Why is it OK when Nintendo games have black characters?

I mean everytime a Sony game has a black character Sup Forums goes to shit for weeks.

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Elma is not black you dumbass nigger.

fpbp. OP confimred to be full on retarded.

She's purple you dumbass

Are you an amerifat?
Only an amerifat would say Elma isn’t black.

Let me guess, she’s 1/64 Irish and 1/128 Germanic right? You fucking mutt.

Sup Forums is baseline shit

Nintendo has good black characters though.

Elma is just pretending to be black, she's actually blue

Its because theyve never made a good black character besides Crash.
Also this
And this

who cares, post more elma

she's an alien

Elma is the worst girl of her game though.

She's an ayy lmao you dumbass.


Whos the girl whos autistic about skells? I forgot her name. But shes best girl.

Nobody is worse than Potato “let’s eat tatsu joke #78” chan.

because they tend to make the girls cute and the guys older bros who have seen shit, they're never pushing SJW agendas or afraid to give them flaws

Sazh is a good character.


Yeah thats it. Fuck i was having a hard ass time remembering that name.

>or afraid to give them flaws
zzzzap! flash!

>Want to play XBC but it’s expensive as fuck.
>Want to replay XBCX but i sold my Wii U
Nintendo needs to port both of them after XBC2.
No i won’t pirate or emulate, fuck off.

1. They don't make them just to push an agenda or meet a quota.
2. They're hot as fuck and not fugly "realistic".


retard alert


You can buy it on the Wii U's virtual console and play it with the gamepad.
>selling your consoles
Why the fuck would you ever do that?

Op is ACTUALLY fucking retarded this time

>sold my wii u
You retard. Wii u has great games and makes one of the greatest hackable consoles.

>No i won’t pirate or emulate
Fucking retard.

>not supporting niche games
You're the fucking retard here.

Then dont complain about the price faggot. Also too expensive? Get a job you poor bitch.


We're fine when a Black Character is attractive

See Elma or Sheeva from RE5, no one likes playing ugly characters, and for some reason every black woman gets that ugly afro hairdo and is ugly because she's supposedly strong and independent.

He's not the poorfag. Retard.

Because Japanese "black" characters are just white people painted brown. They appreciate the fact that nobody wants to actually see negroid facial features, but like the exotic skin tone.

I'm not that dude, retard. I bought the Wii U version.

She just figured out that brown skin and white hair looks good in animeme and modeled her mimeosome like that.

Yeah man I'm sure the devs won't even be able to eat if you don't buy a game that came out 7 years ago

>use the game you're currently playing to make a terrible Sup Forums bait thread
>get inadvertently spoiled from people calling your misinformed ass out
>run away from the thread in shame
Everyone laugh at OP.

>I want to play X
>X is too expensive
>What? Pirate/Emulate a game that's at least one generation old? Perish the thought!
You realize that even if you bought it legitimately, the devs wouldn't see one dime from your purchase since you bought it used, right?

They're Japanese devs, so they may not be able to eat indeed.

Lin is cute when Tatsu isn't around

>I'm not that dude, retard

Then kill yourself. If you're too fucking poor to buy a game, then there's no way you'd be able to "support" anything, you fucking imbecile.

I dunno, seeing how Monolith is a part of Nintendo now, Nintendo will definitely see the money.

>tfw Rex will make it into Smash 5 before Elma does

Western black character
>strong womyn who don need no man
>has to fall on the "muh blaxploitation" excuse time and time again when it comes to all of them having afros

Japanese black characters
>simply aren't trash

Guys remember this:


Yeah that will never happen again

>Implying i didn’t beat it months ago.

Also you can’t have spoilers in a game with no story.

The Wii version was scalped to hell and back and the 3DS version requires you to buy an entire new model of the damn thing, you fucking imbecile.

Elma is not black at all though.
>light brown skin
>blue eyes
>white hair
>doesn't look like a negroid at all

Not if you bought it used. Buying a game used is pretty much the same as piracy in the eyes of publishers. Why do you think the Xbone tried enacting a system that prevented you from playing used games on your console?

You mean Japan in general.
Non-realistic brownies are hot and/or cool looking.

Time to pick.

3DS version is also 65$ on amazon now.

Then how did you forget that Elma is an alien?

>hurrrf durrr imbecile

>muh pol
dont post elma or those words in the same post ever again

Because Elma is a hot anime babe. No one complains about Kat either.

Simple, becayse thye justbput them there and that's it, they don't try to make a big deal out of it, is just a character more.

This world, though. There's something about it.

I actually have seen people complain about Kat.

She’s still presented as a strong independent black womyn.

Shes not black you fucking racist retard.
She aint even human.

Because when most Japanese devs make characters who are "black," they're just black. They aren't made to fulfill some racial agenda, they aren't there to fill some diversity quota, they aren't there to show how inclusive the devs are by introducing an ugly nigress or anything, they're just character who just so happen to be black.

Also note, black characters in eastern studios also tend to actually be attractive, unlike western devs who make all their black woman into afro-american gorillas because being physical attractive offends the SJW's or some shit.

There's a big difference between "black" and "nigger".

Her mim is black though.

Because Japan isn't perceived to be a place of political agenda pushing. Simple answer.

So you’re saying it’s OK when Nintendo does it?


We're saying it's OK when the Japanese do it.

Brown =/ Black you retard

It's okay when the Japs do it because they've yet to get drunk off the diversity kool-aid and actually make characters as opposed to vague stereotypes that barely resemble real people.

I want to impregnate her octopussy.

Joke's aside, though, browns (BR, India, Arab) are just as bad as niggers everywhere outside anime.

Elma isn't black. She's got the same facial features as the other white/asian characters in the game. I believe there are some black characters in the game with larger noses and bigger lips, but not Elma. She's tanned.

It's almost like if video games weren't like reality at all!

hope she gets in Smash 5

Oh so she is an alien and black? That's even worse


Browns are worse because it’s harder to identify them.
Relaxing around blacks is your fault, with browns it’s harder to know.


Its not Nintendo, its the japanese.
They include different color characters because of a desing standpoint, not because of an agenda.
Therefore their characters end up being likeable insted of shoehorned.
Even if Elma is a bit of a Mary Sue, there are other examples, like Fran or Riju.

Randomly generated (non)characters were a mistake.

>ywn be as tryhard as OP
Feels good.

Idiot, Americans think everyone who isn't rich isn't white too. Kanye West is more white than average Caucasian living in US.

I was admonishing OP for making a Sup Forums thread, dumbass.

They exist just 'cause. It isn't meant to be some half-baked sociopolitical statement. They're also hot and tend to be pretty cool characters. I prefer that earnesty. It's kind of like how Marvel comics will have Latino characters sprinkling Spanish into every English sentence while talking to non-Spanish speakers. That doesn't happen unless they're totally off the boat but then they wouldn't be talking to English speakers very much. Yet the Latin-Americans in a Marvel comic are like the writers' way of saying, "Look I know a word! Lemme throw it in at every opportunity using this meme trans black Latina lesbian legacy character!" This happens with every minority race in comics and that shit sucks. Nintendo's just like "Hey that looks cool/sexy. I like ______! Okay let's do it."

Because there isn't a fake ((((progressive)))) narrative behind the game like with Sony's triple A shit. It's not about the color of the skin, no one gives a shit about that, it's the political shit message being shoved with it, and Nintendo's games don't do that.

it's never ok to have black characters.

>doesn't look like a negroid at all
That's a given if you want to make attractive character

Careful with that false flag side track attempt to damage control for it being explained, you'll poke someones eye out.

2bh no anime characters are japanese either

they almost always are actually

>that image
The writers really circlejerked over her

but most nips don't have massive eyes with eyelashes
or small button noses
or born with brightly colored hair and eyes
and rarely have massive
anime features are more caucasian then Japanese

>playing ARMS with my 10-year-old niece and she picks Twintelle after I pick Byte and Barq due to hitting random
>"Oh, she's pretty!"
>After the match starts "Huh, she's got kind of a big butt, doesn't she?"
>tfw I couldn't even think of a response

Eat shit you not Elma person.

user you should have fucked her like in that greentext story i read


Oh yes
Because there are Caucasian women who look like anime characters