Update graphics.
Leave everything else alone.
Update graphics
>wanting nuDisneyBlizzard to touch the original art/gfx
fuck off
They will probably update the UI, even if they do nothing else.
>Update graphics.
>Leave everything else alone.
You could literally say anything about what should be done with or kept in or taken out of Wow Classic and literally everyone would throw a shit fit.
What's the point when xPerl is already better than any UI blizzard has made
Just add dungeon finder and quest helper nobody wants to read quest text ugh
xPerl is shit though.
They'd have to go into the game and remodel every single fucking peice of gear and in game asset, essentially from the ground up.
Leave literally everything the same.
Just upgrade the servers so they aren't down for days at a time.
It isn't though
The only thing I think I'll really miss from retail is the ability to sort and search bags without an addon.
>Playing with any add-ons
>Not being a stock alpha Chad
That wouldn't be the vanilla experience though
I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but do you guys actually think this will be successful? I fucking completely understand the nostalgia draw, but I assume most people have changed over the decade+. The only people who would be able to truly experience the same shit would be NEETs who were also NEETs in Vanilla. The people who played this shit in high school (myself) now have a full time job, a wife/husband, kids, responsibilities, ect. And even then you will never be able to experience the wonder of the game being new. I remember being fucking blown away at the sheer size of the zones, but I don't think that magic would still be there. I might be thinking as a jaded cunt though.
Gonna be hilarious to see the whopping 20 people who are willing to pay for an outdated piece of shit game. You think you want it, but you don't is literally true. The only exception to this is the handful of mentally retarded manchildren who invested their entire being into classic when it was current and now have absolutely nothing to live for.
What I'm really hoping for is graphics updates, LFG tool and class retuning for the sole purpose of causing these inbred fucks to finally break and end their pathetic lives.
I'd love for them to do this, but I'm sure a lot of people would be upset about it.
This. Vanilla WoW as is. For better or worse. That's what we want.
It'll be really popular for two, maybe three months until people remember how fucking dogshit Vanilla actually was.
It will absolutely be successful.
WoW sub counts will jump by 10 million in the first month.
Sure people who still want to go back and play a 13 year old MMORPG probably have some kind of mental disorders, but hey, you're not any better, you're a bitter sad cunt yourself that doesn't want to see anyone else get any joy out of anything.
You're pathetic in your own way, kys.
>Update graphics.
jesus fucking christ no
the new graphics look like vomit
fuck off
t. 600 pound nostcuck
Chad will be out having a great time with his girlfriends and you will be sitting in public chat trying to find a couple dozen retards for a boss that was obsolete over a decade ago.
just leave classic as is so the vocal minority that wants it can shut the fuck up
Its going to flop. Blizzard will be unable to appease everyone with it because you have the screaming retards demanding a 1:1 nothing touched, the normies demanding QoL features everywhere, and then the people somewhere in between.
Old WoW was fun, I would like to go back but it won't be the same. I know the game world now, there isn't anything to find anymore, the community that used to exist won't exist anymore, and the people playing are going to be going for the most meta shit.
Basically, people are going to level rush to 60, rush through the raids, and have Nax on farm within two months or so. Everyone is going to be bitter, there will be very little fun adventures, and shooting shit with your guildmates.
I don't know about 10 million (though I don't know how low subs are now), but the staying power was more what I was referring to. Everyone will hop in for at least a few months, but I wonder if it'll die quickly like suggests.
I'd bet you any money they all quit and go back to private servers the second they realize they left behind the poorfags and Russians that made the bulk of their nost experience.
This makes me wonder if they'll have "fixed" Sylvanas in it
I knew a lot of married/employed people who played Vanilla/TBC. I don't know where people get this idea that the game was this super hardcore game for shut ins and NEETs, and inaccessible to everyone else. It was a thousand times more approachable than either FFXI or Everquest at the time. The only korean tier grinds were completely optional shit for superfluous rewards you didn't need. Everything else could be achieved through casual play of an hour or two per day.
The game became much more casual later on down the line, of course, but that's not to say there was a time when it was not a casual game because that simply isn't the case. It was always casual.
>but I wonder if it'll die quickly like suggests.
can't trust a post like that
the success of private servers should spell it out anyways
I feel like half the reason private servers were successful is because they were free. Granted, I'm sure a lot of people would pay for a Blizzard-tier version of that, but the question then becomes how much and for how long.
Will it have a sub? Is it going to be attached to your main WoW sub? I feel like the game's success hinges on this question.
>the success of private servers
Yeah those servers full of pirates and third worlders who weren't ever going to pay for a game to begin with, what a wonderful metric of "success".
free? sub costs? wtf, these are irrelevant
most people interested in vanilla content are adults
>The people who played this shit in high school (myself) now have a full time job, a wife/husband, kids, responsibilities, ect.
fuck off
There it is, thank you! That's why retail will see a lot more success: there are fuck tons of people unwilling to participate in anything that seems in any way "illegal".
that doesn't have anything to do with anything
a lot of people can hardly justify paying for current WoW, so how many people would pay to play vanilla WoW
because of interested in that content, unlike interest in current WoW?
Private servers (at least the ones I've played and looked at) aren't 1:1 vanilla. Most of them have expedited leveling or easily give you a surplus of gold. And, as others suggested, the shit is free so there is nothing lost but time if it's shit.
Also, do we know how much this will cost or whether it's a separate sub? I hope it doesn't make the price of WoW Tokens jump through the roof.
Ebin meme friends.
Excuse me while I reckoning bomb every world and raid boss.
kys, if I can pay the shitty sub while living in a 3rd world shithole with a fucked up convert rate you most likely can
>the shit is free so there is nothing lost but time if it's shit
There it is! Another reason! There are fucktons of people unwilling to invest time into a private server when it means that all that time can be deleted in an instant upon the inevitable takedown of that private server.
Bitch please.
The Virgin Stock UI:
>Submissively uses what he is given by Blizzard
>Doesn't want to see damage meters so he can avoid direct competition.
>Lives in fear of getting viruses from addons
>Can't even handle 4 action bars worth of keybinds
The Chad Modded UI:
>A master of interface. Rejects Blizzard's designs in favor of his own superior ones
>Game is too easy on its own. Floods screen with damage numbers and combat status to increase challenge
>Requires at least 12 bars worth of bindings to keep up with his massive APM
>All abilities include a macro to post his top position on damage meters to every chat channel
To be honest I wouldn't mind updated graphics to Cata level.
Some new spell effects and stuff like racial totems.
New models and the WoD+ spell effects are cartoony garbage though
It's the opposite, actually.
Link me the best Rogue Pvp videos
>I hope it doesn't make the price of WoW Tokens jump through the roof.
Destiny 2 already did that. Tokens cost too much to be farmed now, I would rather just pay with real money.
Fun fact: WoW gold now has more value as a currency than Venezuelan money.
you can't possibly believe this
i'd guess the subscription will be shared as to promote retail as much as possible
I wish they would just add auto loot
I want classic graphics, shitty class balancing, hour long walks to dungeons
But god damn I hate clicking every damn corpse
Yeah, I just looked at the prices and nearly shit myself. I bought a couple tokens around this time last year and paid in the 30k range. Now it's in the 180k+ range. There goes my idea of coming back for a few months when Legion gets free. Fuck paying that much gold.
>I'm going to play classic and it's going to be exactly like in the past
>oh boy I'm going to do some pvp and shit, just like in the old days, there'll be videos and it'll be good
>haha, look at me, I'm drakedog, I just seduce the opponent and cast shadow bolt
>haha, fearlocks, roguelocks, sheeplocked
>everyone is doing it, haha, this... isn't really fun, it all just comes down to gear
>hey blizzard... can we get diminishing returns
so it will be
Believe what, that Nost had a high population of poorfags and pirates? Yes. You're missing the point. Those people were never going to be able or willing to pay for retail regardless.
Does anyone know if the orc racial for 5% bonus pet damage applies to enslaved demons?
That argument makes no sense. There is no retail to pay for in this example.
>People asking for "vanilla, but..."
He was right. You don't know what you want.
This. Nearly all of the UI additions throughout the expansions have been because an addon gave functionality that became basically mandatory. It'd be foolish not to include the UI changes because it wouldn't deny people those features, it'd just force them to go dig up old versions of addons and/or make 1.X api versions of later addons (a simple feat as over time they've REDUCED the calls addons can make, not add to them).
Personally, I'd be fine with the dungeon finder, but only if it's JUST the dungeon finder, because fuck standing around for half an hour trying to find people willing to run Deadmines or Wailing Caverns at 3 in the morning
While a dungeon finder would be seriously toeing the line, anything more, like LFR or other streamlining shit, would probably be too far
Perhaps they could do it in a way that encourages putting together an actual group, like extra loot, or something?
t. pleb
No matter when these threads are posted you will always find a retail nuWoW fag "trolling" them, retailfags really have no lives huh?
The WoD version of the LFG tool in which allows people to quickly and efficiently advertise for and make groups would be fine. However, dungeon/raid finder can fuck off.
Are you being willfully obtuse?
The majority of those people never were able to pay for, or they were unwilling to pay for retail WoW in any form, from classic to modern. You're making the assumption that it was a popular server because classic was the definitive experience when the reality is that it was simply the most stable and long lived server and it happened to be free, as well as free from corrupt staff or gimmicks.
Hi pleb, do you remember the TBC dungeon finder? Please advocate for that instead of anonymous, community-destroying dungeon finder queues--if you really, REALLY must demand change.
You can't possibly make the argument that non-retail servers are popular because "they're free". There is no official option that competes with any of these servers.
completely right, I have a job and responsibilities now but I'm also going to play with a different mindset then before. login in for an hour or two, doing some comfy 10 boar tail quests, farming mats for gold, MABYE run an instance, log off. No need to hurry to maxlevel since endgame raids will be out of reach for me. 1-60 will probably take me a year
I completely forgot this way of doing it existed
That would be much better, you're right
>nick, whats goin on big guy? you just tripped my wife.
I used to play for like 3 hours after school during high school and I remember it took me about a month and a half to hit 60.
People grossly overestimate the vanilla grind. It is nothing special in terms of MMO leveling. It's like 10 days /played.
i'll just be happy if this fucking thing launches at all. blizzard should really get this off the ground while proverbial iron is hot.
>WoW gold now has more value as a currency than Venezuelan money
I was going to correct you, but apparently tokens skyrocketed and the bolivar tanked.
>Update graphics.
The things that people like about Vanilla are timeless unlike modern.
We've seen Nost, we know people still enjoy it.
Its going to be successful, not original release of WoW success, but I suspect more successful than the actual expansion.
>group finder addon
I remember on my first character it took me several weeks while my x-fire showed around 100h/ week played. a long ass time when best I can do atm is maybe 10h/week. To be fair I didn't do instances back then and leveled professions on the side.
>mfw you wouldn't need a group finder if you just knew how to make friends in game
>make friends in game
How many friends you made on nost or ely?
It's easy as fuck my dude. I made a good five or six friends leveling up, then made even more once I hit 60 and started raiding with my guild.
lmao I was joking you retarded sperg
if we're lucky classic wow will end up like diablo 2 (with a sub fee) where they'll put some servers up and leave them the fuck alone (except for bug fixing, exploit plugging, content rotation, etc.) and the game will just right run along side regular wow in a similar fashion of d2 and d3, each audience having fun with their choice. classic is not in competition with regular, its supplemental. it doens't necessarily need a gorillion subs because its already content complete and the audience who want to play don't need to be advertised to. its just has to pay for costs of getting it off the ground and to pay a skeleton crew of server caretakers, gms, and csrs. server costs in 2017 are negligible for a company with enormous resources like blizzard.
honestly anybody who is retarded enough to not roll a rogue in vanilla deserves it.
we know that they are broken. not picking the broken one is fucked in the head stupidity.
Update the server architecture.
Leave everything else alone.
That is literally the system in place in legion right now for everything outside of LFR and heroics
I hope classic will be F2P and no server cap.
There is no point of playin in servers with less than 10k online.
Honestly it feels like the people who have doubts have had their heads stuck in sand for the last 3 years.
There is no question, it will be successful, how do I know? Because servers like Nost were successful DESPITE the fact that they were private servers. Nost had 20k+ concurrents in its final months, 150k active users who loved Vanilla enough to research a way to play it, download an old version and start from scratch on a buggy product with zero guarantees about future support, or even a guarantee that it would stay online.
If 150k would do all that, how many do you think are fence sitters? They like Vanilla but are waiting for Blizzard to do an official one, or they are just unaware of the whole private server scene, another 150k? Another 500k?
Even if you assumed that ONLY the people that actively played Nost would play Classic that would STILL be more than enough of a success to justify what Blizzard are investing.
>Nost had 20k+ concurrents in its final months
Not shitting on the server. But how many of those were NA? or EU? were there any from China? I'd imagine these will be separated when classic goes live
>Nost were successful
>chinks and poorfags from 3rd world shitholes
Can't wait to walljump up the wsg fortress with the flag and fall out of bounds
No, you fucks ruined this game.
I wonder if they'll use the lessons from WoW classic's inevitable success and apply them to retail?
I wouldn't be too surprised if they end up removing the LFG/LFR queues for dungeons/raids, maybe keep them for the crybabies in forms of scenarios similar to pandaland. Maybe they'll even amalgamate more servers and remove cross-realm shit
>not wanting the night elf tit bounce
>removing the LFG/LFR queues for dungeons/raids
Because sitting in storm/iron and spamming "LFM tank SM arm" is so much better.
>wants a bunch of faggot russians and br ruining vanilla
Fuck that. Sell it for $20 for unlimited access.
>Nost talk
Honestly, I think the vast majority of people who would want Classic actually have no interest in playing on private servers. I'm one of them.
>Don't want to dedicate time to something that has no guarantee of lasting
>Don't want to deal with all the e-drama and corruption
>Don't want to deal with all the bugs and stability issues
>Don't want to deal with the (admittedly minor) setup hassles
slavs and chinks were like 80% of nost playerbase
The LFG tool would still exist. Just not the matchmaking queue shit.
>LFG tool
This is why I never stayed aboard the Nostalrius train for very long. It was only a matter of time before it was shut down.