ITT: trigger Sup Forums

ITT: trigger Sup Forums

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I like the controller but those bumpers are trash. I’ve had my left one pop out twice now

I also don’t understand where this nasty dust shit that’s under the thumbsticks and in the cracks comes from, I don’t eat while I play

Remember me?

>mac keyboard
You got me triggered

Controller smegma is a fact of life and you just have to deal with it ok?

I use an old toothbrush to clean my mouse and controllers whenever I clean the apartment so they dont have gunk problems.

Is cleaning something that triggers Sup Forums?

That's dead skin user

>get xbox one controller for emulation and that
>stops working 7 months later
I'm still mad, i paid $90 for that shit

Do you brush your system’s teeth while you’re at it fagboy?

Looks delicious, not sure how I'm supposed to be triggered by this.

What's wrong with those types of keyboards?

That's weird
I used to get wired 360 controllers to use for certain PC games and they always broke within a few months

I guess the trend never stopped.

I just got a 20$ rock candy 360 controller and it's been working perfectly for years for me



Woah. I'm glad I'm not the only one who ate the controller smegma

Did you buy an elite controller? That’s way too much for a normal one.

Do they're still sell rockcandy 360 controllers? After playing marvel vs capcom 2 for an obsessive amount of months the left stick is starting to fuck up.

What's the best controller for emulation?

Nah, i'm an ausfag so thats about the usual price for current gen controllers

One with Bluetooth.

I'm so sorry

I ordered an unofficial dongle 360 controller off ebay but it sucked balls. then I ordered a new xbox official controller off ebay but the analogue stick was fucked straight out of the box. The guy off ebay spoke broken English so he couldn't relay instructions on how to return the product.

I had to take apart 2 old shit controllers and assemble them into one decent one. It's surprisingly the best one I own atm, no issues with it at all.

Hi, I'm Canadian.

Fuck off leaf

Sega Saturn pad
Get a USB adapter for it

>all those ragie wagies in the comments