It's all fun and games when you have an Xbox One X. Thank god I'm not one of those Sonyshitters who only have like 5 games on their dashboard.
It's all fun and games when you have an Xbox One X...
Wow, you have impeccable taste.
Sunset Overdrive and AC: Black Flag are the only things redeemable
we have some games here on PC as well
More games below. Sorted by size, of course the typical AAA's will be megafuckinglarge in size. Besides how else can you fap to the graphics?
oh wait, you're being serious
show me your ps4 library
working on it now, gimme a few minutes
>first person shooter
>third person shooter
>Another first person shooter
>mediocre jrpg
>inferior version to the pc port
>titanmeme 2
>another cod
>we was war n shit
woah, so this is the power of xbox one?
>thank god i have all these multiplatform games and multiple versions of the same FPS garbage
funny that you couldn't go through the entire list
I mean, that's cool but my 3ds has more games so good for you
>Still has ghosts installed
Did you at least get the new Forza?
>call of halo gears battlefield
>open world game yearly edition™
>car game
so you got 3 games?
>COD Ghosts
Noob right yeah?
andy wan you faggot why would you delete your post?
because he lost
86 purchased games to play whenever i want, not including physical copies. and i rarely buy games, i cant imagine how many people who buy shit regularly have. dont start a console war you cant win, microshyt
because i dont want people seeing the fake name i used for my NA psn account, ima a yuropoor
Why don't you keep those games installed? Those indies have such tiny file sizes
I through console games came on discs? Surely patches alone can't take up a terabyte of space for a couple of dozen games?
wasted space on games i dont play - if i havent touched it in a month, it doesnt need to be there
The only PS4 game I ever had on disc was CoD Infinite Warfare that came bundled with the console(I sold the game) and it required a 40gb or something install. It's fucking bullshit, now all my games are digital.
>Modern Warfare Remastered
I see what you mean. I have 102 games in my ready to install but those are just single-player games I already wiped my ass with. I'll only revisit them if they get One X for enhanced
>has to take a picture of his games to shit post about it
they never implemented screenshots on xbox consoles because they know theres nothing to see
of course the ignorant sonyfag with his dedicated share button doesn't know that the xbox one can screenshot & record like a capture card @ 4k
The discs install completely like a PC now.