Can anyone tell me what game this is? right answer gets a cookie
Can anyone tell me what game this is? right answer gets a cookie
don't bother
it's futa
show me the cookie first
Boku no Pic/u/
That's Rondo Duo
Hmm if only there was a function to reverse search images...
not all of it
Rondo duo
It's some pretentious chuuni shit, but the futa is top tier
that's a bad thing?
Castlevania: Rondo of Duo
fucking reddit
wheres a mega
Post more Rondo Duo then mon
Also, is that way.
yes it is? the protag is a futa so every scene automatically has futa
what a waste of talent.
smoothly animated hentai is so extremely rare
it's a spooky ghost penis you baby
it might as well be a strapon
>spooky ghost penis
This is literally the best game to play on Halloween
What's wrong with futa as long as there's still a girl without a dick getting fucked?
Wut? When did Sup Forums start hating futa? You fags post that shit everyday nonstop.
i predict a move to the trash bin
Sup Forums likes traps, user. This game is has a full female cast with futa on female and yuri, of course Sup Forums will not like.
It's actually the most bearable kind of futa since you never see a penis attached to a girl in any scene.
>Sup Forums is one person
>you never see a penis attached to a girl in any scene.
Then what’s the fucking point?
Why are these girls made of jello?
so what's this video game called
mostly the expressions and jiggly animations.
Rondo Duo
>Sup Forums doesn't like futa
what went wrong
thanks user
I didn't know that shadman had made a game
moved onto traps, the next logical step.
Fuck, I WISH Shadman could be on that level.
SHAD is on his own level/
shaman WISHES he could draw half as good as that.
The real question is, is it worth playing? Think I've seen half of the videos already.
It's quite good even if you seen it all on sad panda due to VO and smoother videos.
I haven't nutted to this in a while. I guess that's me set for today.
Sup Forums likes men, not women
Snow White and the Seven Futas.
>Sup Forums likes traps, user.
I thought that was Sup Forums?
>I actually bought it
>the actual fucking is always slightly off screen
>the entire video/animation/game will bend over backwards to avoid showing anything
sloshy jigglies are fun to look at and we all wish real girls wobbled like this
>tfw last straight man left on Sup Forums
If you browse Sup Forums you are gay by default. Sorry.
This shit's 3D.
Where's the cookie?
False. I have no sexual desire or attraction for males. I constantly report gay threads and do not participate in them.
Kore nante eroge?
>tfw dropped it because the sex is too vanilla for me
I loved the animations though, good shit.
Someone's overreacting...