Which one was right?

Which one was right?

The Stormcloaks or the Imperials?

both were retarded cunts, which is why it was a horrible choice for them to force you to pick one or the other

Childhood is siding with the Empire. Adulthood is knowing that the Stormcloaks are right.

Day of the wuuthrad soon, felow mer.

Oh it's this thread again

Ulfric is literally Trump. The Hero the Stormcloaks need and the only arguments against their cause is personal attacks on Ulfric. ie elf-lover, or incompetence

You forgot pedophile. The Imperials caught the kiddy fiddler molesting the little girl at Darkwater Crossing.

The Aldmeri Dominion. You faggots need to stop worshiping a false god. There are a shitton of Dominion approved gods you could worship instead like Shor for example

Ulfric was literally weakening the infrastructure to make it easier for the elves to take over. Intentionally. He was a worthless traitor.

Faithless scum

Not an argument Nord

>we're gonna eliminate our only chance of defeating the one thing that everyone agrees needs to be destroyed by kicking out the only people who can stop it and isolating ourselves
>we're gonna bide our time and reproduce more humans to eventually outnumber the Dominion since they barely reproduce, even if it means stripping the rights of our citizens for a while

All my gameplays have been sucking Imperial cock.
After the election, I kind of want to do a Stormcloak run this time, with the mindset of no tolerance with fucking jew elves.

Everyone always fails to mention redguards managed to repel the dominion due to tenacity and find the Empire weak because they didn't stick it out much longer. So the stormcloaks are in the right for defending their culture, religion, and nation. The Empire is no longer what it once was.

Common sense says Imperial, but playing Nord barbarian slaughtering foreign invaders is just too damn fun

>False god
>Get blessing when praying to him

Take you knife ear propagande elsewhere

Whatever side the Dragonborn picks.
Stormcloaks and Skyrim don't need the Empire when they have a dragonborn one man army,

Doesn't matter, they will make both the canon choice in the next elder scrolls game.

Imperial Obviously.
Ulfric and by extension the Stormcloaks are just puppets for the Thalmor. The Thalmor want to make the civil war last as long as possible causing unrest and loss of resources so that the human races can't stand united against the elven scum.

Both were right in their own way.

Really all that matters is we round up the elves and gas them.

And to add to my previous comment , why would the Altmer worship Shor/Lorkhan? They absolutely hate him since he created Nirn and separated them from their divine ancestors. Stop acting like you know shit you elf-scum.

The empire is compromised and are, instead of protecting the empire from external threats, slaughtering their own populace. This is the root of the rebellion and it's not surprising the true nords (stormcloaks) are taking actioin where the empire is unable to.

You didn't have to choose either of them, user.

Aren't you have to pick a side in order to be a thane of all the holds?

you don't have to do that either

But I want to have a home in every keep.

Fallout 4™

>"I'm only interested in arguments where both sides are correct"

You can tell someone's an idiot if they think there's a clear answer to this question, either way.
I genuinely think this is one of the better things in Skyrim and it sort of teased that Bethesda could recreate that great, ambiguous world-building they did for Morrowind.

Your stormcloak point is correct but

>we're gonna bide our time and reproduce more humans to eventually outnumber the Dominion since they barely reproduce, and in the meantime we're going to let the Dominion infiltrate and dismantle every level of our government and military so they can beat us even easier next time

>and in the meantime we're going to let the Dominion infiltrate and dismantle every level of our government and military so they can beat us even easier next time
There's a really easy solution to that, it's called "kill everyone with knife ears"

Yeah and what faction will execute you for doing that and what faction will promote you?

Stormcloaks and Empire need a synthesis villain-monologue like Caesar did for the Legion and NCR.

>dude stormcucks are thalmor shills...
>so that's why I support the empire

Clavicus Vile obviously.

You mean Crassius Curio?

>They absolutely hate him since he created Nirn and separated them from their divine ancestors. Stop acting like you know shit you elf-scum.

That is the Thalmor. The Thalmor don't represent the beliefs of all Altmer. They simply control the rest of the Altmer through violence and fear.

>But I want to have a home in every keep.

Most of the houses don't require choosing a side. You just have to do tasks for the community and Jarl. Breezehome you get by fighting the first dragon. The house in Windhelm is the only one you need to choose a side to get.

2-handers are quite underwhelming in satisfaction

Retardation is siding with the Stormcloaks. Reasonable intelligence is seeing the game literally tell you that the Stormcloak rebellion is a Thalmor ploy meant to divide and weaken humanity.

>The house in Windhelm
That's the one I wanted to get exactly, I'm traveling in this area currently.

which will fail, remember when Ysgramor and the first norsemen arrived and destroyed the elfs that were in Skyrim?
They could probably destroy the altmery dominion too, and also get help from the argonians or red guards
oh and if the rebellion wins the Stormcloaks will have Dovahkiin on their side, that means a decisive victory for Skyrim

Emperor Tidus Mede II = Trump
>uniting humanity / America
>manipulating his enemies to position empire/country in more powerful spot
>protested by whiny cunts who can't into 4D chess

Ulfric Stormcloak = Hillary
>beat High King / Bernie by cheating
>trying to lead by being divisive and weakening humanity / america overall
>puppet of the Thalmor / Marxists
>war criminal

Both were in the rubbing hands of the fucking thalmor, both deserve to die, and the thalmor too.

And you failed to mention that the Redguards didn't assist in the first half of the Great War, ignoring the Emperor's call and allowing the White Gold Tower to burn. And that they received aid from the Emperor and Imperial forces to drive the Elves out. AND that it took them five years to simply stalemate the already demolished Dominion army on their own land.

the empire is so fucking weak, you could literally kill Titus Mede by yourself

>500 highly skilled and trained elite humans
>unprepared albino retard elves
Who would win?


Depends which is more likely to fuck up the Thalmor. Both sides make it clear they're next, although Tullius is more subtle about it.

So how strong are the Thalmor during the events of skyrim? Who would have a better chance?

>They were almost an entire continent
>Implying they had no army

>Dragonborn one man army
you mean the same dragonborn that is now stuck in a nightmare dimension getting tentacle fucked by his new master hermaeus mora?

While that is true and i agree with you, if the Thalmor got what they wanted, worship of Lorkhan would not be legal either. Besides, I hardly believe that Lorkhan exists in the original Aldmeri pantheon at all. UESP doesn't seem to mention it anyway.

They are "Setessential 1" so very...

>You can tell someone's an idiot if they think there's a clear answer to this question, either way.
Except there is a clear answer. The game sets you up in the beginning to sympathize with the Stormcloaks and believe in their cause. The Imperials try to kill you, Ulfric can use the Thu'um like you, Ralof and company talk him up...

But you're supposed to discover by playing the game that he's wrong. The Jarls who "support" him admit that he's fighting the war to be High King, not on principle. You discover that his "honorable duel" against the High King was really him fighting a young man barely older than a boy and that he cheated and violated a 2000 year old Nord tradition in the process. You discover that he was a failure in the Great War, and his only successful war campaign was successful because he murdered Nord women, elders and children. And the final nail in the coffin, Ulfric betrayed the Empire during the Great War, secretly believes he was the cause of the fall of the Imperial City, and that his whole rebellion is being masterminded by the Thalmor.

The game rewards people who talk to NPCs, read books and pay attention to the lore.

Stormcloaks are just retarded.
Compare Windhelm with the imeprial city

>one of the most legendary warriors to have ever lived

>Nord (watered down weak Atmoran)
>has never won a fight against anyone but children and women

The two aren't even comparable.

Donald Trump is an old man that I could probably 1v1 myself too. Doesn't make America weak you stupid nigger.

The dragonborn is gone, just like every main character.

I didn't even mention your ugly ass country you blatant piece of shit that wants to put lame politics in a video game board
Go back to your cave bob


When I first played skyrim I sided with the stormcloaks until eventually reaching the battle of Whiterun. By then when based Balgruuf said how he was disappointed in me or something like that I just thought to myself "why the fuck am I helping these guys again?" and restarted and joined the empire.

That pic of the deadlands is literally the Space Pirate Homeworld from Metroid Prime 3

The Aldmeri Dominion is currently made up of Valenwood, Both kingdoms of Elseweyr and the Sumerset Isles. In addition to this, they pretty much hold the empire in their hands as well which means that they're the biggest union currently.

What's dangerous about letting the Thalmor get what they want is that they want to unmake reality by deactivating all the Towers that keep Mundus together.

>The Empire lost because they needed a bunch of niggers to beat the unprepared albino retard elves.
I mean, I'm an Empireboo but that was absolutely pathetic.

Whats this about Ulfric murdering nord women and children? I don't remember ever hearing about it.

I'm not American, retard. I'm saying that the leader of a powerful nation being old doesn't make the nation weak and you're a stupid faggot for thinking that.

They don't control the empire, that's why they need to start bullshit like the civil war to weaken them, because they are still their biggest threat.

>In the wake of the aftermath of the Great War, you can imagine the backlog on stately matters the Empire had. Before a peace treaty could be resolved with the Forsworn, a militia led by Ulfric Stormcloak sieged the gates of their capital, Markarth. What happened during that battle was war, but what happened after the battle was over is nothing short of war crimes.

>Every official who worked for the Forsworn was put to the sword, even after they had surrendered. Native women were tortured to give up the names of Forsworn fighters who had fled the city or were in the hills of the Reach. Anyone who lived in the city, Forsworn and Nord alike, were executed if they had not fought with Ulfric and his men when they breached the gates. "You are with us, or you are against Skyrim" was the message on Ulfric's lips as he ordered the deaths of shopkeepers, farmers, the elderly, and any child old enough to lift a sword that had failed in the call to fight with him.

~"The Bear of Markarth"

if you're not a burger then why do you even mention it? I was speaking about the empire
Letting your own leader going to a country that is in a conflict against you, with no royal protection or anything?
It shows how weak the empire is

Bear of markarth

I know the dude has done nothing but it doesn't have to be about him, we don't know how the stormcloak officers fight, like Galmar or others
They could have new heroes, who knows

No, they don't control the empire but after the invasion of the Imperial city, the plundering of the white gold tower and signing of the white-gold concordiat you can tell that the aldmeri dominion pretty much tells the empire what they can and can't do.

Only a united Empire stands a chance against the Thalmor and Ulfric is a retard.

Because although Trudeau is a poncy faggot, he's not an old man and using Canada as an example wouldn't have worked.

And the Emperor had an entire Imperial Legion in Skyrim, the Penitus Oculatus and an entire warship of guards and soldiers and was posted at the center of the Imperial authority in the country. Him dying is because the main character is a plot armored Mary Sue, not because the Empire was weak.

The empire is basically a client state
also nice pic btw

Holy fuck, all I remember about that was Ulfric told the Jarl he'd help if he let people worship Talos. I didn't know he fucking murdered children and elderly for not fighting with him.

They can't though, only in talos related matters otherwise they can't do anything as that isn't covered by the concordat. In the very first scene of the game tullius tells the thalmor to fuck off, because he can, pretty much every single legion member you can talk to in Skyrim talks about fighting the dominion.

>Client state
Exactly. Thanks, i'll keep dumping more pictures, the lore and world of TES is so fascinating to me.

They don't neccessarily control all the petty lords and populace of the Empire, but like with Rome if the Imperial capital is occupied then the Empire is totally in submission and is effectively crippled. That's why the stormcloaks are right to fight because you can't rely on the Imperial systems to resist since they are all hamstringed by the occupation of the capital.

How many Towers are even left after Skyrim?

>plot armored mary sue
>gets destroyed if kills a chicken
lul, that may be true tho, but still, even if you didn't join the dark brotherhood Titus gets killed anyway, I heard that all of Skyrim's faction questlines are canon, so basically if you don't do it a random dark brotherhood member will kill him anyway

Talos. Hm, which side is forsaking their patron deity and protector?

However, the right answer is 'neither' because choices never matter in Bethesda games. Whatever happens between Skyrim with the Empire and Aldmer is going to come down to whatever is most interesting to the writer.

Stormcloaks, Hammerfell seceded, BlackMarsh seceded and now it's Skyrim's turn. The Empire abandoned her and let disgusting altmer defile her people. Wulfh3ath, Hoag Merkiller and even Pelinal Whitestrake would neverr submit to the white gold "treaty". Death to all altmer!

You heard wrong. The only thing that's canon are the main storylines, same with all the other Elder Scrolls games. The Dragonborn killed Alduin, Miraak and Harkon. Whether he was a Werewolf, Vampire, Dawnguard, destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, joined the Dark Brotherhood, swore to a Daedric Prince, defied them, joined the Thieves Guild, etc. are all defaulted to non-canon.

Yes, the imperials are opposed to elven rule but the Empire has to treat them with some respect due to nature of the concordiat or am i entirely incorrect here? I know they had to give the Aldmeri Dominion tons of gold, the southern part of Hammerfell (Which Hammerfell refused to give up), ban Talos worship and execute all of the remaining Blades.

There's no record of exactly how many Towers there are on Nirn but several have already been deactivated. Generally, a tower gets deactivated in every single game.

Morrowind - Red mountain
Oblivion - White gold tower
Skyrim - Snow throat

Not entirely sure about the games before that but if i remember correctly the Numidium was also a tower called walk-brass.

>Talos. Hm, which side is forsaking their patron deity and protector?
The Stormcloaks. You're told dozens of times in the game by numerous NPCs that the Stormcloaks are the reason people can't worship Talos.

The point is that every legion member is blatantly anti dominion, that's the reason they joined in the first place and that's what is most important because they are the people fighting, if the dominion was invading than they would fight back. And judging by tullius dialogue, every move they make is still focused against the dominion, if the empire was controlled by the thalmor than this wouldn't happen, the empire wouldn't have most of their legion defending the border against the dominion.

That may be true but I'll keep my statement, but if Titus Mede is not alive for the Elder Scrolls 6 that means I was right
All we have to do is wait

Both sides are full of dumb people, but goddamn Ulfric is the biggest retarded faggot of the bunch, and the game doesn't even try to hide it.

Stormcloaks is racist

Everyone criticizes Ulfric for fighting Torygg because Torygg was just a boy. But, that was the point, wasn't it? Why should Skyrim be ruled by someone so clearly incompetent, why should the High King be a teenage boy? Ulfric was simply making the message that he was not a proper high king fit to rule Skyrim. The whole system was messed up from the beginning

They could also form an alliance to fight against the Dominion, that's what Europe did agains't Napoleon, Austria-Hungary and Nazi Germany.
I really want that to happen

All of the guild questlines happen, they just don't necessarily have to be done by the main character, that's why the emperor will be dead no matter what.

...that's not how the games work, r-tard. It'll be another time skip and the lore will be ambiguous about what happened. Just like every other game. The Emperor will be dead because the lore has to be ambiguous enough that both the Dragonborn killing him and not killing him had to have been possible.

And to add to my previous comment , all of this is spoken of in Skyrim when Esbern talks about the events depicted on Alduins wall which i think if really fucking cool

>When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world. When the Brass Tower walks and Time is reshaped - Daggerfall
>When the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Tower trembles - Morrowind
>When the Dragonborn Ruler loses his throne, and the White Tower falls - Oblivion
>When the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding. The World-Eater wakes, and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn. - Skyrim

The first thing I hope an independant Skyrim does after emmasing it's kingdom army is invade Morrowind to finish off those Daedra worshipping greyskins. With the momentum made by the Nords Argonians will jump in for round three and the inevitble pincer attack will overehelm their pathetic Redoran army. And on that victory a new friendship will be made on the mound of dead dunmer.

He wasn't incompetent though, He actually looked up to Ulfric and thought that Ulfric was coming to talk about declaring independence, and if Ulfric didn't murder him than Skyrim could have gone independents without the whole civil war, but Ulfric is an idiot.

That's true man, remember the Jarl of falkreath?
He was a young man too, probably older than Torygg but he was too incompetent

First, it's not just that he killed Torygg, it's that he used the Thu'um. Using it as a weapon is a violation of thousands of years of Nord tradition and a direct affront to the Gods.

Next, the fact that he was still a young unseasoned warrior is a point too. Challenging him to a duel was one of those things that's 'technically' allowed since he was a Jarl, but was considered cowardly since he knew the boy hadn't grown up enough to defend himself yet.

It doesn't have to be the dragonborn dude
Also if the dragonborn doesn't join that means Asstrid won't betray the Dark Brotherhood, that gives more strenght to them killing the Emperor

then why did they choose him as High King?

No, the questlines are left ambiguous as to whether they're done or not. With Friends Like These... and Destroy the Dark Brotherhood! obviously can't both have been completed.

He could do that by actually fighting him instead of being a pussy and shouting his way to victory.

>goes against Nord Tradition
Goes against pacifist retarded monk tradition*. The Thu'um was the Nord's ultimate weapon, and one loss made some faggot go on soul search and came to the most retarded conclusion that the gods were mad at them, causing him to cripple the Nords and make them lose their best weapon.