Is NieR: Automata worth the full price tag of 60 bucks?
Is NieR: Automata worth the full price tag of 60 bucks?
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wait for a sale
wait for a sale, it's pretty good but has some glaring flaws. No need to rush to get it if you're good at avoiding spoilers, since the story/plot/narrative/whatever is one of things it does well.
I would say yes, because I'm a huge fanboy, but for every normal person: No.
Wait until it drops at least to 30 bucks
You guys are lucky for it only being $60
With black friday/christmas around the corner, I'd say it's probably a good idea to wait a few days
Its not worth it on discount either. Pirate before you buy
Fuck no. Don't fall for this shitty waifu-bait.
It's not even worth pirating.
That's only an extra $3 USD after conversion. Get a better job.
Maybe 8 months ago when it came out, now just wait for a sale.
Great game though.
Nah, get the free version
>needs a mod to not run like shit
what do you think?
>>needs a mod to not run like shit
>Nip port
Nothing new here
>living in Canada
>not buying it 3 times on launch day
>stealing vidya
literally nigger-tier
Bought it with my first PS4 a couple days ago, great game so far, 10/10 OST and characters. Starting route C today
>acquiring something illegally for free instead of paying
>not stealing
>Have old 4 year old AMD sapphire card
>Nier runs maxed out 60fps/1080p
>Nioh runs maxed out 60fps/1080p
>Doom runs 120fps in Vulkan maxed out
>Meanwhile all these NVIDIAniggers fell for the green meme and are crashing 24/7
Oh Lord here we go...
>>Nier runs maxed out 60fps/1080p
wasn't nier running pretty bad on AMD cards compared to equally strong Nvidia cards?
This. Stop buying shitty half assed ports and hopefully they'll learn from it some time.
Not on my machine.
>Have old 4 year old AMD sapphire card
Which one?
The 3xx, 4xx and 5xx series are rebrands of the same card and nearly identical performance wise.
I believe that. I run a 7970 and after toning some of the settings down I get a completely steady 60fps with no drops whatsoever.
It is stealing.
>The 3xx, 4xx and 5xx series are rebrands of the same card
No, 4XX were new models and 5XX are rebrand of them
But yeah, the X90 series were pretty good and there was no replacement for that tier until vega
The soundtrack is alright but damn when you get stuck somewhere and cant figure out where to go ane cant see because the camera is stuck in a weird position the music gets so fucking annoying.
Specially Pascals village
>Black friday is right around the corner
no, retard
? What's the problem? They're already working on a sequel who cares if SE sees more money.
33$ cyкa блять
Good luck with game completion
>buying any game at full price
It kind of is but just be patient innit
no, it is worth 100 bucks!
Good luck with wasting money on this shit of a game
I just got to ending E. Anyone got a link to that wiki page that has 17 things listed after finishing ending E? I had a link for it, but I lost it, and now I can't find it anymore.
Except its not. You have a burger. I come along,duplicate your burger,leaving you with yours intact,and i get mine for free. Stealing is if i ran up to you,smashed your fucking head in,took your burger AND your virginity and booked it home.
Thank you based user.
>AND your virginity
I don't actually mind
Sweet. Rape ya later
It’s a solid 45 hour game if you go for most of the relevant endings op, I thought it was worth but I’m a big Yoko Taro fan. I’d wait until Black Friday tho
I enjoyed the demo but the fanbase on Sup Forums made me hate the game so I'll either pick it up when it's ten dollars or just pirate it somewhere down the line