Why did you not buy the best shooter of 2017? Now it's too late. Rest in Piece Respawn

Why did you not buy the best shooter of 2017? Now it's too late. Rest in Piece Respawn.


this game was trash. you have shit taste user.


Into the trash it goes

Respawn was EA's bitch since the beginning, though.

>dat feel when publisher dictates your second game's release date to purposefully squish it between two much higher profile FPS titles and doom your studio financially
EA knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

>want to watch campaign playthrough
>go do a fetch quest for this battery to start the mech
>oh you need to do the same shit and get another battery
>finally get into mech
>gets some lame ass battle

Name a better FPS that came out the same year. I'll wait.

of course they did. they're not stupid, they're just greedy and without any scruples. if corporations were people they would be classified as sociopaths.

kill me

>Rest in piece Respawn
EA doesn't own Respawn or Titanfall as an IP. They're fine as any publisher with half a brain would pay out the nose to publish a game by them.

They're purchasing Respawn for $400 Million.

I bought it in July and I am thoroughly disappointed.
Great concept with terrible execution in multiplayer. Campaign was great but only for one playthrough.

I thought the multiplayer was pretty good. The only unfortunate thing is how long it takes to get matched since the game is dying.

I just hope they last more than Pandemic. They got shut down in like a year after EA bought them.

>dat feel when devs knew it was the end of the road no matter whether The Saboteur did well or not

>It's true
Goddammit. Someone update the EA victims graphic pre-emptively.

How do you get such an easy meme wrong

titanfall 2 is such a good game, kids this days...playing shit bug royales


MP was unbalanced as fuck.

I tend to strongly dislike shooters.

Nice didint even respond good job user

You should have just not replied.
>Game is just a series of battle arenas
>Movement has been neutered compared to previous entries
>Adding stupid mechanics like glory kills for literally no reason
>Multiplayer is poorly implemented and unbalanced
>Shit map-editing tools
>$60 for a game you can beat in 8 hours and never play again
Doom was alright, but let's not kid ourselves here.

>No local MP
>No couch co-op

user that's standard for literally any FPS though.
Like serious question: what's the newest FPS you played that had all 3 of those things

>No local MP
>No couch co-op
You're not fooling anyone.

In what way? The only real problem was that Tone was kind of bullshit for a while. But I don't expect a real answer from you.