Think think Sonic Forces is a "beautiful game"

Think think Sonic Forces is a "beautiful game"

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does anyone actually watch them except for 13 year olds who just got permission to watch videos with swear words

I do.

Fuck Dream Daddy and fuck GAME GRUMPS

i do, it's comfy to come home from work and watch an ep

Literally who?

>some nu-male makes a "game"
>furfag gaymer goes on a tumblr tirade saying it's offending the LGBT community

That's literally it.

Oneyplays is superior.


>Caring about Game Grumps four years after Jon left

Danny is comfier than Jon

Kek. Link?

It officially starts at 1:50

You also forgot the info that his boyfriend gave away his real name.

Arin got ten times more obnoxious though

I'm surprised the Game Grumps fags didn't raid or dox him then. Unless they already did.

Post it next time, nigger.

14:40 if anybody is curious.

What went wrong?

>nitpicking the ugly eye option

I hate the game but jeez

>muh career
>muh future

>proceed to do fucking nothing

Jon fucked up

Jon Jafari became a white supremacist


But he isn't white.

There could've been a timeline where Arin, Danny, and Jon were all doing this together. I wonder what Jon/Danny would've been like.

are you not being able to see?

They still stream!? Fuckin A that means there's hours and hours of content I haven't seen. fuck me a million times.

is there a torrent out for the game yet?

His name is literally Jonathan "Aryan" Jafari.


>I'm bitter and hate everything and I can't stand it when anyone else finds enjoyment in anything

cant hear shit

Most of the show is rage and complaints, that is when they aren't distracting themselves with something completely irrelevant to the game. Can't even say how many times I've watched a video to see their reaction to a part I like and they completely fail to notice it because they're too busy talking about a sandwich they had ten years ago.

Richard, I believe. Not sure what type of person would choose to go by that when you could be Rick or Dick.


If you mean mania, then yes but forces has denuvo and is not cracked yet.

Sometimes I'll put on a playlist of theirs if I need some background noise to fall asleep.

>watching these 2 tumblr pandering queers while SuperMega and OneyPlays exist
>even with OneyPlays having Lyle on as much as they have been lately

He does go by Dick. Dingdong is another name for penis after all.

Supermega has very cute high school humor but they are kinda young. They still have potential as long as they don't take cues from Arin or any of the Grumps.

I like Oney but the faggot company he currently hangs out with is cancer. Last I hear the other two guys are working on some indie game and has less time on Oneyplays. It probably might end or go into hiatus in the near future.

Why not put on something actually relaxing for background noise?

>implying Richard is not some tumblr pandering furfag queer himself

I thought Sup Forums hated furries.

OneyPlays has been completely insufferable lately. They clearly don't care anymore

>Think Think

fucking idiot

>implying his name is Richard
>implying he's not a foreign exchanged student from Vietnam whose legal name is actually Ding Dong

Dingdong claims that everything that had happened with Game Grumps and existing in California is slowly getting to him. And Julian is just there for the ride. Not only that, they want to pump put quick content now so Richard can focus on his game. It's only gonna get more mediocre from here.

what happened with the GameGrumps? was it that fag game?

Correct, also someone from the Gamegrumps reddit gave away phone number, a deleted tweet from his brother, and quite recently a screenshot of where he lives. And conveniently on a recent stream Dingdong claims he's thinking of moving due to his rent and the shitty environment.

Go home, Oneyfags. This is where you belong.

Was he right?

More Dan solo stuff when

he had some good points but if you watch him play the game, he can't, therefore his entire argument is invalid

Even he regrets that embarrassment.

>He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.

are you a psychologist now

Dan spends 80% of his time telling Arin to stop doing something, 10% of his time failing at games and 10% of his time talking about something and not paying attention to the game, with both him and Arin failing to read something pretty obvious and wasting 1 to 3 10 minute episodes wandering around failing to solve whatever problem is in front of them.

>heheheheh farts hehehehe sex hehehehe shit heheheheh penis

Literally beavis and butthead play videogames. Was much better with Jon.

To be fair I think the first modern Death Egg stage does look pretty nice

He's the child of two Persian immigrants you fucking retard. Do you really think Jafari is a white man's name?

Danny is alright, fuck everything else about GG.

Arin forces Danny to be his "yes-man" because Danny knows Arin will throw a bitch fit if anyone disagrees too much with him.

Isn't the name in the video a fake name he's gone by in the past a couple of times actually? It sounds fake as hell.

This is what baffles me.

He must have left for some weird reason, but his shit is as manufactured and fake as Game Grumps now.

I fucking hate Danny.
It's his job to play video games and yet he never knows a fucking thing. I mean he's asked shit like "Sonic is Nintendo, right?" Like come the fuck on.

And yet he plays better than Arin.

Really makes you think.

I don't like Arin either.

>makes a whole video about how tutorials are bad
>uses Megaman X has the prime example
>a game where theres like 2 buttons that do anything and 2 directions to go
>in any game with more complex controls he never knows what to do, even WITH a tutorial

>Sonic Forces episode
>game says that they unlocked a Persona 5 outfit
>Danny: "Oh, Persona 5? Is that our character's name?"

Danny is a cute

>Jon left 4 years ago

Jesus... I guess people must like it since it's still around but after Jon left I just couldn't stand watching it anymore

i recognize that cat

Really, I had no idea it was from that.

Persians are technically caucasian aka white.


I don't have a clue what youre asking.
Also just in case, if you're trying to falseflag and get me banned for posting the crop you're free to try but this IP is totally expendable.

Has anyone made Coldsteel yet?

nah, just providing this e-celeb thread with it's well deserved porn dump, prolly the first time the kids see stuff like this

>having a human dick
nigger what

But now the mods are going to keep it up just to spite you.

Not that I really care either way.

keep em coming youtube-kiddos


>gay furry porn threads
Best on Sup Forums

I'm all for spamming gay furry porn in shitpost threads, but there's worse threads up.

Beggars can't be choosers

Except Dan spends most of his time disagreeing with Arin.

Just sayin its probably not going to work.

Game Grumps? More like Lame Chumps.

Persia is literally the irl spawn points of whites you fucking retard.

>racist is a retard

wow big surprise!


I do. Mostly their older stuff or weirder playthroughs. I stopped watching Game Grumps for like 2 months while they did their Sonic Unleashed and Paper Mario playthoughs. Basically, anytime there's a long playthough with no break.

I watched through half of that Paper Mario playthrough and stopped when Arin started calling his fans assholes or some shit for saying they weren't paying attention. He then continued to not pay attention.

>Oneyplays went from guys from sleepycabin playing games with oney to two furries yiffing eachother while oney makes noises.


Yeah and Turks are white too, right? Stupid GAF refugee.

You underage faggots are fucking dumb.

I get bored too easily unless it's a game I really like or would like to see because it's so goofy. Like, I'd watch a 25 part Leisure Suit Larry MCL playthough because that's so random and totally not expecting the russian chick to fly away with a jetpack and explode. I watched a few episodes of the Paper Mario playthrough and got bored. Maybe I'll binge it at some point like the Pokemon Firered playthough. They're at their best when they're playing weirder games honestly. I'm sad that we'll never have another classic like Mickey Mousecapades

>It's an Arin goes an episode without bringing up the comment section or making a strawman of the people telling him to pay attention

Followed by half the comment section jerking him off and defending him from "horrid, selfish fans" or whatever. Jesus christ kids are retarded.

Danny is a normie that never fully converted to vidya because he dropped them entirely in the mid 90s until a bit after college.

I came back after watching the halloween episodes and Leisure Suit. Watching Odyssey too and this Sonic. I hope they didn't drop Larry.

They've always just been in it for the giggles. Thats why they start so many games and only get a half hour in.