Sequel has less features than the previous game

>sequel has less features than the previous game

>sequel has less content than the previous game
>its "free content updates" are usually just content ripped out of the previous game

Every EA sports title ever made

>bitch waiting until she's 40 before she ever goes nude

such a shame

>devs get lazy as time passes by

>cute character from first game turns into a slut in the second
Dated a girl that went to high school with Taylor Swift, apparently back then she acted super autistic all the time and orbited the football teams Chad's

>sequel has less features than the previous game

>thinks more features = better

Is this worth picking up?

>sequel has 50 times the content of the first game

only if you have a hacked xbox, otherwise the best content is locked by DLC, even DoAX3 gave you the chance to grind all the content on the fame

Every EA game ever made

Why is Taytay such a bitch?

she's white

>Characters heights aren't proportional

Fallout 4

I want to marry Taylor Swift

>That arm pit

Every GTA after San Andreas, bigger detailed world, hardly anything to do

>tfw tall girl fetish

>game is starting to show it's age

>first game has good content
>Has dlc that adds 50% of content
>Sequel has twice the content
>Has dlc that gives 75% more content
Xcom 3 when?


would still impregnate for those genes.

>implying you wouldn't lick it, crusty deodorant and all

That's not hair. Just bad white deodorant.

I would let her have sex with me

dark souls 3: 1 step forward two steps back edition

>game has smaller settlements than the previous game

>game finally gets a long-awaited sequel
>it's a huge disappointment

>Sequel has more twice the content
>As a result the core mechanics are weaker and less polished

>sequel adds more features
>they're all rushed and oddly crammed in to make the game seem bigger than predecessor

Those talentless vapid cunt genes are pretty valuable to some people I guess.

Nice Tay nip

Dont bully my waifu

always wondered why people, especially celebrities, wear clothes like this. it must be immediately obvious that your nipple can be seen the second you out on the dress. you're going to be camera bukake'd by like 100 different niggers, do you really no5 expect one of them to be at the perfect angle to see your tit while you wear your strapless loosely fitting dress with no bra

t. Neckbeard virgin still living at home with no understanding of high society whatsoever

Fable franchise.

wew.... i guess taylor swift really does browse Sup Forums......


Sup Destiny 2

I want reddit and pedogaf to go back

>its a kerri gets triggered mission

She seems kind of mentally deficient bro, you sure you want tard kids?
If a girl comes out dumb she can can coast through life if she is hot but a guy? If they themselves are attractive it's a toss up but if they are just normal or worse unattractive, just give them a bullet once they're old enough to hold a gun spare them the pain of the life that is ahead.

>high society
>being an skanky attention whore and showing your tits to complete strangers is high society

Every sports title ever made.

>What is Animal Crossing
And you pieces of shit continue to shovel money into Nintendo's pockets

Kids right now are fucking dumb.

>sequel actively insults fans of the original
>but it's way better than the original which was kind of shitty anyways