Is this the game that will exceed BOTW.
>Half naked slut follows you through the entire game
>wearing that much clothing
>half naked
How come Zelda doesn't wear shit like that, if she did Link would come running first thing instead of pissing away all that time fishing.
Her butt seems to look fatter while she's running.
Wish she wasn't wearing a thong like a slut
You can bench both nomura pants and his whore, right?
don't be fooled
there's nothing there
Who's this? What game?
It's called having a nice well shaped butt. None of that nigger shit.
That bitch has american accent shes never going to be my main blade
Please buy a ps4
Where does her back ends and her ass starts?
nah, Mithra is my blade now
If the SS r34 of XC2 isn't top tier, then Japan deserves a third nuclear bomb.
Can i emulate this game yet or not?
The direct seemed to say you can switch between them at will, but does the Mythra form have like a time or something? Or can you use it permanently?
>wearing more clothing than the average summer girl
>Americans triggered
When did Americans become pussies
You can use permanently from the looks of it. There are no cooldowns to change to her form too mid battle
Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Nintendo's new kids game.
Apart from the hilarious joke, I like the whole frankenstein method this nopon is going for
xenoblade chronicles 2
I swear shes getting bigger each time
That's some huge knockers mate.
>is this tales of?
>Tales of Berseria
>Xenoblade 2
What other games this year have embraced straight shota?
I'm considering buying a switch just for that
I'm not even an ass man but Christ couldn't they have given her an ass? Not a big one or anything just something.
Aren't they gonna censor her clothing in the usa and pal versions?
Well seeing how previews are out, theyre running out of time to do so
This tittymonster is my waifu
Japanese don't care about asses.
People keep looking at her tits while I'm just loving them hips and thighs
No look at the video this was the usa and pal version.
You might be right.
>those breasts
>those hips
>those thighs
Rex better do what Fei did and have sex with a redhead.
See where her skin is indented on her thighs from the straps? That's where the boner is created
You have my attention
Life > power gap > Hometown
Are her cow tits really that big?
>Even Nintendo is now pandering to lonely virgins
*sigh* I hate what this industry has become...
but techinically that means pyra is still your blade too.
Are you okay, user?
>Nintendo's new kids game.
I'd better not see you faggots saying this is a bad thing. As kids we all wanted to see fat titties, don't deny todays youth the same.
>weebs let their dick alone decide whether a game is good
>inb4 Playable in Smash for Switch
Some kid out there with a Switch will have his first vidya fap to Pyra's big fat anime titties.
She's the reason I'm interested.
that's how literally half of Sup Forums works. the game could be as shallow as a cum stain but hey if the game has tits oh boy you'll always get "10/10 goty best game must buy sjws are ruining vidya" etc etc
>le modern men meme
Tread lightly...
Is mithra a different personality? Wouldn't that be rude to pyra if you just abandoned her for her superior form?
Sucks for him.
Haha, this is pretty heartwarming actually.
Kids aren't men though.
the game looks great though retard
looks worse than the first game
This image would be more believable if it weren't for the top right image
fuck you white supremacist
>that skidentation
fucking patrician, Nintendo
If we follow the ideas of Monadolgy then Mithra and Pyra are different states of the same Monad and this has impacts on their physical body.
What are they going to remove/change this time in the name of """"Localization""""?
Any news on whether or not were getting shafted with the localization? I just feel like this is going to be censored
>Censored game
>Nintendo Switch isn't region locked
>Dual Audio downloadable
names and voices
poke, prod
tits ass show no skin is white man release
but if we consider percentages, this much would be half of the exposed skin
>Comes out in about 3 weeks
>And if push comes to shove Switch is region free
Maybe some Japanese jokes that don't translate will be lost though.
>XB's fanbase will be ruined by waifufags
truly the worst timeline.
Was this the game that pushed anyone else to buy a switch? Don't really care about Mario or Zelda but I'm really fucking excited for this.
How can a Anime harem RPG be ruined buy its intended audience?
She’s not, look closely.
Not the single game, no, but I was pretty fucking hyped when they announced XC2 in the January showcase.
I'm definitely thinking about it. Will probably get Mario as well.
have you played a Xenoblade game before? if not youre probably in for a whole heap of disappointment
bought one just for XC2, Metroid Prime 4 being announced was just an even bigger incentive
Can't wait for this shit.
I have yes. One of my favorite games.
no shafting, japanese dub is a free dlc day 1The hype is real
It's the only game I want to emulate.
>tfw you're gonna lay in bed wrapped in blankets and play Xenoblade 2 on December 1st
who's ready for maximum comfy my dudes?
Titties to me are what good graphics are to dudebros. It's eye-candy, it's aesthetics. Just like how people will put up with a mediocre game because they can make out individual follicles of the stubble of their generic brown-haired action hero, I'd do the same for a pair of lovingly rendered anime tits. It can't save a malodorous game by itself. But it certainly helps prop it up.
Luckily Xenoblade's actually good, so the nipple on top.
>Havent played any Xenoblade game
>See trailer for the Switch game
>See Pyra
Well I'm sold.
Why couldnt the MC be like 3 inches taller?
XC2, SMTV, and Prime 4 are big ones for me. XC2 just looked so good that I really didn't want to wait.
>Rex better do what Fei did and have sex with a redhead
The kid is already on it. Look at him tryin to impress the girl
>no ass
I work that day, but I'll be doing that Dec 2nd
ya definitely getting SMT4 too
>Doesn't like /ss/
You some kind of fag?
I wanna be her kid, if you know what I mean.
Just gonna play on my couch with a blanket really.
At about 12 seconds into that video, why is she standing like that?