Improve this

Improve this.

Add Plut


We'll never see her again, user.

Animate that Noire /ss/ scene.

Overall it's a surprisingly good game, but it can be much better by simply making those things:
Make interconected zones
Less reused assets
More 3d cutscenes
Less playable characters and more gameplay balance
Maybe add a minigame

turn her back to normal.

Ok, hand it here real quick.

There you go.

This bitch is done for. She's not coming back

Add more corruption.

She was back in 4GO, just not playable.

good taste

When does the game get good? I'm 6 hours in and just can't go on.

1080p @60FPS
HD models
Better level design and Music
Dynamic combat with RPG elements.
Useful NEXT transformations.
Make the plot a little better and grittier, like a full blown conquest arc with neps dying and suffering.

Did you start on this nep game? Because is not a good game to start desu.

I did, yeah. What am I missing?

It's not a good nep game because it's a series based on its characters so you won't care for any of them.

While it's true that all nep games can be played exclusively from others, I feel like V-II is probably the worst start to the series.
In my opinion the best start would be V but if you want to enjoy the series as a whole then starting with 1 is obviously the best choice, even though 1 is the worst game.

If you want some advice, just play the games in order, pirate the fitgirls repack of the original trilogy and use the meme DLC weapons to breeze through the games until you reach V and V-II.

Also I really liked Nep 2, Nepgear is literally my wife.

>Nep games
You got memed, son

>It's not a good nep game
I meant to say it's not a good nep game to start with.
They are very enjoyable and each new release improved on the last.

Still far from being good, though

Yeah I guess. Still very enjoyable though.

Replace the terrible protagonist

Hey fuck you buddy. Nep is a funny girl

Nah, she's terrible. Her voice is annoying, too

Can't improve something what is shit, so my improvement is to switch into a better game entirely.

No you

>remove the random encounters while traversing the map
>make combo attacks usable regardless of whether both users are transformed or not (Nep doesn't need to revert from HDD to combo with Big Nep for example) or add Rebirth 3's powered up state for characters that don't normally transform
>party members in the back row gain exp
>add Plutia, Peashy and Rei, even just as dlc

Not an argument

your face is not an argument

How do you improve an utter shit franchise?

Male protagonist

None of those are actual suggestions


So is this an addon type thing or what?

Can’t improve anything that’s bottom of the bin autist bait.

It's the remake.

Turn it into a porn game

Alright man, thanks. I'll just start from the beginning. Are the Vita remakes a valid option?

Yeah, The Re;Birth games are objetively superior to the original releases.
However I do not know if the Vita ports have all the DLC.

Just play on steam

I'm against what that guy said. Neptunia VII is a great place to start, and it does a really good job at presenting the characters during the second arc, which is about 10 hours into the game.

Neptunia ReBirth1 would be a good palce to start too, if you want to take that user's opinion. Please don't start with ReBirth 3 (you'll think this series is only shitty memes) or ReBirth 2 (it's the worst remake and the Nep girls appear way too late)

They remade it mainly to test out a new engine for their PS4 games moving forward, along with adding bits of content along with messing around with the VR-scape too. The VR mode itself is lackluster as hell, but I imagine they wanted to at least dip their toes in before moving on to the next mainline game.

This series is already10 years old...

The series is barely 7.

Assassins creed didn't even last this long. Jrpg fans really do lap up all shit.

Assassin'd Creed is still going...


Is that the best endorsement Compile Heart can muster?

So far, yes. But they said the next game is going to be 10x better. Since VII was already surprisingly good, I have hopes for the next one.

Artist is Nyamota

Don't reuse assets
>he's making a PH doujin for C93

He said improve, not ruin

Don't laugh. CWC might endorse 4chins very soon.

My dick can't wait for that doujin to come out. I hope it gets translated, but seeing how pic related isn't I'm not putting my hopes up.

Just flush

>that cg
My shares weren't ready.

I wish he did more of the other neps, and stop putting everything behind patreon

I want to spend hours fucking Purple Heart

I think Neptunia needs to talk more about ConquestGear.

Nyamota is a god amongst men. He is the only reason why I recently gotten back into the series after dropping Rebirth2 few years ago. Every time I see purple heart while playing, my dick instantly turns into diamonds while thinking about that one cg set.

Let us talk about the superior goodness of Gamindustri.

I'd probably buy any future sets he makes, as long as they are nep-based, his NTR shit doesn't interest me

How can any other goddess compete? I want her to lustful drain my shares into her so much she'll stay stuck as Purple Heart forever.

Nyamota and Cru make best slutty PHs


Iffy doesn't get enough love.

I wish all of their stuff was translated. They are both my favorite doujin artist.

To be fair, even without them PH is absolute semen draining demon
I agree, she's a very lovely girland needs more exposure

This so much

It'll be okay.

Iffy is love

IF is actually my favorite nep, but I keep it a secret from Sup Forums and /nepgen/ because they bully her.

It's kinda sad that when we are actually discussing the games, the Nep threads gets overflown by trolls and shitters, but when the thread actually goes to shit with image dumps, those trolls are nowhere to be found anymore.

Where are you trolls? Save this god damn thread.

from what? Discussing out favorite characters?
>because they bully her.
IFFY IS A 2ND CUTEST NEP ALONG WITH UZUME and nepgen has shit taste
except when they talk about Blanc

Well tell us about your favorite game of the series and why you like it user.


Neptunia lacks porn.

Sadly they never will, outside of making a joke or two about it.

>Save this god damn thread.
From what?

they knew what they were doing when they designed that dress, so fucking erotic


I would bay 60€for that experience

How many Neps did she kill to get to that point?

The panda is a master.
>her toes grabbing the sheet is such a minor detail but pleases the dick far more

I thought Just Nepgear is canon though.

She can leave half of the job to nepgear

Neptunia VII is one of the best JRPGs I have ever played. It has a great story with tons of fun and memorable characters, the side character's aren't ever forgotten and play an integral part to the storyline, and even the beginning of the story with Uzume becomes so entangled with the end game it built the amazing forshadowing.

Then the gameplay is nothing to scoff at either, it's complex enough to cause some different tactics in boss fights and varied enough to not feel stale. A boss fight with K-Sha felt COMPLETELY different than the fight with C-Sha even though it was only 2 characters vs 1. Compile Heart did a great job tying the AI with the lore with K-Sha using long range attacks solely on Uni, which was a fun touch to the game. Then later in the game it switches it up with the 4 goddess fight, which was an amazingly fair, and tough boss fight. I also enjoy the giant battles, which again switches things up.

Then the mini games were pretty fun, despite me being bad at 3D platforming. It was still a very nice touch.

I like the limited slots of inventory as well, making the player forced to prioritize item usage, and it's cool that the game forces the player to use a lot of items too. The dungeon designs weren't bad at all, and I liked how it fit so well with each world.

The music was great with it's synth and J-Pop. And the graphics were clear and aesthetically pleasing.

I have very little complaints with Neptunia VII.

Doesn't mean it couldn't be better.

Stop implying yuri and just let it happen already.


Ouch. Guess I should have seen that Nepgear bullying coming a mile away

All games could be better, but I am very pleased with Neptunia VII. I enjoyed it much more than Persona 5. Neptunia doesn't make you wait 2 hours before you even go to a dungeon. And the story was much better than P5's

But Murdergear was a legit route.
I still think that Kurome should face off against Murdergear

How bout you two make like a pudding and get out.

I wouldn't say the story was better, but I also had more fun with Nep VII than P5 mostly because P5 was too slow, and the game went on for too long, so it got annoying by the 4th dungeon. VII also ot annoying, but the characters arcs and skipping animations can kill this boredom easily...

But VII has way too much useless dialog IMO.

I like the useless banter. It's not a Nep game without it.

It was, and I think you could make an entire game of Murdergear coming to another dimension after having lost her shit. I mean, with how the series plays with alternate dimensions, she's probably still out there suffering.

Yes, but VII had way too much. Like waaay too much.

This it's not a Nep game without 20 minutes of cut scenes between dungeons.