Nvm we all know what went wrong
What went wron-
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yeah, it's another fucking rehash
>game's still called ultra SUN and ultra MOON
>expecting something 100% different from SUN and MOON
nice work. i guess you fucks have never played yellow, crystal, emerald, and platinum.
Is asking for better black/white 2 so much?
Also, nah fuck you. I dropped pokemon years ago because it is nothing but rehashes.
I'll always hate SE for abandoning DQM out of japan, but it's also SE's fault for feeling the need to ruin every DQ-related thing with pointless and stupid dialects, accents, and puns all different for each and every language a game is translated to. Fuck this gay earth.
Op here
I played cystal and fucking loved it
And it was very different from silver as far as i remember
Also i expected it would be like one year after sun and moon with gyms
Yeah a full letdown
>very different
>Suicune side quest
>Battle Tower
>very different
Do we really? Allow me to explain to you in a simple manner. Pokemon Black and White were made. Massive amounts of care and love went into the games, as well as a massive amount of content. They didn't sell. B2W2 came along, adding more content. They didn't sell. They then decided to make X/Y and pour in a truckload of nostalgia to it while barely making an effort and in the end releasing a half-finished game. Guess which games sold more out of BW and XY? Guess which games got used as a template for future games?
uhhhhh..... platinum?
Actually agreed, but I don't think it's in the same way as you do. Nintendo is to blame for not whipping GF enough and push them harder to push out better games
Animated sprites were a huge step. Also SM and USM has tons of cutscenes so you get bored of replaying faster.
SM is the first mainline pokemon games I've not finished. I think I'll pass on Ultra and wait for whatever they do on switch.
This. Only new pokemon, older protags, deeper story. The fanbase basically spat in GFs face and said they didnt want that shit
>Black and White were made. Massive amounts of care and love went into the games
Stopped reading there
Bw and bw2 were the worst games
Black2/White2 sold more than any third version, in spite of Black/White doing comparatively badly. GameFreak dumping the Black2/White2 format and hoping people would settle for the older third version formula is on their own stupidity.
The one point where US/UM could stand out - the new Pokemon, is mostly wasted since they're mostly post/end-game material (and the number of new Pokemon here pales compared to the amount of Megas and OR and AS got anyway, and back then people still complained and expected more).
>what made X/Y sell is the nostalgia
>the generation that made the jump to 3D, Fairy type, Mega-evolution, Amie, character customization, etc.
Gee, I'm sure all those new features didn't contribute to X/Y's popularity,
Are you insane? BW2 are contrnderd for best in the series.
Bet you XY, jfc
>best girl doesn’t go into her second form anymore
>cucked for lame Giovanni fight in endgame
Literally fucking ruined.
I feel sorry for you for having a shit taste
t. genwunner
This. Gen V brought me back after Gen 3 and Gen 4 bored me to death.
Gen V had the most ugly mons though, and all the ugly new mons were power creeped to hell
What is it about the 3DS that made Game Freak just flat out give up? BW2 were arguably the best games in the series and they're followed up with such half assed garbage, ORAS is by far the worst remakes and USUM asre by far the worst improved/third versions.
I fucking wish.
Nothing went wrong its a third version
Third versions never added anything of note
It was not different at all go look it up it had like 2 new trainers some new dialogue and animated sprites
Thats fucking it, it was a rehash bigger than USUM
i wanna FUCK lunala
I didnt buy white/black because I was waiting for grey.
Then they fuck me over by making a sequel so I never bought it either
Then I bought X hoping there would be no Z and I got lucky
And this time I did not buy Sun waiting for stars and I got stars
With pokemon this is how it goes you gotta gamble
>BW2 are contrnderd for best in the series.
in your /vp/ echo chamber maybe
Nostalgia retards
BW/BW2 are objectively the best
>Massive amounts of care and love went into the games, as well as a massive amount of content.
What about the shitty recycled designs?
What about it being one of the easiest games in an already easy series?
What about the shitty linear region?
What about tarnishing a simply adventuring franchise with dialogue dialogue dialogue plot plot plot(not even SM has as much dialogue jesus christ)
What about the non-existing postgame?
What about dropping content from the previous games such as contests, rematches and so on?
What about these?
None, it is as bad as SM. Gen 7 was a pure clusterfuck and even the """enhanced""" version is LITERALLY unfinished. I even successfully convinced my friends who are pokefags not to buy this shit because I let them play the game and they just laugh their shit on the new facility and on the whole content that was added.
Nice source on that filename.
Have you played the game? Anons from /hbg/ or /vp/ can help you out. This one is from is from SM by the way. You need a hacked 3ds to play leaked .cia and yes, it is real.
Did i stuttered? I don't think i stuttered.
I asked for source on it being a placeholder.
Not that guy but is the game up on Title keys or anything? I saw a copy there but doubt if it's legit.
>did i stutter
>typing this out unironically
kill yourself
Wait, the game came out?
I saw someone posted some sort of data that was mined. It's posted in a pastebin.
Use the cia instead. I think someone uploaded the cia on google drive because it was deleted in mega. Just the check archive of /hbg/
Of course it's in the pastebin, it's text in the fucking game. Events that happen both in SM and USUM are in both games, unchanged. Why the fuck would they just leave this one as placeholder out them? Even if it SOUNDS retarded it's pretty clear it's intentional. Shitty english localization team strikes again.
I mean why would they even change it in the first place? The ko-mo-o yelling is perfectly fine. You can't deny that they fucked up in this one.
>i-its intentional guize!
Gamefreak apologists, everyone.
Hurr. Can you prove me wrong? I'm waiting.
>I mean why would they even change it in the first place?
Yeah, that's exactly why it isn't a placeholder. As for why who knows. Your own Kommo-o got a sound super move so maybe it's a reference to that? Either way it's shittier than its original shout.
This. BW added 156 new Pokémon, more than any other game, and what did people said when they played?
>muh pikachu, muh pidgey
Why waste time creating something new when you can recycle old stuff, wrap in nostalgia and sell it at full price.
>They then decided to make X/Y and pour in a truckload of nostalgia to it while barely making an effort
I mean you name BW2 in the same post. That's kind of funny.
>did i stutter
Maybe this site isnt for you
Even if you samefag after 40 minutes nothing changes.
>Totem Raticate's cry is still the same as Gumshoos
Defend this.
The guy above that the game is unfinished is right though. Play the game and see it for yourself but I know you will not because you will only reply with "NOOOOOO!! PIRACY IS WRONG AND DADDY MASUDA WILL GET MAD!1!!!" or say bullshit that it is intentional.
Fuck off
Oras was a masterpiece and bw was just utter trash
Couldnt bear to play after 10 mins
>The guy above that said
Don't even bother shitposting with "Hurr typo u wrong now lol"
Fuck off retard
You meant subjectively
>The guy above that the game is unfinished is right though
Good thing that i never opposed that and focused on the Kommo-o shit, eh?
>or say bullshit that it is intentional.
Source on the opposite?
No you fuck off, I bought ORAS preowned just a few months ago for my collection, only reason why I got it so recently because I originally skipped out on it because I knew it was utter shit. Surprise surprise I was right and it was unbearable to go through it because it's so boring and there's nothing to look forward to in the post game. Gonna do the same exact thing with USUM.
I'm done here, the only purpose that I came to this thread is to have people admit that GF is incompetent fuck that can't even enhance and """"""enhanced"""""" version. It is up to people if they really want to pay a $40 garbage DLC.
>because I knew it was utter shit. Surprise surprise I was right and it was unbearable to go through it because it's so boring and there's nothing to look forward to in the post game.
yeah RS is a shit game so why would you even play it again
I bought a 3ds for it and i didnt regret it
To be fair, BW also is the only gen that wasn't a big graphical leap over its predecessor. The 3d backgrounds weren't an improvement over the 2d ones at that point, especially with the overworld sprites staying mostly the same just a bit bigger, rather than going for something like Megaman Battle Network's art style.
>Source on the opposite?
The game had tons of empty and construction slots and people assumed would be filled up in the third version, but most of them are still just there in Ultra Sun.
We're talking about SOU-UUUND, not that.
I loved Emerald, ORAS is just garbage.
Develop some decent taste please.
yeah ORAS is garbage because RS is garbage. i'm asking you why did you even play it
I just copied the filename from the original post of the pic from /vp/. It is still on the archive. I only asked why they would even change it when the other one is already fine. Still doesn't change the fact this game is unfinished though.
Not that user, but the previous remakes had included content from the third versions, so people assumed the same would hold true there.
Oras and xy were just awesome
For completions sake, like I said I got it preowned so not like GameFreak or Nintendo got my money for it.
>non existent postgame
I cannot stress this enough.
>I loved Emerald, ORAS is just garbage.
You cared THAT much about grinding for TMs and hold items against cheating AI?
ORAS are mechanically and in terms of feature-set the best games to date.
it didn't happen with FRLG and the game was called a RS remake from day one, it's not like there was this much "precedence" to assume. plus emerald is a completely different experience to RS while crystal just adds fuck all there and there. i mean ORAS with emerald content would've been better but let's not act like anything added by crystal is on the same level as emerald.
>power creep
>When this fucker was so strong it got banned until XY
Nah, you just ignored how strong gen 4 mons, and shit like alakazam and gengar were.
So when are they making an Emerald remake?
>Animated sprites were a huge step
No they weren't.
Gameplay did not change at all because every Pokemon could no twitch around for two frames once per battle.
Garchomp wasn't banned in gen 5.
Uber may as well be banned.
Garchomp was OU when its hidden ability was released.
>post game
I thought it had a decent post-game with the Mirage spots, the secret base shit, and actually making shiny hunting bearable for non-autists. I also really liked how every route had a list of Pokemon that you could capture; it actually encouraged me to go and catch everything and I've never really felt that push in any other Pokemon game.
Yeah the loss of the Battle Frontier sucks, but the quality-of-life shit and other neat features that we got in return more than made up for it.
It’s HA brought it back down IIRC
Did they fix the 10 hours of unskippable cut scenes and the super linear area design? If not I don't care. Moon was the first Pokemon game I couldn't finish.
Thank you, I'm glad someone else is seeing how great some of the new features were. I don't think I've ever felt so compelled to shiny hunt before ORAS, then they go ahead and take away all the awesome shit that added for S/M. It's a damn shame.
>more than made up for it.
Not even, no. What's the point of QoL improvements when there's fuck all game to play and take advantage of those QoL improvements in the first place.
It was Uber because not only was it a really good mon, its only option for an ability was one to raise evasion within sand. Sand being infinite when set by Tyranitar or Hippowdon.
That and its move pool let it counter just about everything before XY.
All the stuff on the bottom screen was great. You had everything from XY, like super training, a useful map with markers for things like berries and trainer rematches, the poke-radar and the best online interface. It just completely shits on every other game's feature set, going from that to the fucking Rotom-face in SM was sickening.
Because you can easily get all your battling done through the Tower or online, or even with the people in the Secret Bases.
>There's FUCK ALL to do if I don't have an area with cheating AI to grind on that artificially gate TMs and hold items!
He just listed shit you can do post-game. You can also, you know, play against other people. ORAS had the best options for online play.
It was centralizing. You had to carry at least one direct counter to it or it just swept you. One turn is all it needed to setup and sweep your whole team.
>it's a "only the battle tower clones i like count" post
>it didn't happen with FRLG
I mean, Blue was the third version there.