Should I get it just to support more third party Switch games?
Should I get it just to support more third party Switch games?
no you dumb cunt
You aren't going to get more third party games if the ones being released on it now don't sell. See the Wii U. You guys were given a second chance with the Switch, better make it count.
No, you should get it because you want to play doom on your switch. Any other reason is moronic.
what kind of dumb reason is that OP?
No, don't support the idea of selling stripped-down downgrades of year-old games at twice the price.
I'll probably get it and Skyrim when they drop in price
But it's fps. Shouldn't you play fps with mouse?
Please be nice
>30FPS doom
>9GB mandatory update to play singleplayer
If you want more third party support, yes. As said, if you want third party on the Switch you better support it with your wallet, regardless of how if you want to play it or not.
I'll maybe get Skyrim but I'm not interested in any of the third party non-indie games that are being offered
9GB is fucking nothing; stop being a baby.
You should get it to play DOOM on the toilet. Rip and Tear while you Rip and Tear.
It's a third of the total console's storage.
That's why God invented SD cards.
Nah you should get it if you want to play a great port of a AAA title on a portable system.
It will also have the added bonus of enraging Sup Forums.
>have to buy an SD card in order to play a game that is already at 100% markup compared to the better versions
Don't blame developers for Nintendo's greed. Consoles having a 500GB HDD included is the standard.
Nigga it's 2017 why don't you have microSD cards lying around somewhere?
You should get it to support Todd he deserves our money
None of those versions have their DLC included. We're basically paying to have all the DLC.
>Consoles having a 500GB HDD included is the standard.
Which you pay for anyway.
>Online Multi
>portable comfy
>multi is a download
>$60, Doom on PS4 is like $20 now
I'd say wait until Cyber Monday/Black Friday for it to go down to $25 as Bethesda games retain almost zero value.
>Implying anybody played the multiplayer
>Implying anybody used Snapmap and you faggots didn't bitch it sucked as a feature
It has the singleplayer and all content relating to singleplayer, that's all that fucking matters.
It's not about enraging Sup Forums. It's more like making the Switch profitable for third party developers / publishers.
PC is the only platform with a piracy problem, where people have the choice to not pay for games, and still it's profitable to port games to it. It shouldn't be hard for Switch owners to make it profitable too.
The digital PC version got all the DLC for free.
The DLC is free on all platforms you dumb nintenbro
yes buy all the bethesda titles plz!
Eyy breh, I'm just pointing out that it has online versus for those who don't want to play splatoon or mario kart.
120GB mini-SD is on sale at Best Buy for $30. Enjoy.
500GB systems should never have happened. Its been nothing but a crutch for developers and it enables a lack of optimization.
Hell that doesn't even hold 5 games anymore.
Don't blame Nintendo for publisher's greed. Game could have fit entirely on a 32 GB cart.
I hate this idea.
>You want third party games? Better prove it by buying these mediocre overpriced games first, shithead!
They did it with the WiiU as well. Not saying Doom is a bad game (overpriced, though), but I just hate it in general.
>Well well well looks like not enough WiiU owners bought an overpriced Watch Dogs WiiU edition over 1 year after it came out everyone else, guess third party support just isn't worth it on Nintendo huh!!
At least Ubisoft is being less shit this time around.
>Doesn't have an SD card
They're universally required for smartphones, tablets, cameras, the Switch etc. Why the fuck do you not have at least ONE?
The DLC has been free since June
>get PS4 w500 GB
>didnt realize you have to partially install literally every game
>some games take up 20-35GB
>some have dumb as fuck multi GB patches
>still have to sit and wait to install before playing
What the fuck is the point of having a physical copy?
Also pisses me off that L.A. requires a data download because Take2/Cuckstar cheaped out.
>Consoles having a 500GB HDD included is the standard.
You realise that 500 HDD is added to the price of the system right?
Games are now too big to run from disks / cartridges so that's why HDD installation became the standard (an standard that PC has used since the very beginning).
Add to that how a HDD has a far, far lower chance of getting damaged compared to an optical unit's laser.
It's not the developers' work to rework a game from the ground up so it can run on a particular hardware. Nintendo should make it possible from the get on like PC, the PS4 and the Xbox One do.
Making life easy for developers was the big lesson Sony learned during the Playstation 1 era and had to relearn after the disaster the Playstation 3 was.
Of course
Who said otherwise
it's great, OP. just don't listen to desperate Sup Forums shitposters
So if Nintendo added a 500gb worth of memory to the system the cost would have to passed to the consumer and the system would well over $350. That price point would kill the system dead.
>Third party games are mediocre and overpriced
And this is why it's a waste to port games not named Mario Zelda to Nintendo consoles.
>It's not the developers' work to rework a game from the ground up so it can run on a particular hardware.
By forcing people to buy SDs they're already passing those costs to the consumer.
No it's trash because it takes up a good chunk of space it's 30fps with drops when compared to xbone and ps4 with their 60 fps 1080p pc can reach 4k 120fps but most people can only reach 1080p
No they just need to add a 128gb sdcard which is only 10-20 more and it's cheaper when you buy in bulk
I wish it at least had Snapmap
It had some nice SP levels :(
Nintendo is not in a position to demand things.
If they want their system to have games they have to win over the developers and publishers.
>"You can port your game to my system with minimal work; we'll handle the rest"
> Consoles having a 500GB HDD included is the standard.
Because the consoles NEED that to fucking function, you have to install any and every game you want to play. No HDD means you can't play anything.
Not every consumers buys all the games. Based nintendo is giving us freedom of choice, something other console players never get.
Thats not how business works I'm afraid chum.
You get the consumer to buy the product at the cheapest price and them you fleece them later.
Nintendo have been doing that since the NES when they were adding chips into the carts rather than putting them in the console to keep costs down.
Everybody does this. It's a business model. In fact, it's THE business model.
That's implying I want western third parties on the switch.
Notice how it's every AAA western dev making a rushed, overpriced, unoptimized port, yet a Jap shit developer like Omega Factor is putting out FIVE musou games in no time.
If AAAs want sales then they need to put some EFFORT besides the bare minimum.
>Its Nintendo's fault the AAA development cycle is so bloated and costly simple ports to slightly different hardware, something that is 100% normal since video games started existing, are now considered too much work
You don't see the fact that a console NEEDING to be a third near-identical shitbox to get support at all as being a problem? This is why Nintendo stopped chasing hardware in the first place, its not sustainable and not worth it when the games don't sell that well anyway due to the target audience not being there in high enough numbers.
The ONLY reason it's even running on Switch is because the latest Id engine is actually fucking terrific.
>Games are now too big to run from disks
Then, I don't know, make smaller games, don't go all out on the shitty realism, use less pre rendered footage?
Except Nintendo aren't forcing people to buy anything. Lazy third party devs are.
We aren't in the SNES era anymore.
Games today are far, far more complex than just porting a 2D graphic motor to different hardware.
>If AAAs want sales then they need to put some EFFORT besides the bare minimum.
In fairness nobody thought DOOM and Skyrim were even possible on the system. DOOM is pretty fucking impressive that it runs so well on Switch.
The only half-assed port I've seen so far is FIFA and nobody bought it. People aren't stupid. If devs get lazy, people will let them know they can go fuck themselves.
I don't even like DOOM and probably won't play it, but I bought it just to support more third parties on the Switch. Nintendo deserves at least this.
Hell no!
Not locked 30fps
Like 480p
Minimum graphics
>passing those costs to the consumer.
As opposed to forcing me to pay for an HDD I don't want? How is that also not "passing costs to the consumer" when its something I don't even need or want? That's why it doesn't have more storage, most games don't need it and including more storage just raises the price when the majority of games won't require it. Instead of forcing every customer to buy storage they may not want or use, they can just use an SD card.
You're still paying for that HDD in a PS4 or Xbone, its not fucking free, its factored into the price. The other consoles have HDDs included because they're required, you cant use them without an HDD because every single game needs to be installed before being played. Switch runs games on carts, not blu-ray discs with mandated installs. The equivalent would be MS or Sony releasing a version of their console without storage for a lower price. If the Switch had 500GB of internal storage, it wouldn't be $300.
>Because the consoles NEED that to fucking function
I don't know if you've realised this but games are supposed to be designed for the system, not the other way around.
The thing about companies including HDDs is that they benefit from economies of scale, so the price consumers pay for the inclusion is discounted.
An individual consumer does not have access to EoS, so they pay a higher premium for separate products. Basic business 101, chap.
>Games today are far, far more complex
Actually they're considerably less complex in both mechanics and general design and just have models ported over with a reskin.
It’s blurry as fuck due to the really low resolution paired with their tssaa
Only on Sup Forums would NEETs complain about paying $35 for a 64GB SD card.
>NINETY-FIVE UNITED STATES DOLLARS to play a shitty port of a bad game a year and a half late
Please. Why, when PS4 and Xbone came out, did porting suddenly become oh so difficult and costly? Why is it only now TOOOOOOOO HAAAAAAAAARD to port to something that's not near-identical to what you're starting on?
Oh, right, because western AAA development is overly bloated and unsustainable. AAA blockbusters are largely what they want to make, riddled with DLC and micropurchases, and they can't sell those too effectively on Nintendo's platforms. That's all there is to it. The games cost too much to make, the audience they want isn't really on Nintendo's platforms, so they won't other. Better hardware won't magically change that , Nintendo figured this out 15 years ago.
Third parties need to be willing to take smaller risks and make more than safe blockbusters, until then Nintendo simply won't see much support. We need more of pic related, take a gander at who developed and published it. Won't see that today, because western publishers can't sustain themselves on anything less than their big-budget movie-games.
Anyone would as you get 128gb for that price with 80-100MB/s transfers
If they took off AA the game would run at 60fps or higher resolution. Prove me wrong.
Nah, you can pay for that with monthly NEETbux. These are literal children.
>includes a pic of the most shameful of Switch ports
And people think Switch can run MHW
>$95 dollars
Are you Australian? I found it for $50.
>$60 for cut-down 30fps Doom
>$35 SD card to actually play it
tssaa is not that demanding, other than requiring a bit of bandwidth for special framebuffers and stitching information together from many buffers
Without tssaa it’s look 480p tier tho
Are we not factoring in that this game is playing on a $300 system that spends most of its time in handheld mode? If that doesn't hold value to you, then you either don't own a Switch or you do and play it in docked mode like some sort of fucking weirdo.
Where did you get it for 50?
>so the price consumers pay for the inclusion is discounted.
But I don't want it, I don't care if it costs a little less than if I bought one myself. I don't want to pay anything for it because I don't need it.
That's the point, buck-o, instead of Nintendo forcing everyone to pay a higher price for the console for something they may not even want or need to use, they give you the option. Again, PS4 and Xbone don't give you an HDD for fucking free, its all factored into the cost and design of the console.
I still fail to see how forcing everyone to pay for internal storage 90% of Switch games don't need is a good thing. AGAIN, the other consoles have them because without them, you can't fucking play anything, and you're still paying for them.
OP if you want to support it buy one for me and a Switch!
>$300 system
Runs at 60fps without any cut features on the $250 competition.
>most of its time in handheld mode
Not mine. It never leaves the dock.
>le play on the train argument
no one takes this seriously
>Can play it while taking a shit
>Can play it during downtime at work
Well then your opinion is worthless. All games look fucking atrocious through the docked upscaling, thanks to the pseudo 840p mixed bag of trash which just blurs everything.
The one single game worth playing on the Switch is dreadful undocked because you can't use a wired internet connection.
The $250 competition isn't portable and is ten times the size.
Nobody above the age of 14 gives a shit if a game is portable.
Not like the Switch is something you can carry around all day anyway due to its size and battery life.
I have a million more important things to do than play games when I’m not burned out at home, don’t you?
>The one single game worth playing on the Switch
Uh huh, I'm sure.
>Implying the vast majority of Xbone/PS4 owners don't also use wifi
But no, you're right, those 20 tic rate shooters you're playing with a pad need that better connection!
Literally only Splatoon 2. Everything else is playable elsewhere or is shovelware.
>mature games for mature gamers
Oh yeah I'm sure when you're on your hour break you have better things to do than talk about stupid shit with your colleagues, like which car seems to be the most common one to pass the window.
don't own a switch, don't want to, what a pile of shit
but you can buy one of those usb lan adapters and use it on the switch
>i don't give a fuck what anyone says, i love children's stuff!
Literally the defense ponyfags give.
I'm not sure what Lost Kingdoms has to do with your post, but I just wanted to say I fucking loved that game.