Every single game including the spin offs are cannon

>Every single game including the spin offs are cannon

>he thinks the spin offs are spin offs when they're mainline



>Every single time including the word canon you write it wrong

HONK sauce?

auchie auch


Damnit, why is the first game's ending so kino?

thinking about replaying KH2FM on Critical

only ever played on normal before. How hard is it?

It's piss easy

They're fake and she's the killer.

Doesn't when some spin-offs don't matter. Even when they are canon.

You won't lose anything not playing Re:Coded or not playing KH Chi whatever

wew lad

This is true. KHII does somewhat of a recap of KH and Chain of Memories.

>every single game is canon, and they are spread in a thousand platforms
>despite the childs cartoons characters, the story is batshit insane, even crazyer than most Final Fantasy titles

Why should I play this shit?

I hate that KH3 has taken this long. I don't really care for it anymore. I probably won't get it and just read the ending on Wikipedia.


play lv 1 critical if you want challenge

it's FUN
Based on 0.2 the gameplay is bound to be fun so it's still worth playing even if you don't care for story.

>spread in a thousand platforms

Everything you need to play is on the PS4

>only two or three of the spinoffs actually contain anything important to the plot
>everything else is more or less just a retelling of KH 1/2 with rewrites

>>and they are spread in a thousand platforms

Not anymore with the two HD Collections on PS4.

>tfw I took so much time to beat the game, by the end I actually thought the cave drawings where Sora and Riku sharing a Star fruit

I mean, it would be extremely gay, but their destinies where forever tied unlike with Kairi who just serves as a plot point.

This is a horrible guide never post it again.

KH1 and KH2, the only KH games worth playing are on PS4.

Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice

>KH3 is the conclusion of the first major story arc
>first major story arc
What the hell is this? I thought the Ansem/Xehanort/Xemnas/Organization XIII was the entire plot of KH and your telling me there's more for a sequel?

normura is insane so he's probably going to add 20 other random unexplained plot threads

The Xehanort saga wil end with KH3
KH4 will staart with another major villain which will most likely be previewed in KH3 as a secret boss or something

>Joke ending is canon and spin-offs were made based on that ending

Supposedly we're in what Nomura calls "The Dark Seeker Saga".

It ends with KH3 but that's not the end of KH.
I am assuming at the end of KH3, xehanort will die but MoM will appear as the true villain of Kingdom hearts.

>every single fan made addon is canon
You are like a little baby.

How do people still misspell words in the year 2017 when Google has been a thing for decades.

Think of Kingdom Hearts as a shonen, but instead of a chapter being published every week in Jump for 15 years, 50 chapters are released at once every two years, and half of those 50 chapter bundles are flashbacks.

Then they're not spinoffs

The series works really well when you realize Nomura is just making a shonen

Not really hard except for 14 super bosses and the wy up to 13 of them, mostly just learning patterns

Yeah, but BBS and CoM and DDD are rather important. And don't even go the watch it on YT route, by tht logic you could just watch any series on YT

KH2FM on critical is the perfect way to play the game for the first time assuming you aren't 6 years old.

>and then KH Collection was leaked

I don't see the point in making a collection of collections.

You announce it alongside the release date and also announce it'll be for the Bone and watch the money rake in

CoM was a retelling of KH1 with a few KH2 teasers. BBS didn't add anything to the plot.
>The entire game was a dream
Are you stupid or just desperate?

Cheaper than owning both or maybe less discs

>BBS didn't add anything to the plot
Thanks for letting us know you didn't play the series


>she's the killer
>They're fake

Chi isn't even finished yet how do you know you won't lose anything?

>then KH Collection was leaked
just get that

Really nigger? It didn't.

It added to Roxas/Ventus's character and answered a few questions that nobody asked, but it didn't add anything.

It literally kicked started the second half of the arc and everything after has bled back to it in some ways. Even a few things before it.

CoM was not a retelling like, the whole plot is about Namine and the organization intro with the worlds being kind of retolds from the 1st game, but the plot in each individual world never mattered

Didn't add anything storywise*
inb4 you "got me" before I hit submit

It brought the true xehanort as a the real real villain, and set ground for the 7 wielders, 13 seekers of darkness

Exactly, you start off with the original three games, KH1, CoM, and KH2 the first real arcs in the story.
KH1 sets a great foundation for the world and how we *think* the Keyblade works
CoM sets up a mysterious antagonist group where Sora kinda has a villain of the week thing going on.
KH2 drops a ton of lore but also sets up an insane amount of plotlines half of which aren't even partially explained
Then once KH2 ends on a happy note, we get a flashback arc. Not just back to our protagonist, but waaaaay before the events of the first arc occurs.

We get a ton of new lore, and a lot of shit that was gnawing at you in KH2 was explained with the huge reveal that Terra turns into Xehanort.

Pad that shit out with Days telling us more about the events between 1 and 2, and 3D to have basically a training arc with danger, and bang, you have a great setup to what is basically the Marineford of the series.

>CoM and DDD are rather important
Is that why CoM was recapped in 2 and BBS and DDD WILL be recapped in 3?

Just because each game makes use of its lore doesn't mean you have to play every single game. Case in point: 300 whatever days. Comepletely worthless DS game that's narrative purpose is almost entirely irrelevant fanservice.

I will never understand how this fuck-awful garbage is popular.

>terrible art across the board, original characters all look like rejects from the cutting room floor of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
>Disney characters shoehorned in and always look completely out of place
>Keyblades are a travesty
>Cringetastic story that consists almost entirely of cliches and tropes
>Gameplay is a joke

Seriously, explain to me why you like this shit.
If the answer isn't "my parents rented the first one for me from blockbuster when I was 12 and I can't get off the ride" you need to re-evaluate the decisions you've made in your life.

Just because a game gets a recap doesn't mean it isn't important, if anything it highlights how you should play the game

It's fun.

Best music in the industry.

It doesn't highlight how you "Should play" the game it offers up supplimentary outside-mainline story tidbits. Just like the game I mentioned about roxas. Completely irrelevant to KH2's storyline but has that sweet skyscraper battle and shows you a little more about roxas.

Did you NEED to play it to better understand 2? No. Will you NEED to play BBS and DDD to better understand 3? Also no. While I believe in the greed of the industry I also believe KH writers actually know what they're doing with the mainline titles.

Alright, so my dumb ass confused the plot of BBS with 358/2. When you mentioned the 7 wielders and 13 seekers everything clicked.

Disregard everything. I suck cocks.

>buy 1.5+2.5
>hear yoko's rearrangements of the old music
Why does she always fuck her shit up so bad?

Kill yourself

You absolutely do and did, what are you, retarded? You didn't play the games if that's your conclusion

>Every single spin off is shit

by your logic all games before DDD are useless because DDD recaps them

Only KH games worth playing are 1 & 2.

I played each of those games and only enjoyed the one about roxas and think the other 2 were a waste of my time, which is why I'm adamant that they're not nessecary for understanding the mainline games just like 358/2 wasn't.

The whole "Every game is canon" meme is overplayed fanboy shit because only half the games are even worth a fuck, much less NESSECARY for the plot development of the first 2 main entries.

>I also believe KH writers actually know what they're doing

You left out the imporant bit where I said "with the mainline titles". My whole point is that the spin off games aren't nearly as important as people like to make them out to be.

>being this fucking stupid
It took place in Sleeping Worlds, but the whole game happened for real, you fucking retard.

You don't even need to play any games you can just watch them all on youtube. It's clear you didn't play the series if you really think the other games aren't required to understand the overall plot.

They aren't and you're a retarded fanboy if you think they are. I have no doubt you endlessly bleat to your friends about the irrelevant games they need to play in this series to "understand everything."

>KH Collection
I'd buy it if it actually includes a Days remake and not just cutscenes plus a text recap.

Alright I'll come clean. I forgot the "I'm already half-Xehanort" thing was in DDD.


It's not even that, you moron. The whol game was Sora and Riku taking their exam by un-fucking the sleeping worlds, which would also give them the Power of Waking to unfuck Ventus/Aqua, and the ending has Sora getting brainfucked (aka putting him at Lv. 1) and failing the exam where Riku succeeds, setting up 3.
Kingdom Heart's plot isn't that hard to understand if you actually fucking pay attention.

you overplayed your hand

Also I delayed dropping as often as possible. And I skipped Riku's cutscenes.
You're already replaying the same worlds as Riku. Why should I expect they'd be bothered to actually give them unique adventures?

You are an idiot

>you need to re-evaluate the decisions you've made in your life.
>he says while posting on a korean painting forum

Nigger, the layout of the worlds is completely different between the two most of the damn time and they both fight completely different bosses, are you fucking kidding?

>literally the very first world has a plot showing how riku and sora are in seperate worlds from eachother with seperate people
Even if you only fucking watched Sora's cutscenes up until that point, you've got to be maximus retardus to miss this.

Wait this is a korean painting forum?

this also means he didn't do the game's final fight btw

I know the entire KH plot. I haven't picked them back up since the PS3 remakes, so I don't remember what happens where & when.
The KH plot is a mess of spinoffs made to rewrite and un-fuck a flimsy plot. If anyone's an idiot it's Nomura for writing his story as he goes along.

>the layout of the worlds is completely different between the two most of the damn time and they both fight completely different bosses, are you fucking kidding?
I didn't notice any layout differences past Traverse Town.

If Cloud can get in Smash, can Sora too?

You are definitely an idiot

>These are the people buying Kingdom Hearts 3

first post best post

Not if disney has anything to say about it

>I didn't notice any layout differences past Traverse Town
>I didn't notice any layout differences past Traverse Town
>I didn't notice any layout differences past Traverse Town
>I didn't notice any layout differences past Traverse Town


At least I don't take seriously a plot that's so flimsy that it required the big bad to use time travel shenanigans to trigger the events of the entire series.

You are an incredibly stupid person

Not as stupid as you for defending the plot.

t. dumb dumb

t. big fat dummy

t. idiota


Aren't spin-offs canon by definition?