Create a video game protagonist and rate others

create a video game protagonist and rate others

>leaf man

leaf person, then


Didn't let it die already take that idea?

>cool skeleman
>+10 charisma
>-weakness to holy items

raptor slayer
he slays raptors
thats why he's called raptor slayer

more creative than most aaa characters

strong against: nothing
weak against: girls and people that aren't white

Deathguy and his pal Mr. Kill.
What they like: killing, death, darkness, being badass, purple (the cool kind not the gay kind)
what they don't like: sunshine, life, happiness, my dad, football

Natural selection would eventually lead to this

you forgot kevin/kyle whatever his name was


Has imperfect vision corrected by glasses.
Smiles and is nice guy.
Strength: Delivery
Weakness: Cops

>No horror game set in an old folks home

fuck off kevin stop showing everyone my Sup Forums post you peace of shit

>what is RE7

Gay Dude
Sucks dick to get more health
When hit in the back he takes 50% less damage

>Is a box
>Has another box inside they can shoot out and take control of (total of 6 smaller boxes in boxes)

>Weak to fire, box cutters, water, and strong gusts of wind
>Strength: Corrugated

Stinky Steve
>weakness: people who accuse the author of pushing his weird fetish onto children


Wears Black
Favorite color is red
Face is a vantablack skull
Uses two swords, one vantablack the other blue made up solid lightning.
Edgy, focused on profit, sells weapons to bad guys
Wicked laugh and sense of humor
No sense of allegiances

How do you like my Hellsing character?

>Can temporarily transform into a real human to blend in with his enemies



I would actually play a game where the MC is one of these kids and you cut things up with a katana while listening to nu-metal and making edgy one-liners.


Why isn't there a game like this?


I approve

You've met your match, fire man.

People have a hard time differentiating between cringe and edgyness. Some people are just dismissive of edgyness because they think it will outdate itself. Others genuinely find it offensive and are afraid to push the envelope.
South Park is what someone would create if they were afraid of actually being political and trying to get a point across, but wanted to be passive aggressive about it anyways.

Cute Girl
She's really cute
There isn't really any gameplay or story but Cute Girl is really fucking cute
>strength: cute
>weakness: too cute

I haven't played it, but isn't this No More Heroes?

Furry Mascot Man

Colorful 2d anthro animal who doesnt shut up.

>Strength: Quips
>Weakness: Metacritic

Isn't there a video game with that exact mechanic?

>weakness fire

Very good.


Step THE FUCK back.

*blocks your path*

>weakness: readability

There's always Hatred


beware of over powered sub-classes

hey jimbo.

Here's your protatgonist.

perfect pickle rick

weakness none
strenght reddit

Strengths: Holocaust denial

check and m8

I think not.

Who can beat el leaf rojo?????

>weakness: Geese
>strengths: Volleyball

I laughed.


damn leaf man is no match for him

leaf detected



I'd play chester's game

aint easy bein chees

>american teams have more money
>most players on american teams are canadians who went to get more money

nice thread.



I thought Sup Forumsermin threads were weekend only?

>Americans have more money
Not their fault Canadians are Canapoors



my dumb shit for the vermin threads

That's a nice character user! By the way here's mine





Smells like shit, strong as fuck, let's balls flow free for charm bonuses