ELEX looks like sh...
ELEX looks like sh
the fog in that pic covers the entire landscape so you can't see how ugly it is
Wow, grass, a dam and a bunch of silhouettes. You sure proved me wrong.
Yup, looks like shit.
Why modern open world games are too faggy. I think same thing in HZD
Its a mishmash of poorly plastered all over pre-bought assets with shitty animation that doesn't even fit the skeletons, shit like this is expected of a 2004 game, not something released in 2017.
I hate when fags enable depth of field and bloom and shit.
Turn that shit off, you can't even see the landscape for what it is. It's just shrouded by some fog and blur shit.
>some user recommends me Divinity 2 ego draconis after I finished ELEX
>try it out
>it stutters like a motherfucker and I can't play it because of it
What the fuck? The game is old but it runs like complete ass. Can I do something about it?
why and how the fuck do threads about this game get 200+ replies
is it all about riding the nostalgia wave from gothic or am I missing something? this game looks absolutely terrible, is there some amazing gameplay I'm missing out on?
It's great if you get past the initial stage of "well this looks like crap"
Quests are great and you can solve them in many ways, exploration is rewarding, even melee combat becomes fun after a while
>is it all about riding the nostalgia wave from gothic
it's exactly just that
-itty and covered with fog
Elex is scheisse, SCHEISSE
2008 was almost 10 years ago, and having shitty graphics and art direction is not an excuse for indie studios these days.
>graphics are everything that matters in video games
>visuals and art direction are very important in a VIDEO game
Yes. Go back to playing text based RPGs on Atari if you don't care about graphics.
Shit engine. iirc I fixed it by caping the fps to 55.
*plays fotm pixelshit game*
And how can I do that? Is it in settings somewhere or what?
Doesn't look like anything because the fog doesn't let me fucking see
looks better than BOTW that's for sure
why you graphix brainless shits are so fuckboys? Are you newfags?
ia that the newst state of 4chun
>krautchan still shilling this garbage game
>dies to like 4 scatter shots
What a disappointing final boss
I mean, I should have expected this since PB can't into good boss battles outside of that one in Risen 3
No, GAFers like you are the current state of Sup Forums.
What game is that?
graphicetty cuck SEETHING
what an out of place hud
Warframe. Plains are not really a place for new players, though.
Grow up.
Take a shower
Hit the weights
Get a clue
Have sex, pinhead
>Pirate Elex to laugh at it
>end up buying it because now I cant stop playing
I dont know how to explain it
Like I said, go back to your GAF goober friends.
absolutely FUMING
It doesn't look super impressive, but I don't think video games need to look any better than this. They're serviceable and occasionally even look nice. As implies, with his retarded meme image, graphics aren't everything. The graphics in ELEX are serviceable and you can't call a game shit just because it's not pretty, Gothic II and Morrowind look disgusting for the most part, but they're still good games.
I thought that game was just interiors? Also, that's an MMO which receives constant updates right? Hardly fair to call it a 2008 game when it gets such updates. I wouldn't call 2017 WoW a 2004 game. I'll admit that if that screenshot is actually from 2008 then you've proven your point, but if it's recent then that's hardly a fair comparison.
>haha graphics doesnt matter haha in such a thibkerbhioster fedora tipper hahaha
is this reskinned risen or something actually fresh?
>but I don't think video games need to look any better than this.
Honestly, I don't really care about graphics myself that much so if they look solid enough that's fine by me. I care more about mechanics, and in ELEX the fact that I can solve most quests in at least two ways makes me happy. Exploration is great and you always find something new, there are a few characters easy to remember, locations in general feel well-made.
This game is actually good and most people shitting on it just tried it for an hour, got to Goliet and got bored because they didn't get to kill a troll in that time.
it's rancid shit. it's the same garbage game pb has been making for the last 15 years
with gameplay as poor as Elex's it's irrelevant how good the other systems are.
I posted that as someone who actually hasn't played more than 20 minutes of ELEX. I did the first bit just to see if the port was good and if the combat was alright, which it was. Now it's on my GOG wishlist, I'll get around to buying it and playing it at some point I'm sure, summer is coming up and I've got some time to tear through this backlog.
Here without fog
I love how you give no actual argument besides "it's poor"
And another one
Sry for that poor editing, the pics had to much mb
with your shitty english you're not even hiding that you're german faggot shill
...and another one
You don't even know what a shill means you dumb faggot
That's pretty impressive for a 2008 game
>fixed it
>by making it unplayable permanently
I know you're just trying to help the other guy and that's nice but don't call your bandaid on a decapitated torso a "fix".
Sry for my english, i just wanted to tell you that a mod exists for removing the fog on nexus
Stop shilling this shit game
Lots of skyrim, botw, and witcher babies in this thread. We must cleanse them.
Yes, yes. Because other open world rpgs have amazing combat lmao?
Elex is probably the best rpg released this year, and I've played every rpg released this year, so don't bother arguing.
Who cares about contrarian faggots on Sup Forums doing their best to ruin a good game and shitting on a small studios for not bringing triple A production. Elex was a success in the sense that it sold relatively well compared to the costs of making the game; in the sense that Elex 2 is already confirmed and above all in the sense that it satisfied most of the core audience (Gothicfags). The success is even seen on Sup Forums because there are threads almost every day where people talk ABOUT THE ACTUAL GAME. There are just guys here who for some reason want to see everything fail and who are genuinely not able to enjoy anything nowadays.
Anyone got the ELEX copypasta?
>being xenophobic in 2017
suspiciously puffy
Its literally just one or two buttblasted fags that praise other more casual nostalgia ridden openworld rpgs and couldn't enjoy Elex. Their inferiority complex forces them to shitpost here out of insecurity for not being able to enjoy a videogame.
clearly you haven't played the new assassin's creed
pretty sure they got buttraped in the first hour
>yfw taste the wall meat
Just ENDO my life.
Any mod reducing fog?
ElexFogTweaker on Nexus
I dont like the lack of fog.It highlights the distant object popups.
>Low draw distance covered by "transparent_fog.jpg"
>thread is about graphics
I literally can't see anything
Warframe is open world now?
is this some kind of new Sup Forums bait?
Nothing warframe does will make that game good
Yeah, with fishing and all. They'll be adding more on other planets eventually.
Been great since 2014, get on with times.
You won't trick me into playing your shit game.
>warframe shill in a fucking ELEX thread
for 10minutes maybe and then it gets boring as fuck
>play Elex
>runs fine for about two hours or so
>crashes once
>every single time I load the game it crashes after 20 seconds
So this is the power of german coding?
I don't want memeing Sup Forumstards to play my game tho. So you better stay away.
1000 hours here, so far so good. Sorry you have such short attention span.
no this is the power of ur toaster
Just saying that even F2P third person shooter has better and more fun open world than game made by "veterans" of the industry. Shit, Warframe is even less buggy, and Warframe is one buggy game.
>comparing a single player rpg to some shitty online game
>better and more fun open world
kek nope sorry
>comparing bottom of the barrel yurotrash single player "RPG" to the best co-op game on the market
Yes. And the fact is, Warframe comes out as winner still, despite not even being single player RPG.
>that webm
Is this shit supposed to be impressive? 'cause all I see is a nonsensical anime-tier eyesore.