EA to Acquire Respawn Entertainment


why does ea even bother

literally who

they just want ip, they don't give a fuck about companies

Holy fucking wow, no one's seriously safe. Is EA's intentions to ruin and take over the videogame industry as we know it?

They didn’t own they before? The fact that Titanfall was origin exclusive should give off the impression that they were always EA’s bitch

didnt they already own them? why the fuck else would they put their games on origin instead of steam?


Is Titanfall even that big of an IP? Battlefield 2143 could essentially be the same game.

>$455 million


they had all kinds of exclusivity deals and such but i guess EA couldn't stand the tease

So did EA sabotage Titanfall 2 sales on purpose so they could acquire them?

I thought EA already owned them. EA already published both Titanfall games.

Is EA the death note of gaming companies? Poor Respwan gonna die of a hearth atack.

How many golden shit plaques has EA won?
Money really is the root of evil.


For $455 fucking million, I don't think so.

>Respawn working on a Star Wars game

i hope this means we can have a titanfall rpg to replace mass effect

who the fuck cares about some shit company that made some shit game

Fuck you EA

Rest in peace, Hyper.

>leave Activision and IW for EA
>Now they are forever their slaves

Zempalla is an idiot

>Release Titanfall 2 sandwiched between 2 bigger FPS games with barely any marketing so it flops
>Buy out the company once they begin to run out of money

>Titanfall developer

Can they buy Sonic Team just to end the pain and suffering?

Fun fact, the release date was Respawns idea, EA had nothing to do with it

Holy fuck. Press F to pay respects to Titanfall 3 and the Jedi Knight remake


Well, yeah.

You mean the EA industry. they bought the word Videogame and dissolved it

Titanfall 2 is one of the better FPS games of this console generation, though seeing as this is Sup Forums I doubt you actually played it.

were they smoking crack or something?

Like EA is going to make another Titanfall

If anything. this just guarantees Titanfall will be relegated to the world of cell phone games.

It was their marketing director's idea. The same director who said in an interview he "didn't want to hype Titanfall 2". He's gone now though.

Guess it's time for Sup Forums to hate Titanfall 2 now

I thought Titanfall flopped. Both of them.


EA planned it to flop

>Leave their company and EA for Activision
>Leave their company and Activision for EA
What will they name the new studio with Activision?

All according to keikaku

Respawn had a publishing deal with EA, but they were an independent studio. I guess EA couldn't stand the fact that they couldn't shut them down at a moment's notice, so they decided to buy them to facilitate that action.

not really a redpill it's a common business practice

>implying Respawn will survive long enough under EA to even get a Star Wars game

Shutdown Studios

wtf I hate TF2 now!
Nah first one sold 5-10 million or something, but most of that was off of marketing hype and a lot of the players dropped it once the DLC started rolling in and dividing the player base, but both xbone and PC had active communities.

2 on the other hand did sell poorly, and it changed a lot of things, some better and some worse, so now the tight knit community from before is pretty torn over the game now that it's been out for a year.

>EA shutting down studios here there and everywhere
>"Joining EA sounds like a good idea!"

hopefully we won't get any more shitanfall

They've been developing a Star Wars game for over a year already.

>companies STILL letting themselves get acquired by EA

Is the money that good or is every dev oblivious to what EA does?

no red pill bullshit needed, this is just how business works. I called this exact thing the day Titanfall 2's release date was announced. EA deliberately released it in between the two biggest shooters knowing it would sell poorly and hurt the studio, putting them in a position to be purchased. EA will own the Titanfall IP, do nothing with it and will shut Respawn down within the next year.

They were already working on it, but chances are it got bumped up to a 2018 release to take the place of Visceral's Star Wars game instead of remmaining as the 2019 Star Wars title.

It could've been good before but now definitely expect it to have lootcrates and be a half-finished title. They wont get a chance to make Titanfall 3.

god titanfall games were great
this one hurts

Respawn got a Star Wars game. That stuff doesnt come for free, Thats why they pushed TF2 out earlier in that stupid date between BF and COD.

Since Titanfall didnt sell as expected it was probably this or go bankrupt.

The money is that good.

I look forward to the press release announcing that EA is closing the studio in 4 years.

No one else wants them I imagine. Just look at our good pal Cliffy B and his million-dollar IP. Literally no one wanted him even though he could still ride off Gears of War success.

update the chart and the comic
I have a respawn fanboy to torment

Can you stop spreading this misinformation like a tard
Read the thread

The money must be good. Everyone knows EA shuts down studios, but in the end that really doesn't matter. A studio getting shut down doesn't mean the employees are killed or something, they just move on to other studios and continue doing their work. Sure, it's inconvenient, but it's how the industry works.

EA shutting down studios only really affects fans in any real negative way.

Once you're publicly traded, you may not have much of a choice but get bought.

>implying the marketing guy wasn't a plant from EA
Nobody with their company's interests at heart makes a decision like that.

I imagine if the owner of a studio wants out of the industry it's hell of a lot more rewarding to sell the company off for millions than just "retire".

I doubt developers are oblivious, but at this point they just see the potential to get EA's backing. Funny enough, EA seems to do a great job in the beginning, but as time goes by, and Space Warrior RPG date simulator 6 isn't up to snuff, then they kill companies pretty damn quick.

Why does EA acquire studios at all. They usually just ruin IPs and end up shutting down the studios they paid for.

>Titanfall 3 will have lootboxes


There wasn't a "plant" by EA, Respawn just makes a lot of dumb decisions, it's nothing new

So they can have a big portfolio of well-known IP to show off to investors. It doesn't matter if they actually ever do anything with those IPs, just that they own them and no other studio can use them.

I Live to see Westwood, Pandemic and now Respawn fall.
That's three for three

>Titanfall 2 sold poorly, partly courtesy of its atrocious launch timing
>EA: "Hey let's buy Respawn!"

I don't get it. I thought EA wants to make money, not lose.

This was at launch though.

They just like to shutdown studios for fun

This. You take the money and retire to a life of luxury immediately.

They're buying the company so they'll own the IP. The studio doesn't matter, it'll be dissolved and the people will go elsewhere. But EA will own Titanfall and nobody else will be able to make it, and that's all they want.

Again, why would they want to own an IP that isn't selling to EA's usual standards?

>Westwood and Pandemic
I don't know which hurts more.

If anything EA knows how to market stuff to the audience that doesn't know any better. TF 1 sold really well, TF2 didn't because the release date was retarded

They can sell the movie rights to idiots who don't know any better in Hollywood.

So yeah, company that is deemed competent enough to ship critically well-received products is in a bind because of a marketing mistake.
Best time to buy it: low liquidity, lowered market value and public perception; you hit it while it's down and cannot fight back.

papEA will soon be having a nice walk with Respawn

EA is very spiteful, they probably don't want Microsoft to try and buy it. Remember when Crytek made a 100% working port of Crysis 3 for WiiU, and EA shelved just because they wanted to starve Nintendo of games?



So nobody else will own it and potentially make money from it. Even if EA never makes another TItanfall, they own the IP which means no one else can ever make money from Titanfall.

He’ll leave and start Re-Respawn

I'm so sorry, RE

Terrible. You can do better than that.

It more complicated situations than you think. Not even getting into the contracts.

EA deliberately crippled Titanfall 2 (releasing same week as CoD and BF) so they could pressure Respawn into selling the company after a "flop".

EA tried to do the same when they released Stranger's Wrath in an attempt to acquire Oddworld Inhabitants. Luckily Lorne Lanning told the to go fuck themselves and preferred to see the company mothballed than taken over.

You know how companies patent things they never actually intend to produce just so nobody else can have the chance to do it and make money from it? Same deal here. EA doesn't want Respawn, they want the Titanfall IP. They probably won't ever do anything with it, but EA owning Titanfall means Activision/Ubisoft/Nintendo/who the fuck ever can't make a Titanfall game, which is a win for EA as far as EA's investors are concerned. Plus it gives them another IP to milk nostalgia from in 10 years with a quick p2w phone game or something.

Respawn is no Maxis, or Westwood, or (old) Bioware, Bullfrog or Pandemic.

Consider it as a long time investment. Sure Titanfall wasn't nearly as big as Battlefield or CoD. There still was a small change Respawn could find another publisher and thus take away money from EA.

They're just another developer that they can now force to crank out Star Wars games until they inevitably die.


this user on something


Well yeah, employees can't go work for directly competing studios for a year or something, whatever the non-competition clause in their contract specifies. That's why you see so many devs from popular older games going to Kickstarter and Indiegogo to make games.

Frankly, take a look at EA, you know that when they fucking knock on your door your time is running short. If you think that how they kill studios they "acquire" is horrible take a guess at how they'd kill a studios that refuse them.
Would you take the money and spend it as fast as you can knowing that you'll be dead in less than ten years but you'll still be able to make at least a few games.
Or would you refuse and get shoved into the meatgrinder that is EA with no money and no chance to ever make another game?

They make an offer you cant refuse.

And nothing of value was lost


Respawn is old Infinity Ward, which means they were every bit as influential as every one of those studios you listed. And don't give me the "hurr Call of Duty is shit" garbage, you and everyone else in this thread knows exactly how massive CoD 4 was and what it did to transform the industry.