Free Dauntless Beta code for PC

Just post why you want it and I'll be picking one person to DM over Twitter to give it to.

Let me claim it and never play the game.

Fuck off that game is shit

i need it for my stream please

twitter @MVG_mew2king

The game looks like shit, I don't want it.

What the fuck is Dauntless and why would anyone care?

>monster hunter but co op, sans the depths and with only a dozen monster

lmfao no fag

>over twitter

You expect me to use trash?

I got invited to the beta, it was really bad

I wish it was good, I really wanted it to be good

>Shitty Monster Hunter

give mah pls

I like MonHun and am generally interested in MonHun clones.


OP here, cant DM your profile, gotta change your setting bro

fuck off shill

I want to play this game juist because it looks pretty good. And I already grinded the fuck out of MH:X

OP here first guy didn't respond so its on you

MHW beta incoming , why should we care about this ?

I need to survive until the release of MH: World.
And I'm genuinely intrigued by this company's take on the "hunting" genre.
Plus, I'm a goodboi.

But if I'm being honest, I don't have any friends to play it with anyways. So there's that.

Trust me on this, do not play the game.

I played the beta a few months back at it's god awful.
The weapons are atrocious.
Axe: Greatsword of the game, charge your attacks to do the same amount of damage as uncharged attacks, except slower. Charge your attacks to build a bar to do a move that actually does damage. 90% of your moves are useless, most of the attacks are horribly animated.

Hammer: Gunlance meets Hammer, but with the effectiveness of the most meme-y gunlance. Your hammer attacks are weak AND too slow to be usable. The optimal strategy is to run around pressing the shoot button and reloading. It is the best damage and the only way to actually hit shit. The hammer attacks are just unusable levels of slow and weak.

The sword is basically super gimped LS. Attack with the speed and animation of a chuck-e-cheese animatronic until you build up full charge to go into charge mode. In charge mode your weapon feels like a real weapon for 16 seconds. 2 of those seconds are spend in the charge animation. Use that time to actually do damage before you are thrown back to the shed until you build that bar back up. Use the stamina attack to look like a college freshman's first animation project.

The sickle is the balanced weapon. With better attack speed, mobility, damage, and range than all other weapons, it makes every single other weapon pointless. Also the teleports look janky as hell.

Monsters do not have hitzones, hitting them on the head will do the same as hitting them on the claw, as hitting them on the dick.
The hitboxes are really fucking bad, nega-plesioth levels of bad. You can stand right infront of some of the monsters and they'll just flat out miss you and slide right through you as the camera screams and dies.
Camera's also really shit.
Game chugs like a motherfucker in the town, decides to just fuck your CPU for no good reason.

tldr: dauntless suffers from the fact that it is bad in every aspect and has no redeemable qualities.

Game looks like shit honestly.

No idea what this is

It's monster hunter but good.

Honestly im so hyped for world I really wanna play this but without spending moneys.

Ive already heard its easy as fuck

Easy monster hunter clones are the most boring games ever made


>It's monster hunter but good.
>Free to play
>Micro transactions
>shit combat
>Shit graphics
neck yourself shill.

OP have you given it out yet? I'd really like to try it because I have a lot of time on my hands and haven't played a MoHun game since the PS2 one


Just opened my DMs
Pls respond :^)

I want a monster hunter like game on pc to play. I own a 3ds with mh4u and mh gen but I already have 200+ hours in both. @BillOugma1

>I want a monster hunter like game on pc to play.
But a MH game is coming to PC? Its called MH World.

In a couple months this could hold me over.

why dont they just make it an open beta?

Any "hype" generated around the early access quickly died and was forgotten. Game is DOA.