Modern storyline

>modern storyline
>it's a female mudslime

Speak English, Sup Forums, if you purport to defend the sanctity of the Anglo-Saxon "race".

I'm black, I'm just sexist. I'd honestly rather play as a male arab

did this thread just get deleted?

She is so unbearable, dumb cunt. Glad the segments are short

um wtf racist much? isn't that against the rules?

she might be a Coptic Christian for all you know, considering her religion never comes up


Didnt you hear him? Hes Black, he cant be racist.

Thinking and knowing stuff is not something Sup Forums faggots do

why is Sup Forums so cucked? Not even Sup Forums is this bad. Does it make me a Sup Forums faggot because I said I don't want to play as an annoying ass bitch?


Why do anti-SJWs pretend to play games? Go whine somewhere else

I'm not a misogynist, or a sexist, but I at least want to level to 40, then upgrade legendaries, before wasting the rest of the game on his wife.

All the pretentious hipsters grew up and moved on to other boards.

>Ancient Egypt
Why is Sup Forums so mentally handicapped.


>modern storyline
>ancient Egypt
at least Sup Forums occasionally knows how to read

Mudslime also means arab.

I reported every single one of you Sup Forums memers. Enjoy your ban

why not just call them sandniggers if you want to include all Arabs?

>slav bosnians are arabs

>being this new

back to r*ddit you disgusting plebeian

i'm talking about a game. Just because I mention their race and gender means I deserve a ban? You don't report someone because you don't like their opinions you sensitive ass bitch.

Bastion of free speech my ass.

But why? They weren't muslim.


>Ubisoft still thinks putting the modern day bullshit in AC is a good idea
Jesus fuck when the hell will they learn that nobody gives a flying fuck about what happens in the present? Has no one told them? Has not one person or one review even mentioned how tedious and annoying that shit is to play?
I can't even imagine anyone liking the present day sections and not being a complete braindead moron. Forcing sections into games that literally no one likes is going to hurt them in the long run if it hasn't already.