>your age
>what you're currently playing
>your comfy rating out of 10
Your age
>Guild Wars
>MGSV and AC Origins (got the latter free from a kind user last night)
>9/10, half day of work tomorrow so a 2.5 day weekend, gonna be C O M F Y
>7/10, it's fucking freezing outside but I'm wrapped up all snug like
>Downloading Civ5 and Crypt of the Necrodancer, so one of those
>6.5 or 7, can't complain but I'm a little sick
>Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Semester is starting to amp up a bit and the weather is getting cold, but I'm all wrapped up and cozy.
>resident evil 7
I’m too old for this shit
Super Bing Bing WooHoo Odyssey
>Pokemon Omega Ruby and Friday the 13th
>8/10. It's warm and cozy in my bedroom, but I'm recovering from a headache.
>5/10 I’m nice and warm but I drank the night before, I’ve had heart burn all day and I’m dizzy as hell.
>BF1: In The Name of The Tsar
snow maps will never not be comfy, especially in winter
Mario maker
u.s.: critic rating=5/10
peoples rating: 7.5/10
(and drifting because antifa...)
>5.5/10 Guilt of not doing HW is crippling my comfy
It's cold as fuck in here and my heater isn't working.
>dota 2
Looking for something to play?
PC and free preferably
>smite ps4 my first assfaggots
>destiny 2 shit game
>forza 7
god damnit I thought you said country rating, wow, I've spent way too ling on pol. srry.
>Stalker: Call of Chernobyl
>6/10 because of the spooky tunnels in Agroprom
>Destiny 2
TGIF, enjoying faction event and pvp
Do your homework user. Be maximum comfy after.
is AC origins comfy
Hows bf1s population since the release of COD WWII?
Not trying to start shit. Genuinely curious, wondering if I should buy it, since the only game I own on my xbox one x is COD WWII.
STALKER is the ultimate fall/winter comfy game.
>Looking for something to play?
Post backlog?
>is AC origins comfy
Barely played it tbqh, but so far yes
If you are on console and not PC the playerbase is pretty healthy. If PC not so much, though you probably won't struggle to find a game.
Destiny 2
Sleeper Stimulant/10
>Mother 3
Though every retro jrpg is always at least 7/10 comfy
Is that a mix of call of cthulhu and shadows of chernobyl ? I'd play it.
>Jedi Outcast
>Breddy gud/10
Currently on Bespin and just had my first lightsaber duel, had no idea what I was doing. Even the shootan is fun.
pls no bully
I basically dont want to play any of this
forgot image
>like 70% comfy; really comfy in a lot of areas but not at all in others
>mfw listening to briefing tapes while on recon
Yakuza 0
9/10, the entire franchise is comfy as fuck
GTAIV, get completely immersed and do nothing but taxi missions while driving like the perfect citizen.
smt4 (accidentally talked to the lady that gave me +10 and fucked up my first time neutral run)
Play old La-Mulana. It's free and fantastic.
If you feel like a lesser time investment, Spelunky classic is also free and plays great. If you already played Spelunky classic play Tastes like Spelunky.
No it's a mod that puts in all previous maps from the other stalker games and makes it a free roaming experience. Mostly a framework where you put in alot of other mods to make it good, comfy to walk around and explore in, altough very spooky when you walk into a completely dark room and get ambushed by two or three bloodsuckers.
Both noted, thanks senpai
Persona 5
4/10 because I'm going to a gig tomorrow night in the city near me and I get anxious about this stuff for no reason
Mario Odyssey and SMTIV:A
5/10 not comfy at all
Oh shi- that's amazing I didn't look at the stalker scene since Misery and I could use a new experience. Thanks user
>Stardew Valley
>6/10 now that I've obtained husbando
>AC Unity
>2/10 because its a shit game
>Twentysomething, I don't fucking remember
>Solitaire while watching Columbo
>2 or 3 I guess
>Playing Suikoden III, swear I'm going to actually finish it this time around. Watching a bro play Penumbra Overture.
>Sorta comfy. Gotta pee but too lazy to get up.
Starting Dead Rising, just finished Borderlands about 10 minutes ago
Solid 8/10, feeling a little stressed about classes
>just finished Darkwood and moving on to Styx: Master of shadows
>it's 3 am and I'm drinking glögg (pic related) 8/10
>M&B Napoleonic wars
just get up and piss user. I had a scarred tissue buildup in my urethra because of that. It's not worth your piss feeling like shards of glass for the rest of your life.
>10/10 my dude
>breath of the wild on PC at 4k 60fps.
>about to play rimworld
Heater is going, its -1° outside, dinner is about ready, everything outside is covered in ice, clear skies, and high aurora activity is predicted.
Tonight is going to be a comfy night.
>0 I'm at work
>Banner Saga
It's starting to get cold up here so the game fits perfectly.
Killing Floor 2
Attila Total War
It's toasty and I have tea, but this have isn't exactly comfy. Kinda stressful desu
sounds like a nice life, stay comfy my friend
>Mario Odyssey
I think I have a genetic condition that makes my extremities have poor circulation, even when I wear thermal clothes and thick socks my feet are freezing
>Ass-blaster's Creed: Origins
>10/10 comfy midwest winter but im actually in Egypt killing Greeks
>FF6 and SMW
>Call of Chernobyl
>breddy comfy/10
Just waiting for my day off Sunday so I can wrap up and play cheeki games all day
>Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
south park
Fallout: New Vegas (first time)
9/10 would be a 10 if not for the awful animations and the crashing all the time
>Paladins/Tales of Berseria/Super Mario 3D Land
>5/10 I guess
Where are you from user? That drink looks tasty but I can't tell if it's hard a or a liqueur?
>been playing a lot of mario kart 8 recently
>my chair isn't really comfy but it's overcast outside so the natural light is just right, so a 7 i guess
Shit is that still going? Need to redownload. Never had more comfy moments than when defending the Queen's honor from filthy frogs.
>Hurra for ol' nosey!
>Nier: Automata
We ever going to see 40 or above in these threads legitimately? I can't help but think I'm going to be stuck on this site this it goes down no matter how old I get. Currently 25 and I've been here since 2008-09
>your name
>your address
>your bank account information
>what you're currently playing
>your comfy rating out of 10
I'm 25 and I come here less and less. When I was 19-23 I was on here every fucking day. By the time I get close to 30, I'll probably barely visit. Eventually you just get bored of the memes and shitposting.
john (is my middle name)
northeastern us
i get paid in cash
arma triple
8/10, i'm a little tired.
Why my peenus weenus of course! :)
Probably. Feels different than it used to but I'm attrubuting that to me getting older and this place not being as mysterious feeling as it did when I first started. Gonna be out of the country for two years in a few months without easy internet so hopefully that'll help!
Meant to respond to
>going back to the crash remake to try for platinums in all time trials
Bouncing between Stalker and 20xx this week
4/10: Hard wooden chair, too chilly, hungry, dirty dishes are starting to smell.
>7 my back hurts
Not him but I'm pretty sure it's gogg is some type of Dutch or Swedish drink made of a bunch of random wine and raisins and shit usually thrown in a pot to stew on really low till all the alcohol melds and then you drink. Usually a winter time comfy drink served with shortbreads or scones or some shit. Its not a whole lot different in strength then moonshine, traditionally it's strong wine and big dates and raisins to soak it all, like sangria only less fruity wine and more tart wine.
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>6/10 I'm too sleepy
>still doesn't wash his dishes
cmon man
>Trails In The Sky and God Eater Burst on my trusty PSP
>right now i'm in the car, waiting for my gf to bring some Subway sandwiches and I still haven't showered. So, 4/10.
When I get home, I'll eat, take that damn shower, and get some gaming time
Lay off I'll get around to it.
Holdfast: Nations at War is pretty fun too. It's pretty much an exact replica of Napoleonic Wars but in an updated engine. So far it's just GB and France, but Prussia is coming soon.