Jesus H Christ. I picked this up because I loved Xenoblade Chronicles and 2 is coming so I thought why not

Jesus H Christ. I picked this up because I loved Xenoblade Chronicles and 2 is coming so I thought why not.

But man, am I a fucking brainlet. I just do not understand so much about this game. I'm getting my ass handed to be at every corner. Anyone here more informed can give me the gist of it

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe stop going at monsters way stronger than you? The concept is practically the same as with X1, except that you have talent points instead of a talent gauge.

You don't have to understand everything at once.

Just stay calm and keep progressing.

Honestly being overwhelmed like this and slowly figuring stuff out was one of the biggest joys for me with this game.

Imo it's actually kind of easy when you apply yourself. If you die a few times, it even offers to lower the level of the boss.

Just wait until you get the option to change party members, but to do so you have to find them around the city and change them manually. Made me drop the game.

It can feel a bit overwhelming at first, especially since the game rushes you through the first 3 chapters. Early on, you're going to want to plant probes where you can. They act as waypoints, get you money, all that good stuff.

For the most part, stay on the main roads at the start. Lake Biahno is a good place to grind without attracting the undue attention of the level 40 or 80 enemies roaming about.

Remember for certain quests that you can control anyone in the party, not just your MC. If a quest involves killing specific enemies with a specific weapon and your MC can't use it, recruit someone who can, switch to them, and have an easy time.

XCX has a fuck ton of mechanics, and the game expects you to learn for yourself. It was made disregarding casual gamers

I've been saving this for YEARS hoping to use it once I start the game.
Potential spoilers though, use only when necessary.

Thanks user, that's tons of great info, and so easy to digest it's as if you posted nothing!

This has been happening too often to me, sorry breh.


if you beat XC1 it should be pretty self explanatory. Just explore and keep completing the main quests until you unlock skells.

>Le cazuls xD
No. Archaic bullshit is not always well designed. If you're too stupid to give an informative answer than fuck off.

I want to fuck Elma so bad

H.B. Is superior to all.




she needs a BBC


Heal can be ignored. If you can still farm upgrades that reduce your overdrive charge time or prolong the time, use those. Just spam whatever does the most dmg, like blossom dance.

Why does Lin look so fucking cute here

After hours of online this grew on me

Yeah ignore heal

Noobs think the game plays like a traditional MMO, based on the shitposters, instead of the traditional triangle, DPS and tanks actually are the only roles worth a damn. You heal from Soul voices


How do I soul voice

Put Elma in the lead for a while and control her as she actually has a bunch of fun attacks unlocked. If something strong and scary suddenly surprises you near a cliff in the jungle area while on a story mission jump into the lake and swim towards the monument for safety.

I didn't drop the game but jeez my fucking face when I refound party members I forgot about entirely for like 50 hours lmfao

raise your tension, it happens automatically and you hit your QTEs

>having a wii u
Brainlet indeed

>Implying I paid for it
I won it at a church raffle





>You just picked it up
Waited to long, unless you already did the squad chat achievements.



Im sure there'll be a pirate miiverse before too long

So will we see a Xenoblade Chronicles X-2?

>we see a Xenoblade Chronicles X-2?
One can only hope
Posting secondbest song

Maybe now that XC2 happened.

They need the BBC

Murderess is best gal

Switch weapons with x while you auto attack.

Learn by doing dude

>you can win consoles at church
>you can check out games at the library

we have been doing it wrong the whole time havent we? i feel cheated just learning about this recently, my neet life was all wasted.