Anyone else buying this as a matter of principle? Tired of SJW trash like Wolfenstein, new CoD, Destiny 2, Origins etc

Anyone else buying this as a matter of principle? Tired of SJW trash like Wolfenstein, new CoD, Destiny 2, Origins etc.

I’m buying it because it looks fun, not because I’m striking an imaginary blow against a boogeyman.

Found the NeoFag


Buying it because I've waited like 7 years for this shit to come out.

And also, because devs are proper Slavs that stand tall against the SJW cancer of the west.

I wonder how it'll perform on Xbone X.

already preordered

grow up

No u

It's not a Boogeyman if it's real you dumb faggot

Supporting a hame because of political bullshit makes you just as bad as the people you mock.

Buy the game if it looks good and fun to play

I bought Wolf 2, and Origins and I’ll buy this.

I’m not sure how you can call Origins “SJW trash” you fucking retardfaggot

Implying it’ll ever get released. It’s been like 6 years. Even Bannerlord might be released first.

centrism are the cucks choice

I've heard it's going to be shit. I hope it won't be. I myself have avoided watching footage, because I don't want to be spoilt.

I'm a massive historyfag, which is why this game looks interesting. Anyone motivated by political concerns is a tremendous pleb.

Hating two things doesn't make you a centrist you gay.

this. tired of american sjw trash

Literally watching the destruction of your hobby over time

>It's the le boogeyman fellow reditors

kys and please in the most painful way possible

>devs are proper Slavs

spoken like a true newgafer

>Buying games on principle
You're more cucked than the fags who buy that trash

>Be Bohemian
>Make game set in the early fifteenth century
>DON'T make it about the Hussites
How can a whole team of people be so retarded. I'm pirating this game on principle.

>Origins is SJW trash because it’s a game that takes place in Africa and has brown characters
It’s unclear who the special snowflakes are anymore

It honestly looks like shit.

Don't let Sup Forums dissuade you, this is the right choice.

You'll pull your head out the sand eventually

Origins IS SJW trash you retarded cucks

worth a pirate


Czechs are Wends, and by no means proper slavs.

How is my hobby being destroyed? I don’t shit my pants in anger whenever I see a woman or a black guy. I am 100% fine with modern vidya and I will continue to support them. Sorry if that triggers you alt-right permavirgins. If it makes you so angry, maybe you should stop playing video games and start watching NASCAR and the Country Music Awards.

BASED Romans

Origins is fun as shit and I can’t stop playing it. Stay mad, kiddo.

>I am 100% fine with modern vidya
Now hold up I don't care about SJWs one jot, but this is going a bit far.

>it's fun
Convincing argument.

oh i forgot, you faggots don't care about fun, only politics

What? No. I'm just saying that two people yelling "it's fun!" "it's not fun!" aren't going anywhere fast.

I rarely buy games but I would consider buying this just because the faggy media refuse to cover the game at all.

Nah. I've decided to upgrade my contrarian level. Now I'm definitely NOT buying this game just to troll all of you fuckers HARD! hows it feel to be got you fucking plebs

>denying yourself good modern games and playing literally who shit games instead to stick it to a self created boogeyman

The absolute state of Sup Forums right now

well i don't know what else you want to hear.
it seems you already made up your mind on the game.

>enjoys ubisoft casual catering games
>call others kiddos
Pick one, redditor

You could explain yourself.

I'm glad you said that, because I've had my doubts ever since trying one of the earliest alpha builds. Obviously I didn't judge the game content-wise, but the combat was absolutely horrible. And it was supposed to be one of the main things that stand out about the game. And I don't mean that it lacked polish or anything, I meant the system was fundamentally flawed.

Wait, what about this game makes it "anti SJW"? Why is it getting no media coverage? Do you kill black people in it or something?

>good modern games
like what ubisoft open world?

It's nothing about the game, and everything about the devs (specifically the lead dev). He was pro-gamergate, he was a twitter personality, you can fill out the rest.

None of the games OP listed are good.

Although I will say this was sort-of started by the whole "no black people in TW3" thing, because of course Kingdom Come doesn't have black people either.

Dev are based slavs who are anti-SJW and makes a pro-European game with historical accuracy and only white people.

TW3 was SJW shit

Stop ruining things I like by pumping it full of anti-SJW plebeian politics.

>historical accuracy
>only white people


There were only European people in medieval Bohemia.

Oh no a brown man banging a white woman what will we ever do.
Does it remind you too much of your childhood growing up with a single mom?

There were no nonwhite people until commies invited them.


Who cares
Who cares
>with historical accuracy
Neat, but it needs to be in a good game
>and only white people
Non-white people in otherwise white areas can be done well (it's not unfeasible that a very small amount of non-white people were in Bohemia, particularly of the Turkic kind), but on the other hand it doesn't matter that it is all-white.

Certainly, everyone being white is no reason to buy a game.

Noo you have to pick one side! Politics are like a football game you have to pick nazi or communist!

Huh? Politically speaking, I DID pick a side. I just don't think you should buy games for any reason other than that they're good.

Game does look like it will be good and its a damn shame the media wont talk about it.

I am also 100% fine with modern vidya. The thing destroying vidya is DLC, microtransactions, always-online and the obsession with making multiplayer games where thousands of kids do the same thing over and over forever. SJW shit doesn't ruin how a game plays, and it only bothers you if you want it to.

>The thing destroying vidya is DLC, microtransactions, always-online and the obsession with making multiplayer games where thousands of kids do the same thing over and over forever
...Which is why I am personally not fine with modern vidya. Alongside the AAA blockbuster effect.

So long as piracy exists that shit doesn't bother me too much though, the fact is when people say modern vidya is shit they aren't complaining about dlc, they're complaining about watch dogs 2 having a black main character.
Seen plenty of articles and even an interview about it on 'cuck sjw' site RPS, maybe these devs aren't as 'based' as you thought?

I know you’re being ironic but this is actually how the majority of Americans think

>it's not unfeasible that a very small amount of non-white people were in Bohemia, particularly of the Turkic kind
except historically it literally is. the number of people there that weren't white is for all intents and purposes zero. a few random merchants from other places do not warrant including them for the sake of diversity.

You shouldnt use cuck as an insult. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a cuck.

go back to Sup Forums you fucking nazi

>the fact is when people say modern vidya is shit they aren't complaining about dlc, they're complaining about watch dogs 2 having a black main character
Don't be dumb, I'm complaining that Watch Dogs 2 is filled with padding, without interesting mechanics or story. Which is why I play indieshit and Nipshit.
That's what I just said. You could make them into an interesting character for precisely that merchant-in-a-strange-land reason. It's nothing to do with diversity, user.

shilla, plz

all right so I was using boogeyman correctly

On the contrary, the protagonist should be one of these characters. Perhaps videogames would be more widely considered art if they didn't always go down the easiest narrative path.

Yes, I did OP

I buy games when they appeal to me, not because I feel obliged.
If you buy a game for "principle" and not because you want to play it, your a cuckold and probably own a playstation.

you are worse than every so called burger sjw in existence. please end yourself user.

>I am 100% with modern video games

looks like you arent 100% fine with it.

Sup Forumsbabbies get triggered almost as easily as SJWs, eh?

Is shit and you are having artificial fun.

t. burger sjw

I'm buying it because it looks fun, don't really give a shit about internet drama.

I thought WD2 was pretty fun, and it did have interesting mechanics, there were a surprisingly huge number of ways to complete missions. I think I barely used guns, most missions I didn't even physically enter the mission area, instead using drones for everything.
People here will say that it doesn't have interesting mechanics and will claim it's filled with padding without playing it because it's a ubisoft game and they won't give it a chance because muh race war.
refer to the post where the crying nazis started calling me a nazi for some reason

based POL XD

desu I admit it's one of the best ubishit games, but that's still 7/10 at most. It's only got less padding relatively speaking.

I think in the time period we live in it would be highly suspicious that a developer would add such a character into a medieval Bohemian location simply to pursue 'art'. If this were a few years ago when none of this diversity stuff was causing uproars on all sides in every form of media, then yes, I would agree with you.
call me cynical I guess.

>design a big highly detailed medieval open world
>you can only fight generic humans like bandits and soldiers
talk about a missed opportunity.

Literal Neogaffe faggots ITT.
End yourselves like you ended your board.

what exactly is bad about advocating for social justice?

...Sure, but we're talking from a hypothetical scenario where we know they're doing it because it's artistically cool, not for brownie points. I agree the PR might be, uh, interesting.

it looks like an interesting game. I don´t remeber any other games with huge budget that allow me to raise my own army.
but yeah the sjw shit in recent games is also a big reason for why I support it

Everything, including the fact that only convicted pedophiles are doing it as a smokescreen.

I've never really understood complaints about padding desu, i can see how it gets distracting and completion autists must be driven insane by it but personally I just ignored the side content I wasn't interested in. It really helps that the 'hacking' is actually pretty fun too.

fair enough. in this hypothetical situation, yeah it would be interesting.

they changed the backstory so that it is no longer burtus who kills ceasar but some tumblr "strong wyman"
also just because egypt is in NORTH afrika doesn´t mean that it was full of blacks. Egyptians were not black

Why you have to be so mad?

>Anyone else buying this as a matter of principle?

this is the right choice, user

they won't be able to tell you, but instead will yell something incoherent
like this guy
>whats wrong with social ju-
i find it even funnier that so-called anti pedos post on a website full of loli and that used to be full of child models and the occasional cp thread

>NORTH afrika doesn´t mean that it was full of blacks

most characters in that game arent black too

>I can't enjoy a medieval game unless it's low fantasy.

Fuck off, killing humans in realistic sword combat is the selling point of the game, and the combat literally wouldn't work if it was low fantasy.

why does having blacks in your game make you mad