MMORPG Thread: Instead of Tera 2 we get some game called AI:R

How do we fix this genre?

New game from the Tera team called Ascent Infinite Relm:

Current SSS Tier EXTREME Hype
>WoW Classic
>Lost Ark Online
>Legend of the Ancient Sword Online (Wuxia themed Black Desert)

Everything else hype and coming to NA
>Moonlight Blade
>Closers Online
>Soul Worker Online
>Bless Online
>Mu Legends
>Kingdom Under Fire

What you are probably playing or should try out if you're NEW to MMOs
>Black Desert
>Blade & Soul
>Phantasy Star Online 2

Other shit
>Project Z
>Project TL
>Project AI (rumors is that this is Aion 2. Nothing yet. The only thing we know is that the Aion team is making a new game and it hasn't been revealed yet, only the project name)
The fuck is with Koreans naming shit like this?

Other urls found in this thread:

I refuse to believe that people are hyped for any of those

that new game looks so fucking generic jesus christ

I liked Tera because it actually brought changes to the MMO formula with direct combat and shit, but they really butchered that game now.

I used to love playing commander in that pvp raid where you do scans and callouts, had a nice winrate of 90% and people started to recognize me.

It was the greatest feeling getting called a great leader at the end of those matches. Too bad I can't really put that skill to work in the real world, apart from my small groups of friends.

Now imagine all that shit in the trailer with zero pop

>Not hype for WoW classic

what are you a PvE fag?

>"How do we fix this genre?"
How about when you add a loli race you don't make them female only for no reason.

>classic wow
unless you mean ganking random retards

>not playing Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire instead

Detailed character customization.
Fast-paced action combat.
Jump great heights and glide around.
Skill-tree system.
Takes place in Asian-inspired fantasy world.
A friendly little mascot character on your UI.
Daily login bonuses.
Weekly login bonuses.
Hourly login bonuses.
The story begins the player learning how to fight, but then the starting town gets attacked.

dont forget peria chronicles

So you want to play Blade & Soul?

That's not an MMO anymore. It's not a mobile game. The MMO was trashed.

you mean revelations online

>All this trash
No thanks

I refuse to give anet any money after betraying and scamming me

Maybe if you hadn't been a faggot, you wouldn't have been cucked.

what do you mean by that? i just started gw2 and im having fun

what do you mean? theyre turning it into a mobile game? how is that even possible?

He's probably one of those faggots that exploited a bug a few years ago to get free money and got surprised to get banned by Anet. Other than that, I really don't know.

>legs don't move when you turn in place
A lot of MMOs do this and it pisses me off. Even fucking Warframe is like that. How fucking hard is it to do a proper animation for turning around?

You just blew my mind wide open, I never even thought about that.

surprisingly hard since turning and movement in most games is gradual instead of step-based

None of this excites me. I'll just ride out my ESO wave and then probably drop the genre for good.

>buy GW2
>play it
>they decide to release an expansion
>doesn't add a ton of content
>still wants to charge $50 for it
>advertises buying expansion gets you base game for free
>but what about all of us who have been playing? don't we get some sort of discount or something?
>nope fuck you

Not him, but ANet recently went full EA with RNG lootboxes to get skins for mounts, as well as releasing a skin for a single mount that costs $25. The vast majority of the random skins are trash, and the only way to guarantee getting the one you want without rolling for a 3% chance is to pay $120 for the whole set. This is likely what user was referring to, as pretty much everyone but the dumbest of whales is pissed at ANet for it at the moment.

During GStar 2016 we got a shit ton of gameplay videos and information on the game. According to them, over 70% of the feedback they got was negative when Korean MMO players tried the game, and the majority of the reasons were that the gameplay was mediocre, the customization and potential system is great, but it's too fucking casual for what Koreans like. So the big ups probably stepped in and are currently having them change shit up. About a month after GSTAR 2016 on Steparu's site (not going to link because don't want to give him hits, just use google) there's an article that talks about them scrapping their current engine and moving over to Unreal Engine 4 and also bringing the game to mobile. More companies are using UE4 to make mobile games so this is a bummer. It's still coming to PC though, but it's not going to be the same game. It's just not a "PC MMO" anymore.

>being excited for Korean MMOs
>being excited for fucking WoW

I enjoy the actual combat and build-planning of MMO's, but not the dungeon/content design, if that makes sense. A lot of these games have shit queue times and un-fun boss wipe mechanics.

Currently involved in Vindictus (Lynn), Blade and Soul (KFM), and Tree of Savior (Monquisitor). I like martial arts types evidently.

>Elder Shit Online
That game fucking sucks lol. It's so bad that even youtube celeb shlls hate it lol.

If I had someone to play with I would fully commit to this game. I want to play it so badly. With no one to keep me motivated that'll never happen.

I just want a good adult mmo that doesn't play like shit

Depends on what you're looking for in a game but since the overhaul with the One Tamriel update it's playable. The combat system is more interactive than that of EverQuest/WoW clones with their antiquated targeting and casting mechanics. It also is amonst the titles with most content as it's fully horizontal instead of the usual vertical progression in other games, which invalidates zones and gear. It's also rather immersive as you aren't just playing via a colorful UI but look at the actual 3D models and react to them.

WoW has nothing to do with serious PvP.

at least its getting media traction, god hope something will be done about this

It's too much bullshit. Upgrading your weapon is pure RNG that will break it if you fail. Want to reforge it? Go farm this raid boss daily and pray you get the drops you need. Nexon and player-hosted lobbies does not help the game either.

PoF is unironically good
>t. someone who quit a week after launch due to dissapointment, then came back to try HoT and quit a week later due to dissapointment

>good pvp
fucking lmao senpai nice joke enjoy getting one hit by judgement all day

ah i see thanks. i just discovered steparu youtube page today for news. why dont you like him?

>when even the devs cant get a stable framerate in their bullshot videos

It's not that I don't like him, I'm just didn't want to give hits. You can just use google to find him. He's my #2 for information regarding MMOs.

God damn it's a real shame because I had a lot of fun with the game. I quit right at the end of season 1 with the dragons/keaghan fights and I believe that was a good stopping point considering how Nexon started tuning the end game fights so high you absolutely needed 12+ weapons starting in season 2

friendly reminder to NOT play tera

game is rampant with hackers who can actually send you viruses through the game

That looks pretty bad, also I'm surprised they didn't add a loli race considering that pretty much saved Tera.

I haven't really looked into any mmo's other than wow recently, last I played was blade and soul last year and then Tera a few years before that, are any new ones coming close to release? MMO's are always the best at launch.

That's hilarious. Do you have a source for that?

Nothing big for MMOs. Just have to wait for Lost Ark, WoW Classic or Moonlight Blade. Not sure when Bless Online will happen since it's getting the Final Fantasy XIV Makeover as we speak (basically it's going through the same stages as FFXIV ~ FFXIV ARR). And I these are most likely 2018 late or early 2019. Koreans actually cut down on making PC MMOs, but there are a shit ton of Chinese developers coming out of nowhere making MMOs.
the reddit post was removed by the community manager so heres a backup

>How do we fix this genre?
MMOs are inherently flawed because no one really wants to play with more than a few people, typically some friends, at one time. This alone is why MMOs have floundered and the Minecraft/Terraria likes have taken over.
All of the "massive online" stuff is just unnecessary tacked on shit that burdens and holds back other parts of the game.

Holy shit, what a fucking mess. Thanks for the link.

Part of fixing the genre requires getting players involved in the community again, and the community has been ironically hurt by the very technology that enabled MMOs to exist (the internet, where every quest solution exists) and because a number of people don't like FORCED teaming like team requirements, etc. and often incentives like increased party EXP, drop increases don't seem to be enough. There's also because everyone wants their character to be the self-reliant badass than work as a team (somewhat understandable, gamers want to show off their chops to their friends or the people who mocked them in real life)

Not to mention many quality of life improvements standard to MMOs now were once left out to give stronger incentive to team, so in many ways trying to fix the genre would call for a need to "go retro", which MMOs just aren't exactly old enough to do quite yet, I don't think.

Then there's how streamlined stories and quests have meant you can experience all the content on one or maybe three characters tops and experience about all the gameplay there is to offer, weakening the wonderful disease of altistis.

I do think there as solutions, but they won't be easy ones and might even be a turnoff for some time when laid out before players.

mmo's haven't evolved since 2004. The end games are still the same tired treadmill of farming incremental upgrades so you can be more efficient until you hit the breakpoint and you can move onto the next raid. People are tired of it and nobody is trying to change it.

ESO has to be the worst mmo that is popular right now.

Everyone is the chosen one.
Game forces you to cherry pick your abilities meaning if you don't adhere to the meta abilities you're actively harming your group. So in reality there is no real choice of abilities. And because you can't assume the abilities people will take you can't create interesting synergies, only really simplistic shit.
Also the game claims you can level in any way you want but the main quest takes you through the world in a very specific order so really you'd be daft to go any other route.

Did the devs fix Albion?

it still hurts

I feel you, people simply play MMOs different nowadays. I miss the roleplaying and exploration, now it's all about datamining and everyone playing the same optimal builds

sincere question, but what do you think should or can be done to change this?

My own idea would be filling an MMO with plenty of fun, non-combat activities for players to find themselves sinking time into such as player-created content storyarcs like City of's Mission Architect, building and customizing player/guild homes homes, buying 'dance move skills' and in-game instruments to form bands with or hold dance offs as social hubs, and in-town activities like those originally planned for Guild Wars 2.

Of course, a grind is unavoidable in an MMO I think, so my best way to address that is to try to not make it feel like a grind and suggest that various pieces of content actually get rotated around fairly regularly. Like the Tundral Raiders from the north descend upon towns heavily during winter months, and thus more content focuses on them, but in the summer time the Baronies of Flame are empowered by the heat and seek to incinerate the continent and need more focus. Etc. Etc.

Looks convoluted. At least it will still have waifus.

There's nothing wrong with the end game, it's the player's fault.

Today, people play MMOs with one goal, reaching the level cap. They don't care about shit else. They skip any and all story/quest elements that do not benefit them reaching the end game content. End game is designed to be run multiple times while in the meantime the developer can make more stuff. I mean, would you rather wait 10 year for one MMO, meaning it's got 10 years worth of content in it and it will take you a long fucking time to reach the end game. And honestly you'd probably stop playing before you reach the end of 10 years worth of content if it was all packed into the game on release.

MMOs are meant to be played until you get max gear. Then you're supposed to take a break from the game and return when new content is close to release.

>No good surviving modern MMO that promotes or requires cooperation and communication
>No game that focuses on the world as much as it does its instances
>No game that incentivizes socialization through important hubs, quests and mysteries
>Everything is ruined by wikis, dataminers and modding
>Crafting never matters anymore
>Last games to even come close to reaching the peak of mmo interaction and exploration were FFXI and RO


forgot the pic

PvE endgame is the problem. Either you make it so gear is static and only changes cosmetically and boss difficulty is determined by mechanic complexity, or you forgo a PvE endgame and make it all about PvP. The problem is keeping players playing without the procession of carrots on a stick. MMO's need large playerbases and if you don't have that the entire game falls down. So honestly I know how to fix the genre but don't know how to keep the players indefinitely.

>Everyone is the chosen one.

This is the worst part with the story. I feel like they should have expressly set it up so that the Prophet mentions he's working with other escapees from Coldharbor in other places, and thus, sometimes you only meet his projection in The Harborage (plus, explaining he needs to keep on the move to avoid detection). Plus it would mean part of the tutorial could involve releasing a crapload of other prisoners and having the final boss thing against the bone colossus potentially be a mini-public raid (with NPC back up if the numbers aren't enough) to help wow people.

As far as the Coldharbor zone/final bits of the main story goes, just handwave it with Prophet saying "the other vestiages are doing their part elsewhere, this is your part"

Doesn't help the cutscene that really sells the coldharbor tutorial wasn't even added until Morrowind expansion.

as mentioned, part of MMOs is that there's a very human element developers must work around compared to other games.

I sort of feel like for smart MMO development, a way you could keep people hanging on a bit through datamining is to deliberately drop in various false leads and so forth, maybe even deliberately create secret "undeveloped glitch areas" for players to stumble into to write creepypastas about later.

You cant post a picture twice! I need my rant to cover both threads since you guys won't consolidate.

But your "rant" is common knowledge since years now, what kind of replies do you even expect.

Someone to post a hidden gem game that will spark my interest in the genre again. Though deep down I know it wont happen.

There is no hidden gems in this genre because one of the main reasons an MMORPG is fun is because a clusterfuckton of people are playing it. What will you do with that hidden gem? Raid alone? Pvp yourself?

>What you should try out
>Blade and Soul

BnSFag here


It's nothing but a fucking cash cow for ncwest. They don't give a flying fuck about their playerbase, they just want your money. This is doubly true if you're from EU. North American servers had 3 hours of maintenance previous Wednesday, EU had 11. During peak hours. NCwest (ncsoft localization) gives such a little shit about EU that it's fucking depressing.

Stay away from blade and soul


Looks like a Vindictus clone and as massive as my left buttcheek.


You could try Tibia again

There are exactly 4 mmos that are worth anyones time.

WoW>>FFXIV>>>>>>>>>>>>>ESO>Guild Wars 2

Everything else is ded or p2w or Asian grind shit

You can't really blame them
Developing games costs money

>I know what's fun for you better than you
according to these 4 mmos, no you don't.

as an Asian myself, I hate to say it but this seems to be a bit of a problem with the genre where, due to the massive market of Chinese and Korean gamers, a lot of MMOs end up getting geared towards appealing to these markets over anything else.

This is part of why City of Heroes ultimately failed, tragically.

I'd like to think, in more modern times, Asian markets would be receptive to super-hero genre and more western themes in general, thanks to the popularity of marvel entertainment and similar mega-blockbuster movies.

Ah, ok. Enjoy your shitty western trash. Here are two;

Dark and Light
Ashes of Creation

Mobile game

I tried WoW recently and its the fakest MMO ever after Wrath. Everything has become so mechanical, so cold and methodical and streamlined. Theres no interaction. No meaningful grouping outside of Mythic+ comps. Even the game world itself isn't as interesting as it used to be. MoP was a gem though in that department, but not much else. The opposite exists for XIV currently. The game is quite social, but damn if there isn't a tremendous content drought at all times. So much so that Yoshi literally tells people to fuck off to other games each patch.

Okay. Hit me with 4 populated mmo's.

I should clarify. I don't mean no Asian developers. I just mean no Asian themed MMOs. Those are all garbage. I don't care about the Five Kingdoms of Wuxia or whatever the fuck. I play MMOs to get immersed in their own world, culture and customs. Not to be transported to China but with magic.

Then play Phantasy Star Online 2. Holyshit.

No need to be rude.

Crowfall, Pantheon, and Ashes of Creation are the only hope. Only absolute simpletons play Corean and Chionese MMOs.

It's literally Tera with a new flavor and gimmick. It's clearly UE3 using some Tera assets and maybe their other game. Nothing really grabbed my attention.

Combat, movement, everything appears to be the same with the addition of a dumb down version of Guns of Icarus. I'm disappointed.

It's a shame what they did to blade & soul with P2W, fucking down to two servers filled with whales after just a year.

>In an MMO thread recommending not-mmos

This needs to stop

An mmo doesn't have to be populated to be fun.
I'm enjoying the fuck out of BDO, grinding endlessly to fuck people up in the open world and create guild wards, no timegates, no bullshit, the more you play the more powerful you are.
But please, stay on WoW where gear doesn't even matter anymore in instanced-pvp and soon outdoors-pvp, that's going to be fun!

I feel like every year we year "X, Y and Z sandbox games are the only hope for the genre" and they always end up being abysmal because they don't have visual beyond people pvping pointlessly in fields over fake territory to plant their half assed player housing down.

>An mmo doesn't have to be populated to be fun.
Opinion discarded. Go play single player games and let the adults talk.

Just go play PSO2. It's a great MM-

>This user has this argument every single MMO thread
>This user literally comes in here, ctrl+F PSO2 and starts the "it's not an MMO" argument

Y'know what, you win. I ain't gonna argue with you for the 999999999 time.

B-But my waifu simulator

None of those games are sandboxes though. Crowfall is a structured PvP game, Pantheon is just a modernized EQ style game, and ashes is just a sandboxified Theme Park with zones that level up and react to player actions.

They have the best chance of being good because they're all relatively straight-forward.

I havent been in an mmo thread in ages. Its almost as if more than one person agrees that things like PSO and Vindictus arent mmos and are just coop rpgs with lobbies.

oh crap that was a video game

i thought it was real

>tfw you'll never play 2010 DDO ever again

>An mmo doesn't have to be populated to be fun.
>List Black Desert as if it's not popular

I have never ever signed into this game and not see 200+ in a town and another 100+ just passing through via horse. And at the server screen shit is always full or busy.

Whats the appeal of B&S? Besides waifus?

The combat is good, but as I said earlier, just stay away from it.

No nigga it's you. You even used the same example, the same typing style. it is literally you.

>Dammit, he spotted me!
>Let's just argue that it's not me, someone else!

I already said you win. Don't give examples, don't do anything but accept your win. Holyshit user, our white flag is up and you are still killing people.