that hardware that collectively only plays Bloodborne.